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Title Abbreviation Status Current title
Berndt News: newsletter of the Berndt Museum of Anthropology Berndt N Selectively indexed
Bijdragen tot de taal- land- en volkenkunde von Nederlandsch-Indië Bijdr Taal Land Volkenk Selectively indexed
Bijdragen tot de taal-, land- en volkenkunde Bijdr Taal Land Volkenk Selectively indexed
BM magazine spring-summer 1990 Br Mus Mag Selectively indexed
BMAR: British medical anthropology review Anthrop Med Selectively indexed
Boletín americanista Bol american Selectively indexed
Boletín de arqueología Bol Arqueol Selectively indexed
Boletín de Lima Bol Lima Selectively indexed
Borneo research bulletin Borneo res Bull Selectively indexed
Botswana notes and records Botswana Notes Selectively indexed
British journal of sociology Br J Sociol Selectively indexed
British Medical Anthropology Society newsletter Anthrop Med Selectively indexed
British Museum magazine Br Mus Mag Selectively indexed
British Museum Society bulletin Br Mus Mag Selectively indexed
Budas Budas Selectively indexed
Bulgarski folklor Bulg Folkl Selectively indexed
Bulletin de l'Ecole française d'Extrême-Orient Bull Ec fr Extr-Orient Selectively indexed
Bulletin de l'Institut français d'Etudes andines Bull Inst fr Etud and Selectively indexed
Bulletin de la Société des Etudes Océaniennes Bull Soc Etud ocean Selectively indexed
Bulletin de la Société des Etudes Océaniennes (Polynésie orientale) Bull Soc Etud ocean Selectively indexed
Bulletin des séances Bull Seanc Acad r Sci outre-mer Selectively indexed
Bulletin of Latin American research Bull Latin Amer Res Selectively indexed
Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research Bull Amer Sch orient Res Selectively indexed
Bulletin of the Institute of Nationalities Studies Bull Dep Ethnol Nat Chengchi Univ Taipei Selectively indexed
Bulletin of the International String Figure Association Bull int string fig Ass Selectively indexed
Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies Bull Sch orient Afr Stud Lond Selectively indexed
Cadernos de estudos sociais Cad Estud sociais Selectively indexed
Cahiers Africains-Afrika studies Cah Afric Afrik Stud Selectively indexed
Cahiers d'anthropologie de l'Université Laval Anthrop Soc Selectively indexed
Cahiers de litterature orale Cah lit orale Selectively indexed
Cahiers de Tunisie Cah Tunis Selectively indexed
Canadian journal of native studies Canad J native Stud Selectively indexed
Canadian review of sociology and anthropology Canad Rev Sociol Anthrop Selectively indexed
Central Asian survey Cent Asian Surv Selectively indexed
Chachapuma Chachapuma Selectively indexed
China’s ethnic groups Chin ethnic Groups Selectively indexed
Ciência & trópico Cienc Trop Selectively indexed
Ciencias sociales y religion Cienc soc relig Selectively indexed
City and society City Soc Selectively indexed
Civilisations Civilisations Selectively indexed
Colonial Latin American review Colon Latin Amer Rev Selectively indexed
Communicationes archaeologicae Hungariae Commun archaeol Hung Selectively indexed
Comparative sociology Comp Soc Selectively indexed
Comparative studies in society and history Comp Stud Soc Hist Selectively indexed
Contemporary Japan Contemp Japan Selectively indexed
Council on Anthropology and Education newsletter Anthrop Educ Q Selectively indexed
Council on Anthropology and Education quarterly Anthrop Educ Q Selectively indexed
Critical interventions: journal of African art history and visual culture Crit Interv Selectively indexed
Cultural survival newsletter Cult Survival Q Selectively indexed
Cultural survival quarterly Cult Survival Q Selectively indexed