Anthropological Index Online

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Title Abbreviation Status Current title
Acta archaeologica Acta archaeol Budapest Selectively indexed
Acta archaeologica (Budapest) Acta archaeol Budapest Selectively indexed
Acta baltico-slavica Acta balt-slav Selectively indexed
Acta Musei Moraviae: scientiae sociales Acta Mus Morav Sci social Selectively indexed
African affairs Afr Aff Selectively indexed
African arts Afr Arts Selectively indexed
African languages and cultures J Afr cult Stud Selectively indexed
African notes Afr Notes Selectively indexed
African studies review Afr stud Rev Selectively indexed
African study monographs Afr Stud Monogr Selectively indexed
African study monographs supplementary issue. Afr Stud Monogr suppl Selectively indexed
Alteridades Alteridades Selectively indexed
American Indian NMAI Amer Indian NMAI Selectively indexed
American Indian quarterly Amer Indian Q Selectively indexed
American journal of sociology Amer J Sociol Selectively indexed
Anales de la Academia de Geografía e Historia de Guatemala An Acad Geogr Hist Guat Selectively indexed
Anales del Instituto de Investigaciones Estéticas An Inst Invest estet Selectively indexed
Anales del Instituto de la Patagonia Serie ciencias humanas Magallania Selectively indexed
Anales. Museo de América An Mus Amer Selectively indexed
Annales de la Fondation Fyssen Ann Fond Fyssen Selectively indexed
Annales de sociologie et d'anthropologie Ann Sociol Anthrop Selectively indexed
Annals of the Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute Ann Bhandarkar orient res Inst Selectively indexed
Annual report Society for Libyan Studies Libyan Stud Selectively indexed
Anthropologie et sociétés Anthrop Soc Selectively indexed
Anthropology and education quarterly Anthrop Educ Q Selectively indexed
Anthropology and humanism Anthrop Humanism Selectively indexed
Anthropology and medicine Anthrop Med Selectively indexed
Anthropology in action Anthrop Action Selectively indexed
Anthropology in action: journal for applied anthropology in policy and practice Anthrop Action Selectively indexed
Anthropology Ireland Irish J Anthrop Selectively indexed
Anthropology of work review Anthrop work Rev Selectively indexed
Anthropology open journal Anthrop open j Selectively indexed
Anthropology Southern Africa Anthrop Sth Africa Selectively indexed
Anuario de estudios americanos Anu Estud amer Selectively indexed
Anuarul Institutului de Cercetări Socio-Umane Sibiu Anu Inst Cercet socio-uman Sibiu Selectively indexed
APLA newsletter Polar polit legal Anthrop Rev Selectively indexed
Archaeology International Archaeol int Lond Selectively indexed
Archaeology Southwest Archaeol Southwest Selectively indexed
Archipel: études interdisciplinaires sur le monde insulindien Archipel Selectively indexed
Archives de sciences sociales des religions Arch Sci social Relig Selectively indexed
Archives de sociologie des religions Arch Sci social Relig Selectively indexed
Archivio di etnografia Arch etnogr Selectively indexed
Arheologia Moldovei Arheol Moldovei Selectively indexed
Art Asia Pacific Magazine Art Asia Pacif Mag Selectively indexed
Art New Zealand Art New Zeal Selectively indexed
Art tribal Tribal Art Selectively indexed
Artes de México Artes Méx Selectively indexed
Asian journal of social sciences Asian J Soc Sci Selectively indexed
Balcanica Balcanica Selectively indexed
Bead forum Bead Forum Selectively indexed