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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
When the clips are down: how young children negotiate a classroom management system 2022 Anthropology and education quarterly 53 (1): 5-26
  • Amy Noelle Parks
  • Cassie J. Bronwell
H6 [COUNCIL-] 0161-7761
High expectations, cautionary tales, and familial obligations: the multiple effects of family on the educational aspirations of first-generation immigrant and refugee youth 2022 Anthropology and education quarterly 53 (1): 27-46
  • Aaron Leo
H6 [COUNCIL-] 0161-7761
Mixed-status siblings now in Mexico: how U.S. documentation and transborder experiences shape pathways across borders 2022 Anthropology and education quarterly 53 (1): 47-64
  • Sarah Gallo
H6 [COUNCIL-] 0161-7761
"We're not used to racism at all": race, language, and becoming "global" at the Bilingual Academy of Senegal 2022 Anthropology and education quarterly 53 (1): 65-83
  • Teresa Speciale
H6 [COUNCIL-] 0161-7761
"We only teach them how to be together": parenting, child development, and engagement with formal education among the Nayaka in South India 2022 Anthropology and education quarterly 53 (1): 84-102
  • Noa Lavi
H6 [COUNCIL-] 0161-7761
What animates place for children? A comparative analysis 2022 Anthropology and education quarterly 53 (2): 112-29
  • Elsa Lee
H6 [COUNCIL-] 0161-7761
Mexican-heritage children's learning of Ballet Folklórico: herencia, familia, y orgullo 2022 Anthropology and education quarterly 53 (2): 130-48
  • Alejandra Sanmiguel-López
  • María Pérez-Piza
  • Maria Teresa de la Piedra
  • Sarah Jean Johnson
H6 [COUNCIL-] 0161-7761
Looking smart: race and academic ability in a diversifying middle school 2022 Anthropology and education quarterly 53 (2): 149-66
  • Alexandra Freidus
H6 [COUNCIL-] 0161-7761
Festivalization of rigor: productive masti [playfulness] at a pharmacy college in India 2022 Anthropology and education quarterly 53 (2): 167-86
  • Leya Matthew
H6 [COUNCIL-] 0161-7761
Decolonizing education: roles for anthropology 2022 Anthropology and education quarterly 53 (3): 196-214
  • Peter Demerath
H6 [COUNCIL-] 0161-7761
A roadmap of possibilities: a response to Peter Demerath's frameworks to decolonize education in anthropology 2022 Anthropology and education quarterly 53 (3): 215-20
  • Gabrielle Oliveira
H6 [COUNCIL-] 0161-7761
Constructing and navigating belonging along local, national, and transnational dimensions: inclusive refugee education for Syrian refugee youth in Jordan 2022 Anthropology and education quarterly 53 (3): 221-39
  • Elisheva Cohen
H6 [COUNCIL-] 0161-7761
"What is the point of school anyway?" Refugee youth, educational quality, and resettlement tunnel vision 2022 Anthropology and education quarterly 53 (3): 240-57
  • Sally Wesley Bonet
H6 [COUNCIL-] 0161-7761
Critical hip-hop pedagogy, moral ambiguity, and social technologies 2022 Anthropology and education quarterly 53 (3): 258-79
  • Kristine Ringsager
  • Lian Malai Madsen
H6 [COUNCIL-] 0161-7761
Artifacts with feelings/feeling artifacts: toward a notion of tacit modalities to support and propel anthropological research 2022 Anthropology and education quarterly 53 (3): 280-97
  • Jennifer Rowsell
  • Sandra Schamroth Abrams
H6 [COUNCIL-] 0161-7761
Indigenous pedagogies in a global world and sustainable futures 2022 Anthropology and education quarterly 53 (4): 308-20
  • Fina Carpen-Méndez
  • Karla Jessen Williamson
  • Pirjo Kristiina Virtanen
H6 [COUNCIL-] 0161-7761
The hummingbird house: Indigenous pedagogies and cultural revitalization in Quito, Ecuador 2022 Anthropology and education quarterly 53 (4): 321-40
  • Kathleen Finne-Dare
H6 [COUNCIL-] 0161-7761
Relational epistemology and Amazonian land-based education: learning the ideas of intra-dependency in the central Purus River 2022 Anthropology and education quarterly 53 (4): 341-56
  • Pirjo Kristiina Virtanen
H6 [COUNCIL-] 0161-7761
"That's why we hold hands": Gadugi and the path toward indigenizing a PWI 2022 Anthropology and education quarterly 53 (4): 357-75
  • Rebecca Lasher
H6 [COUNCIL-] 0161-7761
Transnational migration and education change: examples of Afropolitan schooling from Senegal and Ghana 2022 Anthropology and education quarterly 53 (4): 376-95
  • Emma Abotsi
  • Hannah Hoechner
H6 [COUNCIL-] 0161-7761
Alienation and educational "third space": English learning and Uyghur subject formation in Xinjiang, China 2022 Anthropology and education quarterly 53 (4): 396-415
  • M.A.
  • Darren Byler
H6 [COUNCIL-] 0161-7761
'I didn't know how to be with my husband': state-religion struggles over sex education in Israel and England 2021 Anthropology and education quarterly 52 (1): 5-20
  • Ben Kasstan
  • Lea Taragin-Zeller
H6 [COUNCIL-] 0161-7761
Transfronterizo children's literacies of surveillance and the cultural production of border crossing identities in the U.S.-Mexico border 2021 Anthropology and education quarterly 52 (1): 21-41
  • Idalia Nuñez
  • Luis Urrieta jr.
H6 [COUNCIL-] 0161-7761
Majorism: neoliberalism in student culture 2021 Anthropology and education quarterly 52 (1): 42-62
  • Coleen Carrigan
  • Michelle Bardini
H6 [COUNCIL-] 0161-7761
"So, is gentrification good or bad?": One teacher's implementation of the fourth goal in her TWBE classroom 2021 Anthropology and education quarterly 52 (1): 63-81
  • Daniel Heiman
H6 [COUNCIL-] 0161-7761
An ethnography of vulnerability: a new materialist approach to the apparatus of measurement, the algorithm 2021 Anthropology and education quarterly 52 (1): 82-105
  • Carolina Rojas Lasch
  • Erika González
  • Valentina Riberi
H6 [COUNCIL-] 0161-7761
From researcher to human being: fieldwork as moral laboratories 2021 Anthropology and education quarterly 52 (1): 106-15
  • Junting Wu
H6 [COUNCIL-] 0161-7761
Against three "cultural" characters speaks self-improvement: social critique and desires for "modernity" in pedagogies of soft skills in contemporary China 2021 Anthropology and education quarterly 52 (3): 237-53
  • Gil Hizi
H6 [COUNCIL-] 0161-7761
Contexts of reception as figured worlds: recent-arrival immigrant youth in highs school ESL and content-area classrooms 2021 Anthropology and education quarterly 52 (3): 254-73
  • Jie Y. Park
H6 [COUNCIL-] 0161-7761
"Part of their chemistry": the reproduction of neoliberal governmentality in principal and teacher subjectivities 2021 Anthropology and education quarterly 52 (3): 274-93
  • Bryan J. Duarte
H6 [COUNCIL-] 0161-7761
Foregrounding family: how Salvadoran American boys formulate college-going mindsets at the nexus of family, school, and the self 2021 Anthropology and education quarterly 52 (3): 294-314
  • Roderick L. Carey
H6 [COUNCIL-] 0161-7761
Sound, sentience, and schooling: writing the field recording in educational ethnography 2021 Anthropology and education quarterly 52 (3): 315-34
  • Cassie J. Brownell
  • Gabrielle Oliveira
  • Jon M. Wargo
H6 [COUNCIL-] 0161-7761
"The lady from North Carolina: the perils and limitations of external expertise" 2021 Anthropology and education quarterly 52 (3): 335-61
  • Aprille J. Phillips
  • Edmund T. Hamann
H6 [COUNCIL-] 0161-7761
Culture, after all 2021 Anthropology and education quarterly 52 (3): 352-61
  • Brendan H. O'Connor
H6 [COUNCIL-] 0161-7761
Being more: stress and moral whiteness in an elite private school in Ecuador 2021 Anthropology and education quarterly 52 (4): 391-311
  • Tiago Bittencourt
H6 [COUNCIL-] 0161-7761
Constructing "behavior problems": race, disability, and everyday discipline practices in the figured world of kindergarten 2021 Anthropology and education quarterly 52 (4): 373-90
  • Kathryn E. Boonstra
H6 [COUNCIL-] 0161-7761
How descent-based hierarchies and youth culture shape secondary school engagement in Senegal 2021 Anthropology and education quarterly 52 (4): 412-29
  • Anneke Newman
H6 [COUNCIL-] 0161-7761
A woodcutter's story: perceptions and uses of mathematics on the San Carlos Apache reservation 2021 Anthropology and education quarterly 52 (4): 430-50
  • Philip J. Stevens
H6 [COUNCIL-] 0161-7761
"Everything in the forest is the forest". Council on Anthropology and Education past president's address 2020 Anthropology and education quarterly 51 (1): 5-14
  • Thea Renda Abu El-Haj
H6 [COUNCIL-] 0161-7761
Allá sobre el horizonte/there beyond the horizon 2020 Anthropology and education quarterly 51 (1): 15-21
  • Ariana Mangual Figueroa
H6 [COUNCIL-] 0161-7761
Everything is on fire 2020 Anthropology and education quarterly 51 (1): 22-6
  • Ellen Skilton
H6 [COUNCIL-] 0161-7761
"That's the world standard": a critical ethnography of "universal" knowledge 2020 Anthropology and education quarterly 51 (1): 27-46
  • Anita Lundberg
  • Lennie Geerlings
H6 [COUNCIL-] 0161-7761
Preaching to the choir: university diversity committees as affective communities 2020 Anthropology and education quarterly 51 (1): 47-65
  • Raymonf Kirk Anderson
H6 [COUNCIL-] 0161-7761
"I let not just their knowledge but their world inform what I teach." Difficult knowledge in the popular education classroom in Buenos Aires, Argentina 2020 Anthropology and education quarterly 51 (1): 66-89
  • Jennifer Lee O'Donnell
H6 [COUNCIL-] 0161-7761
Cultivating cosmopolitans: culturally relevant pedagogy in an age of instrumentalism 2020 Anthropology and education quarterly 51 (1): 90-111
  • Roseann Liu
H6 [COUNCIL-] 0161-7761
The national as global, the global as national: citizenship education in the context of migration and globalization 2020 Anthropology and education quarterly 51 (2): 119-22
  • Cori Jakubiak
  • Wai-Chi Chee
H6 [COUNCIL-] 0161-7761
"Estamos aquí pero no soy de aquí": American Mexican youth, belonging and schooling in rural, central Mexico 2020 Anthropology and education quarterly 51 (2): 123-45
  • Alisa Baker
  • Bryant Jensen
  • Emma Holdaway
  • Eric Ruiz Bybee
  • Erin Feinauer Whitting
  • Victoria Savage
H6 [COUNCIL-] 0161-7761
Local and global, but not national: citizenship education of South Asian migrant students in post-colonial Hong Kong 2020 Anthropology and education quarterly 51 (2): 146-64
  • Wai-Chi Chee
H6 [COUNCIL-] 0161-7761
Reflections on the field: the democratic citizenship formation of transnational youth 2020 Anthropology and education quarterly 51 (2): 165-77
  • Andrea Dyrness
  • Thea Renda Abu El-Haj
H6 [COUNCIL-] 0161-7761
Challenging silences: democratic citizenship education and historical memory in Poland and Guatemala 2020 Anthropology and education quarterly 51 (2): 178-94
  • Beth C. Rubin
  • Hana Cervinkova
H6 [COUNCIL-] 0161-7761