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Journal search results

Title Abbreviation Status Current title
Culture and cosmos Cult Cosm Selectively indexed
Demography Demography Selectively indexed
Dialectical anthropology Dialect Anthrop Selectively indexed
Enquête Enquete Selectively indexed
Enquête: anthropologie, histoire, sociologie Enquete Selectively indexed
Epigraphic Society occasional papers Enquête: anthropologie, histoire, sociologie Selectively indexed
Estudios de historia novohispana Estud Hist novohisp Selectively indexed
Ethnies Ethnies Selectively indexed
Ethnographica Folia ethnogr Selectively indexed
Ethnologia bulgarica: yearbook of Bulgarian ethnology and folklore Ethnol bulg Selectively indexed
Etnografia nowa Etnogr now Selectively indexed
Etnologia, antropologia culturale Stud etno-antrop sociol Selectively indexed
Etudes tsiganes Etud tsig Selectively indexed
Eurasia antiqua: Zeitschrift für Archäologie Eurasiens Eurasia antiq Selectively indexed
European journal of cultural studies Eur J cult Stud Selectively indexed
European review of Native American studies Eur Rev native Amer Stud Selectively indexed
Fashion Theory Fashion Theory Selectively indexed
Folia ethnographica Folia ethnogr Selectively indexed
Folklór archívum Folkl Arch Selectively indexed
Food Culture and Society: an International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research Food Cult Soc Selectively indexed
Fronteras Fronteras Historia Selectively indexed
Fronteras de la Historia Fronteras Historia Selectively indexed
Gaceta de Museos INAH Gac Mus INAH. Selectively indexed
Genava Genava Selectively indexed
Genus Genus Selectively indexed
Glasnik slovenskega etnološkega Društva Glasn slov etnol Drus Selectively indexed
Hali: the international magazine of antique carpet and textile art Hali Selectively indexed
Hawwa: Journal of women of the Middle East and the Islamic World Hawwa Selectively indexed
Himalaya: the journal of the Association for Nepal and Himalayan Studies Himalaya J Ass Nepal Himal Stud Selectively indexed
Himalayan research bulletin Himalaya J Ass Nepal Himal Stud Selectively indexed
Historia mexicana Hist mex Selectively indexed
Históricas Historicas Selectively indexed
History Hist Afr Selectively indexed
Hungarian heritage Hung Her Selectively indexed
Iberoamericana Iberoamer Selectively indexed
Incantatio: an international journal of charms, charmers and charming Incantatio Selectively indexed
India cultures Samskriti Selectively indexed
Indonesia and the Malay world Indones Malay Wld Selectively indexed
Indonesia circle Indones Malay Wld Selectively indexed
International journal of African historical studies Int J Afr hist Stud Selectively indexed
International journal of comparative sociology Int J comp Sociol Selectively indexed
International journal of cultural studies Int J cult Stud Selectively indexed
International journal of intangible heritage Int J intan her Selectively indexed
International journal of modern anthropology Int J modern anthrop Selectively indexed
International migration review Int Migr Rev Selectively indexed
International review of mission Int Rev Mission Selectively indexed
International review of missions Int Rev Mission Selectively indexed
International social science bulletin Int social Sci J Selectively indexed
International social science journal Int social Sci J Selectively indexed
Inuit art quarterly Inuit Art Q Selectively indexed