Anthropological Index Online

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Title Abbreviation Status Current title
Hali: the international magazine of antique carpet and textile art Hali Selectively indexed
Hau: Journal of ethnographic theory Hau Currently Indexed
Hawwa: Journal of women of the Middle East and the Islamic World Hawwa Selectively indexed
Health transition review Hlth Transit Rev No longer indexed
Health transition series Hlth Transit Ser No longer indexed
Helinium Helinium No longer indexed
Hespéris Hesperis-Tamuda No longer indexed
Hesperis-Tamuda Hesperis-Tamuda No longer indexed
Himal: Himalayan magazine Himal No longer indexed
Himalaya: the journal of the Association for Nepal and Himalayan Studies Himalaya J Ass Nepal Himal Stud Selectively indexed
Himalayan research bulletin Himalaya J Ass Nepal Himal Stud Selectively indexed
Historia boliviana Hist boliv Ceased publication
Historia mexicana Hist mex Selectively indexed
Historia y cultura Hist Cult No longer indexed
Historical diffusionism Hist Diffusionism Ceased publication
Históricas Historicas Selectively indexed
Histories of anthropology annual Hist Anthrop Ann Currently Indexed
History Hist Afr Selectively indexed
History and anthropology Hist Anthrop Currently Indexed
History of religions Hist Relig Currently Indexed
Hombre y ambiente Hombre Ambiente No longer indexed
Hombre y cultura Hombre Cult No longer indexed
Home Cultures Home Cult No longer indexed
Homo: Journal of comparative human biology Homo No longer indexed
Hong Kong Anthropologist Hong Kong Anthrop No longer indexed
Hong Kong anthropology bulletin Hong Kong Anthrop No longer indexed
Huellas Huellas Ceased publication
Human biology Hum Biol Currently Indexed
Human biology in Oceania Hum Biol Oceania Ceased publication
Human ecology Hum Ecol No longer indexed
Human evolution Hum Evol Currently Indexed
Human heredity: international journal of human and medical genetics Hum Hered No longer indexed
Human mosaic: a journal of the social sciences Hum Mosaic Ceased publication
Human organization Hum Org Currently Indexed
Human problems in British central Africa Afr social Res No longer indexed
Human problems in central Africa Afr social Res No longer indexed
Human relations Hum Relat No longer indexed
Human science J anthrop Surv India No longer indexed
Humanitas Humanitas No longer indexed
Hungarian heritage Hung Her Selectively indexed
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