Anthropological Index Online

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Title Abbreviation Status Current title
L'année sociologique Annee sociol No longer indexed
L'homme Homme Currently Indexed
Language Language Selectively indexed
Language sciences Lang Sci No longer indexed
Latin American anthropology review Latin Amer Anthrop Rev Ceased publication
Latin American antiquity Latin Amer Antiq Currently Indexed
Latin American Indian literature Latin Amer Indian Lit J Ceased publication
Latin American Indian literatures journal Latin Amer Indian Lit J Selectively indexed
Latin American studies Latin Amer Stud Tokyo No longer indexed
Law & anthropology Law Anthrop Currently Indexed
Le monde alpin et rhodanien Monde alp rhodan Ceased publication
Leba: estudos de quaternário, pré-história e arqueologia Leba Selectively indexed
Lettre du bulletin d'ethnomédecine Lett Bull Ethnomed Ceased publication
Levant Levant Currently Indexed
Leyte-Samar studies Leyte-Samar Stud No longer indexed
Liaudies kultura Liaud Kult Selectively indexed
Libyan studies Libyan Stud Selectively indexed
Libyca Libyca Ceased publication
Lietuvos archeologija Liet Archeol Currently Indexed
Lietuvos etnologija (NS) Liet etol Currently Indexed
Lietuvos istorijos metraštis Liet Ist Metrastis Selectively indexed
Lietuvos TSR Moksl Akademijos darbai A serija Liet TSR Moksl Akad Darb Ser A Ceased publication
Literatura ludowa Lit ludow Selectively indexed
Lithic technology Lithic Techn Currently Indexed
Little World bulletin Little Wld Bull Selectively indexed
Little World studies Little Wld Stud Ceased publication
Lituanistica Lituanistica Selectively indexed
Lore and language Lore Lang Ceased publication
LSB Leakey Foundation news Anthroquest No longer indexed
Lud Lud Currently Indexed
L’Anthropologie Anthropologie Paris Ceased publication
L’Autre: cliniques, cultures et sociétés Autre Selectively indexed
L’Ethnographie Ethnographie Currently Indexed
L’Ethnographie: création, pratiques, publics Ethnographie Currently Indexed
L’Uomo Uomo Ceased publication
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