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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Residence, households and kinship: cattle-cotton estates of northeastern Brazil 1972/3 Tropical Man 5 (): 144-61
  • B J Siegel
Ndambu, the feast of competitive giving: Frederik-Hendrik island, Irian-Barat 1972/3 Tropical man 5 (): 162-87
  • L M Serpenti
Social stratification in Polynesia considered in terms of the theories of Goldman, Sahlins and Sellnow 1972/3 Tropical Man 5 (): 82-143
  • H Nooy-Palm
Agrarian developments on Lombok: an attempt to test Geertz' concept of agricultural involution 1972/3 Tropical Man 5 (): 18-45
  • A Polak
Religious involution: internal change, and its consequences, in the taboo system of the Mentawaians 1972/3 Tropical Man 5 (): 46-81
  • R Schefold
History of the Lubango chieftainship: contribution to Kaonde history 1971 Tropical Man 4 (): 46-66
  • H Bantje
A comparison between the looms used in Bali and Lombok for weaving sacred cloths 1971 Tropical Man 4 (): 171-82
  • R Bolland
Manufacture and use of some sacred woven fabrics in a north Lombok community 1971 Tropical Man 4 (): 149-70
  • A Polak
  • R Bolland
A general survey of the historical migration of the Kaonde clans from southern Congo into Zambia 1971 Tropical Man 4 (): 8-45
  • D Jaeger
Some aspects of a process of change in an Indonesian community 1971 Tropical Man 4 (): 108-16
  • A Polak
Some conflicts over the bride-price in an Indonesian peasant community 1971 Tropical Man 4 (): 117-48
  • A Polak
Sukuma political history, reconstructed from traditions of prominent Nganda (clans) 1971 Tropical Man 4 (): 67-91
  • C Varkevisser
Some functions and characteristics of the Sukuma Luganda (clan) 1971 Tropical Man 4 (): 92-107
  • C Varkevisser
Politics in village India: an enquiry into the structure of power in Jagannathbarh 1970 Tropical Man 3 (): 88-159
  • A K Datta
Divination in Mentawai 1970 Tropical Man 3 (): 10-87
  • R Schefold
Three looms for tablet weaving 1970 Tropical Man 3 (): 160-89
  • R Bolland
Structural and institutional obstacles facing Turkey's peasant-farmers 1969 Tropical Man 2 (): 107-61
  • P J van Dooren
Musicians in Indian society: an attempt at a classification 1969 Tropical Man 2 (): 7-30
  • F van Lamsweerde
Dress and adornment of the Sa'dan-Toradja (Celebes, Indonesia) 1969 Tropical Man 2 (): 162-94
  • H Nooy-Palm
The Komutti Chettiyar: position and change of position of a merchant caste in a south-Indian village 1969 Tropical Man 2 (): 45-59
  • J H B den Ouden
Law and the status of women in Uganda: a systematic comparison between the Ganda and the Toro 1969 Tropical Man 2 (): 60-106
  • M L Perlman
On the social significance of an intoxicant [on the 'wati' of the south coast of New Guinea] 1969 Tropical Man 2 (): 31-44
  • L M Serpenti
An old Pakistan loom 1968 Tropical Man 1 (): 109-15
  • R Bolland
Kinship in the village of Sibaibai, north-Pagai 1968 Tropical Man 1 (): 242-5
  • D T Djajadinata
State-controlled changes in Tunisia's agrarian structure 1968 Tropical Man 1 (): 59-108
  • P J van Dooren
The culture of the Pagai-islands and Sipora, Mentawei 1968 Tropical Man 1 (): 152-241
  • H Nooy-Palm
Theodore Bray, planter and draughtsman in Surinam 1968 Tropical Man 1 (): 140-51
  • H C van Renselaar
Headhunting and magic on Kolepom (Frederik-Hendrik island, Irian Barat) 1968 Tropical Man 1 (): 116-39
  • L M Serpenti
Introduction comparative a quelques aspects des droits coutumiers africain et indonesien en matiere fonciere 1968 Tropical Man 1 (): 5-58
  • H W J Sonius
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