Anthropological Index Online

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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Can the metaphor become a fairytale? 1995 Konteksty: antropologia, kultury, etnografia, sztuka 49 (1): 32-9, 87
  • Janusz Barański
The vision of primitive society in the anthropology of A.R. Radcliffe-Brown 1995 Konteksty: antropologia, kultury, etnografia, sztuka 49 (1): 82-5, 88
  • Wojciech Dohnal
Advertising and visual mass culture 1995 Konteksty: antropologia, kultury, etnografia, sztuka 49 (1): 40-5, 87
  • Andrzej Kisielewski
An interview conducted by Leszek Koczanowicz with Professor Michael M. J. Fischer, anthropologist and member of the 'Science, technology and society' programme at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1995 Konteksty: antropologia, kultury, etnografia, sztuka 49 (1): 8-12, 87
  • Leszek Koczanowicz
  • MMJ Fischer
In the Tatra highlands 1995 Konteksty: antropologia, kultury, etnografia, sztuka 49 (1): 66-75, 87-8
  • Antoni Kroh
Experiencing colours 1995 Konteksty: antropologia, kultury, etnografia, sztuka 49 (1): 51-4, 87
  • Hanna Olechnowicz
Gestures of kindness 1995 Konteksty: antropologia, kultury, etnografia, sztuka 49 (1): 76-80, 88
  • Jacek Olędzki
Brawls - struggle and ritual 1995 Konteksty: antropologia, kultury, etnografia, sztuka 49 (1): 55-63, 87
  • Andrzej Perzanowski
Nature and the void in the art and the thought of the East 1995 Konteksty: antropologia, kultury, etnografia, sztuka 49 (1): 3-7, 87
  • Anna Sobolewska
Answering Jacek Olędzki [comments on J Olędzki, see above] 1995 Konteksty: antropologia, kultury, etnografia, sztuka 49 (1): 80
  • Ludwik Stomma
The further fate of the prodigal son. A project of non-transparent ethnography 1995 Konteksty: antropologia, kultury, etnografia, sztuka 49 (1): 13-22, 87
  • Joanna Tokarska
Television narrative and ethnographic film first publ in English in 'Film as ethnography' eds PJ Crawford and D Turton (Manchester: Manchester Univ Pr, 1992)] 1995 Konteksty: antropologia, kultury, etnografia, sztuka 49 (1): 46-9
  • Terence Wright
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