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Journal search results

Title Abbreviation Status Current title
Ibero-amerikanisches Archiv Ibero-amer Arch No longer indexed
Iberoamericana Iberoamer Selectively indexed
IBLA IBLA No longer indexed
ICSSR newsletter ICSSR Newsl No longer indexed
Idaho archaeologist Idaho Archaeol No longer indexed
If è: annals of the Institute of Cultural Studies If e No longer indexed
Ife African studies Ife Afr Stud Ceased publication
Iglesia, pueblos y culturas Igles Puebl Cult No longer indexed
Il Polo Polo No longer indexed
Ilha: revista de antropologia Ilha No longer indexed
Iliria Iliria No longer indexed
Illapa: revista del Instituto de Investigaciones Museológicas y Artísticas de la Universidad Ricardo Palma Illapa No longer indexed
In the field: the bulletin of the Field Museum of Natural History Field Mus Bull No longer indexed
Incantatio: an international journal of charms, charmers and charming Incantatio Selectively indexed
India cultures Samskriti Selectively indexed
Indian anthropologist Indian Anthrop Currently Indexed
Indian journal of physical anthropology and human genetics Indian J phys Anthrop hum Genet No longer indexed
Indiana Indiana Currently Indexed
Indigenous affairs Indig Aff Ceased publication
Indigenous knowledge and development monitor Indig Knowl Dev Monit No longer indexed
Indigenous nations studies journal Indig natns Stud J Ceased publication
Indigenous perspectives Indig Persp Currently Indexed
Indilinga Indilinga Currently Indexed
Indonesia Indonesia No longer indexed
Indonesia and the Malay world Indones Malay Wld Selectively indexed
Indonesia circle Indones Malay Wld Selectively indexed
Informa Informa Ceased publication
Informes antropológicos Inf antrop No longer indexed
Inner Asia Inner Asia Currently Indexed
Institute for the Conservation of Cultural Material bulletin ICCM Bull No longer indexed
Institute of Maya Studies journal Inst Maya Stud J Ceased publication
Internation folklore review Int folkl Rev Ceased publication
International African Institute bulletin IAI Bull No longer indexed
International journal of African historical studies Int J Afr hist Stud Selectively indexed
International journal of American linguistics Int J Amer Ling Currently Indexed
International journal of anthropology Int J Anthrop Currently Indexed
International journal of comparative sociology Int J comp Sociol Selectively indexed
International journal of cultural studies Int J cult Stud Selectively indexed
International journal of historical archaeology Int J hist Archaeol No longer indexed
International journal of intangible heritage Int J intan her Selectively indexed
International journal of Middle East studies Int J Mid E Stud No longer indexed
International journal of modern anthropology Int J modern anthrop Selectively indexed
International migration review Int Migr Rev Selectively indexed
International review of mission Int Rev Mission Selectively indexed
International review of missions Int Rev Mission Selectively indexed
International social science bulletin Int social Sci J Selectively indexed
International social science journal Int social Sci J Selectively indexed
Internationales Archiv für Ethnographie Tropical Man Ceased publication
Intisari Intisari No longer indexed
Inuit art quarterly Inuit Art Q Selectively indexed