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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Epipalaeolithic and pre-pottery Neolithic burials from the north Lebanese highlands in their regional context 2018 Levant 50 (1): 1-13
  • Andrew Garrard
  • Corine Yazbeck
  • Jay Stock
  • Yvonne Edwards
H6/KE [LEVANT-] 0075-8914
New insights on plant domestication, production intensification, and food storage: the archaeobotanical evidence from PPNA Dhra 2018 Levant 50 (1): 14-31
  • Bill Finlayson
  • Ian Kujit
  • James Conolly
  • Sue Colledge
H6/KE [LEVANT-] 0075-8914
Technological aspects of middle Bronze Age II production of pithoi at Tel Kabri, Israel: specialized pottery production in a palatial system 2018 Levant 50 (1): 32-51
  • Assaf Yasur-Landau
  • Eric H. Cline
  • Matthew Susnow
  • Paula Waiman-Barak
  • Roey Nickelsberg
  • Ruth Shahack-Gross
H6/KE [LEVANT-] 0075-8914
Insights into the economic organization of the Phoenician homeland: a multi-disciplinary investigation of the later Iron Age II and Persian period Phoenician amphorae from Tell el-Burak 2018 Levant 50 (1): 52-90
  • Aaron Schmitt
  • Evgenia Tachatou
  • Hélène Sader
  • Kamal Badreshany
H6/KE [LEVANT-] 0075-8914
Pigeon-raising and sustainable agriculture at the fringe of the desert: a view from the Byzantine village of Sa'adon, Negev, Israel 2018 Levant 50 (1): 91-113
  • Elisabetta Boaretto
  • Guy Bar-Oz
  • Jennifer Ramsay
  • Lior Weissbrod
  • Mina Weinstein-Evron
  • Nili Liphschitz
  • Nimrod Marom
  • Sophia Aharanovich
  • Tal Fried
  • Xin Yan
  • Yoav Farhi
  • Yotam Tepper
H6/KE [LEVANT-] 0075-8914
Estimating population size, density and dynamics of pre-pottery neolithic villages in the central and southern Levant: an analysis of Beidha, southern Jordan 2017 Levant 49 (1): 1-23
  • Emma Jenkins
  • Fiona Cowards
  • Mark Maltby
  • Shannon Birch-Chapman
H6/KE [LEVANT-] 0075-8914
Sealing before cities: new evidence on the beginnings of administration in the ancient Near East 2017 Levant 49 (1): 24-45
  • Michael Freikman
  • Yosef Garfinkel
H6/KE [LEVANT-] 0075-8914
Early bronze age pebble installations from Tell es-Safi/Gath, Israel: evidence for their function and utilization 2017 Levant 49 (1): 46-63
  • Adi Eliyhu-Behar
  • Aren M. Maeir
  • Ehud Weiss
  • Francesca Manclossi
  • Haskel J. Greenfield
  • Itzick Shai
  • Shir Gur-Arieh
  • Shira Albaz
  • Steve Rosen
  • Suembikya Frumin
  • Tina L. Greenfield
H6/KE [LEVANT-] 0075-8914
The impact of online archaeological databases on research and heritage protection in Jordan 2017 Levant 49 (1): 54-77
  • Mahmoud Arinat
  • Mariusz Drzewiecki
H6/KE [LEVANT-] 0075-8914
Environment, seasonality and hunting strategies as influences on Natufian food procurement: the faunal remains from Shubayqa 1 2017 Levant 49 (2): 85-104
  • Lisa Yeomans
  • Louise Martin
  • Tobias Richter
H6/KE [LEVANT-] 0075-8914
A late Bronze Age II clay coffin from Tel Shaddud in the central Jezreel Valley, Israel: context and historical implications 2017 Levant 49 (2): 105-35
  • Anat Cohen-Weinberger
  • Dan Kirzner
  • Daphna Ben-Tor
  • David Reich
  • Edward F. Maher
  • Edwin C.M. van den Brink
  • Elisheva Kamaisky
  • Enno Bron
  • Lilly Gershuny
  • Naama Sukenik
  • Orit Shamir
  • Ron Beeri
  • Tamar Gonen
  • Yossi Nagar
H6/KE [LEVANT-] 0075-8914
The birth, life and death of an Iron Age house at Tel 'Eton, Israel 2017 Levant 49 (2): 136-73
  • Anat Hartmann-Shenkmann
  • Assaf Avraham
  • Avraham Faust
  • Chen Auman-Chazan
  • Dafna Langgut
  • Ehud Weiss
  • Guy Bor-Oz
  • Hayah Katz
  • Michael Tesarsky
  • Mordechay Benzaquen
  • Natasha Timmer
  • Ofer Marder
  • Ofir Katz
  • Oren Ackermann
  • Oren Vilnay
  • Pariente Sarah
  • Tehila Sadiel
  • Yair Sapir
H6/KE [LEVANT-] 0075-8914
The Tyrian cemetery of al-Bass and the role of ceramics in the Phoenician funerary ritual 2017 Levant 49 (2): 174-91
  • Francisco J. Núñez
H6/KE [LEVANT-] 0075-8914
A Roman pottery kiln at Khirbet 'Azzun (Ra 'anana), Israel 2017 Levant 49 (2): 192-204
  • Adi Erlich
H6/KE [LEVANT-] 0075-8914
Dust clouds, climate change and coins: consilience of palaeoclimate and economy in the late antique southern Levant 2017 Levant 49 (2): 205-23
  • A. Ayalon
  • A.M. Maeir
  • D. Fuks
  • E. Weiss
  • G. Bar-Oz
  • M. Bar-Mathews
  • O. Ackermann
  • T. Silberman
  • Y. Levi
  • Z. Safrai
H6/KE [LEVANT-] 0075-8914
The Amorite problem: resolving an historical dilemma 2017 Levant 49 (3): 259-83
  • Melissa S. Cradic
  • Robert S. Homsher
H6/KE [LEVANT-] 0075-8914
Archaeological remains of the 1202 earthquake in the Frankish village of Tarpile/Khirbat al-Manḥata 2017 Levant 49 (3): 333-41
  • Rabel Khamisy
H6/KE [LEVANT-] 0075-8914
Hunting and trapping strategies in the coastal mountains of northern Lebanon during the Epipalaeolithic 2017 Levant 49 (3): 237-58
  • Andrew Garrard
  • Corine Yazbeck
  • Yvonne Edwards
H6/KE [LEVANT-] 0075-8914
Jarash in the Islamic ages (c. 700-1200 CE): a critical review 2017 Levant 49 (3): 312-32
  • Louise Blanke
  • Rune Rattenbrog
H6/KE [LEVANT-] 0075-8914
The Revd John Donald Wilkinson (1929-2018) 2017 Levant 49 (3): 233-6
  • Denys Pringle
H6/KE [LEVANT-] 0075-8914
Urban organization under empire: Iron Age Sam'al (Zincirli, Turkey) from royal to provincial capital 2017 Levant 49 (3): 284-311
  • Virginia R. Hermann
H6/KE [LEVANT-] 0075-8914
The end of the 3rd millennium BC in the Levant: new perspectives and old ideas 2016 Levant 48 (1): 1-32
  • Melissa A. Kennedy
H6/KE [LEVANT-] 0075-8914
Late bronze age copper production in Timna: new evidence from site 3 2016 Levant 48 (1): 33-51
  • Erez Ben Yosef
  • Omri A. Yagel
  • Paul T. Craddock
H6/KE [LEVANT-] 0075-8914
Iron age I kernoi from Tell Afis 2016 Levant 48 (1): 54-62
  • Giuseppe Minunno
H6/KE [LEVANT-] 0075-8914
The glass from the 1995 excavations in Camp F at Masada: the use of luxury and common early Romans glass in military context 2016 Levant 48 (1): 63-78
  • Ruth E. Jackson Tal
H6/KE [LEVANT-] 0075-8914
Green Petra: archaeological explorations in the city's northern wadis 2016 Levant 48 (1): 79-107
  • Felipe Rojas
  • J. Andrew Dufton
  • Michelle L. Bernefeld
H6/KE [LEVANT-] 0075-8914
Climate, settlement patterns and olive horticulture in the southern levant during the early bronze and intermediate bronze ages (c. 3600-1950 BC) 2016 Levant 48 (2): 117-34
  • Dafna Langgut
  • Israel Finkelstein
  • Matthew J. Adams
H6/KE [LEVANT-] 0075-8914
Was Jerusalem a fortified stronghold in the middle bronze age? - An alternative view 2016 Levant 48 (2): 135-51
  • David Ussishkin
H6/KE [LEVANT-] 0075-8914
Artefacts made out of bone and related materials: raw material, manufacture, typology and use 2016 Levant 48 (2): 152-3
  • Canan Çakırlar
  • Hermann Genz
H6/KE [LEVANT-] 0075-8914
Simple bone tools from early bronze age Tell Fadous-Kfarabida (Lebanon): a household approach 2016 Levant 48 (2): 154-66
  • Hermann Genz
H6/KE [LEVANT-] 0075-8914
'When elephants battle, the grass suffers.' Power, ivory and the Syrian elephant 2016 Levant 48 (2): 167-83
  • Canan Çakırlar
  • Salima Ikram
H6/KE [LEVANT-] 0075-8914
Bone and ivory manufacturing at Ebla (Syria) during the early and middle bronze age (c. 2500-1600 BC) 2016 Levant 48 (2): 184-96
  • Luca Peyronel
H6/KE [LEVANT-] 0075-8914
Bone and ivory working at Assur 2016 Levant 48 (2): 197-207
  • Dirk Wicke
H6/KE [LEVANT-] 0075-8914
Obituary professor Tony Wilkinson FBA (1948-2014) 2015 Levant 47 (1): 1-3
  • Stuart Campbell
H6/KE [LEVANT-] 0075-8914
The fauna of Tell Nebi Mend (Syria) in the bronze and iron age - a diachrinoc overview. Part 1: stability and change - animal husbandry 2015 Levant 47 (1): 5-29
  • Caroline Grigson
H6/KE [LEVANT-] 0075-8914
Skeletons in the fortress: the late bronze age burials of Tell Sabi Abayad, Syria 2015 Levant 47 (1): 30-50
  • Bleda S. Düring
  • Eva Visser
  • M.M.G. Akkermans
H6/KE [LEVANT-] 0075-8914
Capital of Solomon's fourth district? Israelite Dor 2015 Levant 47 (1): 51-74
  • Ayelet Gilboa
  • Elizabeth Bloch-Smith
  • Ilan Sharon
H6/KE [LEVANT-] 0075-8914
Chambered gatehouses in the Iron II southern Levant: their architecture and function 2015 Levant 47 (1): 75-92
  • Daniel A. Frese
H6/KE [LEVANT-] 0075-8914
A Roman monumental building in south-east Damascus? 2015 Levant 47 (1): 93-111
  • Elizabeth Macaulay-Lewis
  • Ross Burns
H6/KE [LEVANT-] 0075-8914
An architectural block with altar-iconography from the north-west quarter of Jerash 2015 Levant 47 (1): 112-30
  • Achim Lichtenberger
  • Rubina Raja
H6/KE [LEVANT-] 0075-8914
Building WF16: construction of a pre-pottery neolithic A (PPNA) pisé structure in southern Jordan 2015 Levant 47 (2): 143-63
  • Bill Finlayson
  • Mohammad Najjar
  • Pascal Flohr
  • Steven Mithen
H6/KE [LEVANT-] 0075-8914
The fauna of Tell-Nebi Mend (Syria) in the bronze and iron age - a diachronic overview, part 2: hunting, fowling and fishing 2015 Levant 47 (2): 164-85
  • Caroline Grigson
  • Ruby Cerón-Carrasco
  • Yvonne Edwards
H6/KE [LEVANT-] 0075-8914
Finger-impressed jar handles at Khirbet Queiyafa: new light on administration in the Kingdom of Judah 2015 Levant 47 (2): 186-205
  • Hoo-Goo Kang
  • Yosef Garfinkel
H6/KE [LEVANT-] 0075-8914
A pictorial flask from central Cyprus: evidence for new internal networks at the middle/late bronze age transition 2015 Levant 47 (2): 206-20
  • Giorgios Georgiou
H6/KE [LEVANT-] 0075-8914
Ceramic neolithic pottery in Cyprus - origin, technology and possible implications for social structure and identity 2015 Levant 47 (3): 233-54
  • Doron Boness
  • Joanne Clarke
  • Yuval Goren
H6/KE [LEVANT-] 0075-8914
Interregional contacts in the 6th millennium BC: tracing foreign influences in the hole-mouth jar from Ein El-Jarba, Israel 2015 Levant 47 (3): 255-66
  • Katharina Streit
H6/KE [LEVANT-] 0075-8914
The consequences of Roman imperialism: cultural change in the basalt region of Homs, Syria 2015 Levant 47 (3): 267-92
  • Paul Newson
H6/KE [LEVANT-] 0075-8914
Gothic architecture in the Holy Land and Cyprus: from Acre to Famagusta 2015 Levant 47 (3): 293-315
  • Denys Pringle
H6/KE [LEVANT-] 0075-8914
Templar and Hospitaller attitudes towards Islam in the Holy Land during the 12th and 13th centuries: some historiographical reflections 2015 Levant 47 (3): 316-27
  • Nicholas Morton
H6/KE [LEVANT-] 0075-8914
The tabun and its misidentification in the archaeological record 2015 Levant 47 (3): 328-49
  • Jennie Ebeling
  • M. Rogel
H6/KE [LEVANT-] 0075-8914