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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Socio-economic status and fertility decline: insights from historical transitions in Europe and North America 2017 Population studies 71 (1): 3-21
  • Alain Gagnon
  • Danielle Gauvreau
  • Heidi A. Hanson
  • Marco Breschi
  • Martin Dribe
H6/HB [POPULATION-] 0032-4728
Exploring unobserved heterogeneity in perinatal and neonatal mortality risks: the case of an Italian sharecropping community, 1900-39 2017 Population studies 71 (1): 23-41
  • Annalisa Donno
  • Aurora Angeli
  • Francesco Scalone
  • Patrizia Agati
H6/HB [POPULATION-] 0032-4728
The effect of number of siblings on adult mortality: evidence from Swedish registers for cohorts born between 1938 and 1972 2017 Population studies 71 (1): 43-63
  • Anna Baranowska-Rataj
  • Kieron Barclay
  • Martin Kolk
H6/HB [POPULATION-] 0032-4728
The marriage boom and marriage bust in the United States: an age-period-cohort analysis 2017 Population studies 71 (1): 65-82
  • Jona Schellekens
H6/HB [POPULATION-] 0032-4728
Shifting racial hierarchies: an analysis of residential segregation among-multiracial and mono-racial groups in the United States 2017 Population studies 71 (1): 83-99
  • Augustine Kposowa
  • Ronald Kwon
H6/HB [POPULATION-] 0032-4728
Do perceptions of their partners' childbearing desires affect young women's pregnancy risk? Further study of ambivalence 2017 Population studies 71 (1): 101-16
  • Jennifer S. Barber
  • Paul Schulz
  • Warren B. Miller
H6/HB [POPULATION-] 0032-4728
Moving beyond the household: innovations in data collection on kinship 2017 Population studies 71 (1): 117-32
  • Caroline W. Kabiru
  • Donatien Beguy
  • Mark Gross
  • Sangeetha Madhavan
  • Shelley Clark
H6/HB [POPULATION-] 0032-4728
Trends in the age at reproductive transitions in the developing world: the role of education 2017 Population studies 71 (2): 139-54
  • Ann K. Blanc
  • Barbara S. Mensch
  • John Bongaarts
H6/HB [POPULATION-] 0032-4728
Mortality-fertility synergies during the demographic transition in the developed world 2017 Population studies 71 (2): 155-70
  • Jesús J. Sánchez-Barricarte
H6/HB [POPULATION-] 0032-4728
Potential support ratios: cohort versus period perspectives 2017 Population studies 71 (2): 171-86
  • Søren Kjærgaard
  • Vladimir Canudas-Romo
H6/HB [POPULATION-] 0032-4728
The demography of words: the global decline in non-numeric fertility preferences, 1993-2011 2017 Population studies 71 (2): 187-209
  • Lauren Bachan
  • Margaret Frye
H6/HB [POPULATION-] 0032-4728
Maternal union instability and childhood mortality risk in the global south, 2010-14 2017 Population studies 71 (2): 211-28
  • Andrés Salazar-Arango
  • Laurie F. DeRose
  • Montserrat Gas-Aixendri
  • Paúl Corcuera García
  • Reynaldo Rivera
H6/HB [POPULATION-] 0032-4728
Family composition and marital dissolution in rural Nepal, 1945-2008 2017 Population studies 71 (2): 229-48
  • Elyse A. Jennings
H6/HB [POPULATION-] 0032-4728
The Migrant Border Crossing Study: a methodological overview of research along the Sonora-Arizona border 2017 Population studies 71 (2): 249-64
  • Daniel E. Martínez
  • Jeremy Slack
  • Kraig Beyerlein
  • Kristin Klingman
  • Prescott Vandervoet
H6/HB [POPULATION-] 0032-4728
Gender bias in reproductive behaviour in Georgia, Indonesia, and Vietnam: an application of the own-children method 2017 Population studies 71 (3): 265-79
  • Christophe Z. Guilmoto
H6/HB [POPULATION-] 0032-4728
Combining forward and backward mortality estimation 2017 Population studies 71 (3): 281-92
  • Dan A. Black
  • Lowell J. Taylor
  • Seth G. Sanders
  • Yu-Chieh Hsu
H6/HB [POPULATION-] 0032-4728
Levels and patterns of internal migration in Europe: a cohort perspective 2017 Population studies 71 (3): 293-311
  • Aude Bernard
H6/HB [POPULATION-] 0032-4728
Inequality and demographic response to short-term economic stress in North Orkney, Scotland, 1855-1910: sector differences 2017 Population studies 71 (3): 313-28
  • Julia A. Jennings
  • Luciana Quaranta
  • Tommy Bengtsson
H6/HB [POPULATION-] 0032-4728
Determined to stop? Longitudinal analysis of the desire to have no more children in rural Mozambique 2017 Population studies 71 (3): 329-44
  • Sarah R. Hayford
  • Victor Agadjanian
H6/HB [POPULATION-] 0032-4728
Support for new mothers and fertility in the United Kingdom: not all support is equal in the decision to have a second child 2017 Population studies 71 (3): 345-61
  • Rebecca Sear
  • Susan B. Schaffnit
H6/HB [POPULATION-] 0032-4728
Differences in labour force participation by motherhood status among second-generation Turkish and majority women across Europe 2017 Population studies 71 (3): 363-78
  • Helga A.G. de Valk
  • Jennifer A. Holland
H6/HB [POPULATION-] 0032-4728
The science of choice: an introduction 2017 Population studies 71 (Supplement 1): S1-13
  • Alexia Prskawetz
  • Anna Klabunde
  • Frans Willekens
  • Jakub Bijak
H6/HB [POPULATION-] 0032-4728
The reversal of the gender gap in education and relative divorce risks: a matter of alternatives in partner choice? 2017 Population studies 71 (Supplement 1): S15-34
  • André Grow
  • Christine Schnor
  • Jan Van Bavel
H6/HB [POPULATION-] 0032-4728
Facilitators and constraints at each stage of the migration decision process 2017 Population studies 71 (Supplement 1): S35-49
  • Stefanie Kley
H6/HB [POPULATION-] 0032-4728
Multistate modelling extended by behavioural rules: an application to migration 2017 Population studies 71 (Supplement 1): S51-67
  • Anna Klabunde
  • Frans Willekens
  • Matthias Leuchter
  • Sabine Zinn
H6/HB [POPULATION-] 0032-4728
Modelling and simulating decision processes of linked lives: an approach based on concurrent processes and stochastic race 2017 Population studies 71 (Supplement 1): S69-83
  • Adelinde M. Uhrmacher
  • Anna Klabunde
  • Frans Willekens
  • Oliver Reinhardt
  • Tom Warnke
H6/HB [POPULATION-] 0032-4728
Choosing the choice: reflections on modelling decisions and behaviour in demographic agent-based models 2017 Population studies 71 (Supplement 1): S85-97
  • Jakub Bijak
  • Jason Hilton
  • Jonathan Gray
H6/HB [POPULATION-] 0032-4728
Bayesian demography 250 years after Bayes 2016 Population studies 70 (1): 1-19
  • Jakub Bijak
  • John Bryant
H6/HB [POPULATION-] 0032-4728
Bayesian population reconstruction of female populations for less developed and more developed countries 2016 Population studies 70 (1): 21-37
  • Adrian E. Raftery
  • Mark C. Wheldon
  • Patrick Gerland
  • Samuel J. Clark
H6/HB [POPULATION-] 0032-4728
The perplexing links between contraceptive sterilization and (dis)advantage in ten low-fertility countries 2016 Population studies 70 (1): 39-58
  • Megan M. Sweeney
  • Mieke C.W. Eeckhaut
H6/HB [POPULATION-] 0032-4728
The contribution of a history of heavy smoking to Scotland's mortality disadvantage 2016 Population studies 70 (1): 59-71
  • Laura A. Kelly
  • Samuel H. Preston
H6/HB [POPULATION-] 0032-4728
A test of the stranger-interviewer norm in the Dominican Republic 2016 Population studies 70 (1): 73-92
  • Alexander A. Weinreb
  • Guy Stecklov
  • Mariano Sana
H6/HB [POPULATION-] 0032-4728
A lost family-planning regime in eighteenth-century Ceylon 2016 Population studies 70 (1): 93-114
  • Fabian F. Drixler
  • Jan Kok
H6/HB [POPULATION-] 0032-4728
The influence of wives' and husbands' fertility preferences on progression to a third birth in Nepal, 1997-2009 2016 Population studies 70 (1): 115-33
  • Elyse A. Jennings
  • Rachael S. Pierotti
H6/HB [POPULATION-] 0032-4728
In memoriam: Jack Caldwell (1928-12.3.2016) 2016 Population studies 70 (2): 141-8
  • Ian Pool
  • Peter McDonald
H6/HB [POPULATION-] 0032-4728
The effect of long-term migration dynamics on population structure in England & Wales and Scotland 2016 Population studies 70 (2): 149-62
  • Michael Murphy
H6/HB [POPULATION-] 0032-4728
The impact of water supply and sanitation on infant mortality: individual-level evidence from Tartu, Estonia, 1897-1900 2016 Population studies 70 (2): 163-79
  • Allan Puur
  • Hannaliis Jaadla
H6/HB [POPULATION-] 0032-4728
A cost of living longer: projections of the effects of prospective mortality improvement on economic support ratios for 14 advanced economies 2016 Population studies 70 (2): 181-200
  • Jackie Li
  • Leonie Tickle
  • Nick Parr
H6/HB [POPULATION-] 0032-4728
Forecasting differences in life expectancy by education 2016 Population studies 70 (2): 201-16
  • Frederik Peters
  • Johan Mackenbach
  • Pieter van Baal
  • Wilma Nusselder
H6/HB [POPULATION-] 0032-4728
Number of children and later-life mortality among Finns born 1938-50 2016 Population studies 70 (2): 217-38
  • Elina Einiö
  • Jessica Nisén
  • Pekka Martikainen
H6/HB [POPULATION-] 0032-4728
An investigation of the unexpectedly high fertility of secular, native-born Jews in Israel 2016 Population studies 70 (2): 239-57
  • Barbara S. Okun
H6/HB [POPULATION-] 0032-4728
Optimization models for degrouping population data 2016 Population studies 70 (2): 259-72
  • Rafael Blanquero
  • Silvia Bermúdez
H6/HB [POPULATION-] 0032-4728
The limited effect of increasing educational attainment on childlessness trends in twentieth-century Europe, women born 1916-65 2016 Population studies 70 (3): 275-91
  • Eva Beaujouan
  • Kryštof Zeman
  • Zuzanna Brzozowska
H6/HB [POPULATION-] 0032-4728
The impacts of rapid demographic transition on family structure and income inequality in Brazil 2016 Population studies 70 (3): 293-309
  • Alexandre Gori Maia
  • Camila Strobl Sakamoto
H6/HB [POPULATION-] 0032-4728
The future of Australia's indigenous population, 2011-61 2016 Population studies 70 (3): 311-26
  • Tom Wilson
H6/HB [POPULATION-] 0032-4728
Early-life conditions and adult mortality decline in Dutch cohorts born 1812-1921 2016 Population studies 70 (3): 327-43
  • Frans van Poppel
  • Jona Schellekens
H6/HB [POPULATION-] 0032-4728
Data on survival of recent births as a source of child mortality estimates in the developing world: an assessment of census data 2016 Population studies 70 (3): 345-58
  • Kenneth Hill
  • Leena Merdad
  • Michael Levin
H6/HB [POPULATION-] 0032-4728
The dangers of using 'negative durations' to estimate pre- and post-migration fertility 2016 Population studies 70 (3): 359-63
  • Jan Hoem
  • Lesia Nedoluzhko
H6/HB [POPULATION-] 0032-4728
The effects of Indonesia's 'Midwife in the village' programme 10 years post-launch 2016 Population studies 70 (3): 365-76
  • Margaret Triyana
H6/HB [POPULATION-] 0032-4728
The limited effect of increasing educational attainment on childlessness trends in twentieth-century Europe, women born 1916-65 2016 Population studies 70 (3): 275-91
  • Eva Beaujouan
  • Kryštof Zeman
  • Zuzanna Brzozowska
H6/HB [POPULATION-] 0032-4728