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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
You know what I know: interviewer knowledge effects in subjective expectation elicitation 2021 Demography 58 (1): 1-29
  • Jason T. Kerwin
  • Natalia Ordaz Reynoso
Depends who's asking: Interviewer effects in demographic and health surveys abortion data 2021 Demography 58 (1): 31-50
  • Ernestina Coast
  • Laura Sochas
  • Tiziana Leone
Analyzing the effect of time in migration measurement using georeferenced digital trace data 2021 Demography 58 (1): 51-74
  • Emilio Zagheni
  • Emmanuel Letouzé
  • Gabriel Pestre
  • Guy Abel
  • Jixuan Cai
  • Johnathan Hill
  • Lee Florio
Offspring educational attainment and older parents' cognition in Mexico 2021 Demography 58 (1): 75-109
  • Connor Sheehan
  • Jenjira Yahirun
  • Joseph Saenz
  • Mingming Ma
Leaders and laggards in life expectancy among European scholars from the sixteenth to the early twentieth century 2021 Demography 58 (1): 111-35
  • David de la Croix
  • Mikko Myrskylä
  • Robert Stelter
Decomposition of improvements in infant mortality in Asian developing countries over three decades 2021 Demography 58 (1): 137-63
  • Toshiaki Aizawa
The citizenship advantage in psychological well-being: an examination of the hukou system in China 2021 Demography 58 (1): 165-89
  • James P. Smith
  • Qian Song
Migration and democratization in Brazil: the case of electoral participation and competition 2021 Demography 58 (1): 191-217
  • Alexandre Gori Maia
  • Yao Lu
U.S. occupational mobility of children of immigrants based on parents' origin-country occupation 2021 Demography 58 (1): 219-45
  • Matthew Hall
  • Stephanie Potochnick
Motherhood penalties and fatherhood premiums: effects of parenthood on earnings growth within and across firms 2021 Demography 58 (1): 247-72
  • Wei-hsin Yu
  • Yuko Hara
Choosing plan B over plan A: risk compensation theory and contraceptive choice in India 2021 Demography 58 (1): 273-94
  • Hemant Kumar Pullabhotla
  • Mary Arends-Kuenning
  • Pallavi Shukla
A panel study of fertility preferences and contraceptive dynamics in the presence of competing pregnancy risks in Uganda 2021 Demography 58 (1): 295-320
  • Amy Tsui
  • Dana O. Sarnak
  • Fredrick Makumbi
  • Saifuddin Ahmed
  • Simon Peter Sebina Kibira
Cross-sectional average length of life childless 2021 Demography 58 (1): 321-44
  • Jessica Nisén
  • Ryohei Mogi
  • Vladimir Canudas-Romo
The opioid epidemic and nonmarital childbearing in the United States, 2000-2016 2021 Demography 58 (1): 345-78
  • Andrés Villarreal
  • Mónica L. Caudillo
Academic achievement of children in same- and different-sex-parented families: a population-level analysis of linked administrative data from the Netherlands 2021 Demography 58 (2): 393-418
  • Francisco Perales
  • Jan Kabátek
The impact of center-based childcare attendance on early child development: evidence from the French Elfe cohort 2021 Demography 58 (2): 419-50
  • Anne Solaz
  • Lawrence M. Berger
  • Lidia Panico
Are states created equal? Moving to a state with more expensive childcare reduces mothers' odds of employment 2021 Demography 58 (2): 451-70
  • Leah Ruppanner
  • Liana Christin Landivar
  • William J. Scarborough
Segregated neighborhoods, segregated schools: do charters break a stubborn link? 2021 Demography 58 (2): 471-98
  • Ann Owens
  • Jennifer Candipan
  • Peter Rich
Exploring strategies for investigating the mechanisms linking climate and individual-level child health outcomes: an analysis of birth weight in Mali 2021 Demography 58 (2): 499-526
  • Andrew Verdin
  • Audrey Dorélien
  • Chris Funk
  • Frank DAvenport
  • Greg Husak
  • Kathryn Grace
The nonlinear linkage between earnings homogamy and earnings inequality among married couples 2021 Demography 58 (2): 527-50
  • Yifan Shen
Revealing the concealed effect of top earnings on the gender gap in the economic value of higher education in the United States, 1980-2017 2021 Demography 58 (2): 527-50
  • Assaf Rotman
  • Hadas Mandel
Educational assortative mating in sub-Saharan Africa: compositional changes and implications for household wealth inequality 2021 Demography 58 (2): 571-602
  • Luca Maria Pesando
Black-White differences in pregnancy desire during the transition to adulthood 2021 Demography 58 (2): 603-30
  • Jamie Budnick
  • Jennifer S. Barber
  • Karen Benjamin Guzzo
  • Sarah R. Hayford
  • Warren Miller
  • Yasamin Kusunoki
Fertility drain or fertility gain? Emigration and fertility during the great recession in Italy 2021 Demography 58 (2): 631-54
  • Massimo Anelli
  • Nicoletta Balbo
Hardship among immigrants and the native-born in the United States 2021 Demography 58 (2): 655-84
  • John Iceland
The effect of schooling on women's overweight and obesity: a natural experiment in Nigeria 2021 Demography 58 (2): 685-710
  • Pepita Barlow
Pain trends among American adults, 2002-2018: patterns, disparities, and correlates 2021 Demography 58 (2): 711-38
  • Anna Zajacova
  • Hanna Grol-Prokopczyk
  • Zachary Zimmer
Are older persons in China living more years in an independent living arrangement? Estimates using multistate life tables 2021 Demography 58 (2): 739-62
  • Chi-Tsun Chiu
  • Zachary Zimmer
Evaluating the use of a two-step gender identity measure in the 2018 general social survey 2021 Demography 58 (2): 763-72
  • D'Lane Compton
  • Danya Lagos
Measuring race and ancestry in the age of genetic testing 2021 Demography 58 (3): 785-810
  • Aliya Saperstein
  • Jill A. Hollenbach
  • Sasha Shen Johfre
Measuring marriage and cohabitation: assessing same-sex relationship status in the current population survey 2021 Demography 58 (3): 811-20
  • Krista K. Payne
  • Wendy D. Manning
Under whose roof? Undestanding the living arrangements of children in doubled-up households 2021 Demography 58 (3): 821-46
  • Hope Harvey
  • Natasha Pilkauskas
  • Rachel Dunifon
The impact of grandparental death on the fertility of adult children 2021 Demography 58 (3): 847-70
  • Barbara S. Okun
  • Guy Stecklov
Employment instability and fertility in Europe: a meta-analysis 2021 Demography 58 (3): 871-900
  • Anna Matysiak
  • Daniele Vignoli
  • Giammarco Alderotti
  • Michela Baccini
Stop! Go! What can we learn about family planning from birth timing in settler South Africa, 1835-1950? 2021 Demography 58 (3): 901-25
  • Jeanne Cilliers
  • Martine Mariotti
How nearby homicides affect young women's pregnancy desires: evidence from a quasi-experiment 2021 Demography 58 (3): 927-50
  • Abigail Weitzman
  • Jennifer S. Barber
  • Justin Heinze
  • Marc Zimmerman
The long arm of conflict: how timing shapes the impact of childhood exposure to war 2021 Demography 58 (3): 951-74
  • Daniel Ramirez
  • Steven A. Haas
DACA's association with birth outcomes among Mexican-origin mothers in the United States 2021 Demography 58 (3): 975-85
  • Caitlin Patler
  • Erin R. Hamilton
  • Paola D. Langer
Gender segregation in education: evidence from higher secondary stream choice in India 2021 Demography 58 (3): 987-1010
  • Soham Sahoo
  • Stephan Klasen
Sibling similarity in education across and within societies 2021 Demography 58 (3): 1011-37
  • Aleksi Karhula
  • Dalton Conley
  • Jani Erola
  • Kieron J. Barclay
  • Michael Grätz
  • Patrick Präg
  • Thomas Laidley
  • Torkild H. Lyngstad
  • Øyvind N. Wiborg
Socioeconomic segregation, campus social context, and disparities in bachelor's degree attainment 2021 Demography 58 (3): 1039-64
  • Dafna Gelbgiser
Trends in mothers' parenting time by education and work from 2003 to 2017 2021 Demography 58 (3): 1065-91
  • Jennifer March Augustine
  • Kate C. Prickett
Changes in couples' earnings following parenthood and trends in family earnings inequality 2021 Demography 58 (3): 1093-117
  • Christine R. Schwartz
  • Kelly Musick
  • Pilar Gonalons-Pons
Decomposing the decline of cash assistance in the United States, 1993 to 2016 2021 Demography 58 (3): 1119-41
  • Zachary Parolin
Attitudes toward intimate partner violence in dyadic perspective: evidence from sub-Saharan Africa 2021 Demography 58 (3): 1143-70
  • Julia Behrman
  • Margaret Frye
Relative size of age cohorts and labor force participation of older workers 2020 Demography 57 (1): 1-31
  • David Neumark
  • Maysen Yen
Labor force participation over the life course: the long-term effects of employment trajectories on wages and the gendered payoff to employment 2020 Demography 57 (1): 33-60
  • Katherine Weisshaar
  • Tania Cabello-Hutt
Does starting universal childcare earlier influence children's skill development? 2020 Demography 57 (1): 61-98
  • Daniel Kuehnle
  • Michael Oberfichtner
Worth the weight? Recent trends in obstetric practices, gestational age, and birth weight in the United States 2020 Demography 57 (1): 99-121
  • Andrea M. Tilstra
  • Ryan K. Masters
Crime and inequality in academic achievement across school districts in the United States 2020 Demography 57 (1): 123-45
  • Gerard Torrats-Espinosa