Title | Abbreviation | Status | Current title |
The World of Music | Wld Music | Currently Indexed | |
Waka Kuaka: Journal of the Polynesian Society | J Polynes Soc | Currently Indexed | |
Wen Wu | Wen Wu | No longer indexed | |
West African archaeological newsletter | W Afr J Archaeol | Currently Indexed | |
West African journal of archaeology | W Afr J Archaeol | Currently Indexed | |
West African Museums Programme Bulletin | WAMP Bull | No longer indexed | |
West Papuan issues | W Papuan Issues | Ceased publication | |
Western Canadian journal of anthropology | Canad J Anthrop | Ceased publication | |
Whispering wind | Whisper Wind | Selectively indexed | |
Wiadomości archeologiczne | Wiad archeol | Currently Indexed | |
Wicazo Sa review | Wicazo Sa Rev | Selectively indexed | |
Wiener ethnohistorische Blätter | Wien ethnohist Bl | Ceased publication | |
Wiener völkerkundliche Mitteilungen | Wien volkerk Mitt | Ceased publication | |
Winak | Winak | No longer indexed | |
Wissenschaftliche Mitteilungen | Wiss Mitt bosn-herzeg Landesmus | No longer indexed | |
Word | Word | No longer indexed | |
World archaeological bulletin | Wld archaeol Bull | Ceased publication | |
World archaeology | Wld Archaeol | Currently Indexed | |
World art | Wld Art | Currently Indexed | |
World of tribal arts | Art Tribal | Ceased publication | |
World of tribal arts | Tribal Art | Selectively indexed |