Anthropological Index Online

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Journal search results

Title Abbreviation Status Current title
Pacific arts Pacif Arts Selectively indexed
Pacific island focus: an occasional journal of student research Pacif Isl Focus Ceased publication
Pacific studies Pacif Stud Selectively indexed
Paideuma Paideuma Currently Indexed
Palapala Palapala Selectively indexed
Paleoetnológica Paleoetnologica Ceased publication
Paléorient: revue interdisciplinaire de préhistoire et de protohistoire de l'Asie du sud-ouest Paleorient No longer indexed
Palestine exploration quarterly Palest Explor Q Selectively indexed
Památky archeologické Pam archeol Currently Indexed
Pamirovedeniye Pamiroved Ceased publication
Panlipi Horizons Horizons Ceased publication
Pap annu Meet Gypsy Lore Soc N Amer Pap annu Meet Gypsy Lore Soc N Amer Ceased publication
Papers from the Institute of Archaeology Pap Inst Archaeol Lond Currently Indexed
Papers in anthropology Pap Anthrop No longer indexed
Papers of the Algonquian conference Pap Algonquian Conf Currently Indexed
Papers on anthropology Pap Anthrop Tartu Selectively indexed
Paragrana: internationale Zeitschrift für historische Anthropologie Paragrana. Intern Zeit hist Anthrop Selectively indexed
Pari journal PARI J Currently Indexed
Pastoral andina Pastor and No longer indexed
Patterns of prejudice Patt Prejud No longer indexed
Pazyryk: Das Jahrbuch der Pazyryk Gesellschaft Pazyryk Ceased publication
Peasant studies Peasant Stud Ceased publication
Peasant studies newsletter Peasant Stud Ceased publication
People and Culture in Oceania Peop Cult Oceania Currently Indexed
Perspectives in human biology Persp hum Biol Ceased publication
Philippine quarterly of culture and society Philipp Q Cult Soc Selectively indexed
Philippine sociological review Philipp sociol Rev No longer indexed
Photography and culture Phot Cult No longer indexed
Pictogram Pictogram Ceased publication
Piecework Piecework No longer indexed
Pinaco: investigaciones sobre antropología Pinaco Invest Antrop cogn Currently Indexed
Plains anthropologist Plains Anthrop Currently Indexed
PNG National Museum record PNG natn Mus Rec Ceased publication
Pogrom Pogrom No longer indexed
Polar: political and legal anthropology review Polar polit legal Anthrop Rev Selectively indexed
Polevyye arkheologicheskiye issledovaniya Polev arkheol Issled Tbilisi Ceased publication
Polevyye issledovaniya Polev Issled Ceased publication
Polska sztuka ludowa Konteksty Selectively indexed
Population studies Popul Stud Selectively indexed
Prace archeologiczne Pr archeol Currently Indexed
Prace etnograficzne Pr etnogr No longer indexed
Prace i materia y etnograficzne Pr Mater etnogr Wroclaw Currently Indexed
Prace i materialły seria: etnograficzna Pr Mater Ser etnogr Lodz No longer indexed
Practical anthropology Missiology No longer indexed
Practicing anthropology Pract Anthrop Selectively indexed
Praehistorische Zeitschrift Praehist Z Currently Indexed
Prague studies in sociocultural anthropology Prague Stud Sociocult Anthrop Selectively indexed
Praktika tes en Athenais archaiologikes Hetaireias Prakt Athen archaiol Hetair No longer indexed
Precolombart Precolombart No longer indexed
Préhistoire anthropologie méditerranéennes Prehist Medit Currently Indexed