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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Value and politics: introduction to the special issue 2021 Dialectical anthropology 45 (1): 3-7
  • Daniel Salas
  • Lindsay DuBois
H6 [DIALECTICAL-] 0304-4092
The ambiguity of mutuality: discourse and power in corporate value regimes 2021 Dialectical anthropology 45 (1): 9-27
  • Catherine Dolan
  • Claire Gordon
  • Juli Huang
H6 [DIALECTICAL-] 0304-4092
Value and distributive repair 2021 Dialectical anthropology 45 (1): 29-45
  • Oana Mateescu
H6 [DIALECTICAL-] 0304-4092
Practices of double currency: value and politics in rural Cuba 2021 Dialectical anthropology 45 (1): 47-63
  • Daniel Salas
H6 [DIALECTICAL-] 0304-4092
Making and breaking alliances: on valuation in hegemonic projects 2021 Dialectical anthropology 45 (1): 65-80
  • Katharina Bodirsky
H6 [DIALECTICAL-] 0304-4092
Situating 'el trato humano': the role of Cuban medicine for political discussions of value in Potosi, Bolivia 2021 Dialectical anthropology 45 (1): 81-97
  • Kirsten Francescone
H6 [DIALECTICAL-] 0304-4092
The trouble with money: Argentina’s conditional cash transfers 2021 Dialectical anthropology 45 (1): 99-115
  • Lindsay DuBois
H6 [DIALECTICAL-] 0304-4092
Digging for sand after the revolution: mafia, labor, and shamanism in a Nepali sand mine 2021 Dialectical anthropology 45 (2): 117-33
  • Michael Peter Hoffmann
H6 [DIALECTICAL-] 0304-4092
Contradictions of indigeneity in the symbol and cult(ure) of Saint Kateri Tekakwitha 2021 Dialectical anthropology 45 (2): 135-50
  • Samuel W. Rose
H6 [DIALECTICAL-] 0304-4092
“We’re all here for the money”: solidarity and divisions in a worker-owned company 2021 Dialectical anthropology 45 (2): 151-68
  • Ognjen Kojanic
H6 [DIALECTICAL-] 0304-4092
Some notes on prisoner education and the anthropology of reentry: a report from the field 2021 Dialectical anthropology 45 (2): 169-81
  • Anthony Marcus
H6 [DIALECTICAL-] 0304-4092
Who’s Afraid of 1619?: pedagogy, Race, and Class in the United States 2021 Dialectical anthropology 45 (2): 183-9
  • Cody R. Melcher
H6 [DIALECTICAL-] 0304-4092
One day in the Guatemalan war: the rebel occupation of Nebaj, 21 January 1979 2021 Dialectical anthropology 45 (3): 205-31
  • Sergio Palencia Frener
H6 [DIALECTICAL-] 0304-4092
The continuum of women’s abduction in Mexico. Porosities between sexual and armed violence in a drug-producing area (Badiraguato, Sinaloa) 2021 Dialectical anthropology 45 (3): 233-51
  • Adèle Blazquez
H6 [DIALECTICAL-] 0304-4092
Dollars, pesos, and planes. Reconstruction of class borders in the second government of Cristina Fernández de Kirchner (2011–2015) 2021 Dialectical anthropology 45 (3): 253-73
  • Mariano Perelman
H6 [DIALECTICAL-] 0304-4092
Plural media ethics? Reformist Islam in India and the limits of global media ethics 2021 Dialectical anthropology 45 (3): 275-96
  • Max Kramer
H6 [DIALECTICAL-] 0304-4092
Toward a comparative anthropology of activism: activist identity formations in Germany and Uganda 2021 Dialectical anthropology 45 (3): 297-314
  • Jonas Bens
  • Žiga Podgornik-Jakil
H6 [DIALECTICAL-] 0304-4092
The multiple tenses of a postcolonial age of migration: a commentary on Samaddar, R. (2020). The postcolonial age of migration London and New York: Taylor & Francis, 2020 2021 Dialectical anthropology 45 (3): 317-20
  • Ayşe Çağlar
H6 [DIALECTICAL-] 0304-4092
An iron fist in a velvet glove: neoliberal government of the migrant poor and other in Salt, Catalonia 2020 Dialectical anthropology 44 (1): 1-17
  • Martin Lundsteen
H6 [DIALECTICAL-] 0304-4092
Grand digital abyss: technology, critical theory, and subjectivity in twenty-first century cyber-capitalism 2020 Dialectical anthropology 44 (1): 19-39
  • Rafael Alarcón-Medina
H6 [DIALECTICAL-] 0304-4092
Civil society in Pakistan: an exclusive discourse of projectization 2020 Dialectical anthropology 44 (1): 41-56
  • Ahsan Rana
  • Nadeem Malik
H6 [DIALECTICAL-] 0304-4092
Building from heterogeneity: the decomposition and recomposition of the working class viewed from the 'popular economy' in Argentina 2020 Dialectical anthropology 44 (1): 57-68
  • María Inés Fernández-Álvarez
H6 [DIALECTICAL-] 0304-4092
Struggle, compromise, and conditions of possibility. Comments to 'Building from heterogeneity: the decomposition and recomposition of the working class viewed from the ‘popular economy’ in Argentina' of María Inés Fernández Álvarez 2020 Dialectical anthropology 44 (1): 69-73
  • Mariano D. Perelman
H6 [DIALECTICAL-] 0304-4092
A response to ‘Building from heterogeneity: the decomposition and recomposition of the working class viewed from the “popular economy” in Argentina’ 2020 Dialectical anthropology 44 (1): 75-7
  • Lindsay DuBois
H6 [DIALECTICAL-] 0304-4092
Forum response to 'Building from heterogeneity: the decomposition and recomposition of the working class viewed from the ‘popular economy’ in Argentina' 2020 Dialectical anthropology 44 (1): 79-81
  • Verónica Gago
H6 [DIALECTICAL-] 0304-4092
Decentering wage labor as a new class politics 2020 Dialectical anthropology 44 (1): 83-5
  • Kathleen M. Millar
H6 [DIALECTICAL-] 0304-4092
Response to María Inés Fernández Álvarez: 'Building from heterogeneity: the decomposition and recomposition of the working class viewed from the 'popular economy' in Argentina' 2020 Dialectical anthropology 44 (1): 87-9
  • Susan Vincent
H6 [DIALECTICAL-] 0304-4092
Response to the comments on 'Building from heterogeneity: the decomposition and recomposition of the working class viewed from the ‘popular economy’ in Argentina' 2020 Dialectical anthropology 44 (1): 91-8
  • María Inés Fernández-Álvarez
H6 [DIALECTICAL-] 0304-4092
The street as archive: a study in mint street 2020 Dialectical anthropology 44 (1): 99-105
  • Jayat Joshi
H6 [DIALECTICAL-] 0304-4092
Introduction - trade unions in times of austerity and development 2020 Dialectical anthropology 44 (2): 109-19
  • Manos Spyridakis
  • Thomas McNamara
H6 [DIALECTICAL-] 0304-4092
Union radicalism versus the nationalist upsurge: the case of Greek shipbuilding workers 2020 Dialectical anthropology 44 (2): 121-35
  • Giorgos Bithymitris
  • Manos Spyridakis
H6 [DIALECTICAL-] 0304-4092
'The union is like a family father, the chief'. Working-class making and (re) making and union membership experiences in two generations of Argentinian metalworkers 2020 Dialectical anthropology 44 (2): 137-51
  • Julia Soul
H6 [DIALECTICAL-] 0304-4092
‘We are not just a union, we are a family’[:] class, kinship and tribe in Zambia’s mining unions 2020 Dialectical anthropology 44 (2): 153-72
  • Robby Kapesea
  • Thomas McNamara
H6 [DIALECTICAL-] 0304-4092
Patronage, social proximity, and instrumentality in the mining industry in the Democratic Republic of Congo: the union elections explored 2020 Dialectical anthropology 44 (2): 173-85
  • Kristien Geenen
H6 [DIALECTICAL-] 0304-4092
At the crossroads: challenges and opportunities of union organizing in the Mexico-US border 2020 Dialectical anthropology 44 (2): 187-204
  • Christian Zlolniski
  • María Eugenia De la O
H6 [DIALECTICAL-] 0304-4092
The 'urgent anthropology' of labor unions 2020 Dialectical anthropology 44 (2): 205-9
  • Sharryn Kasmir
H6 [DIALECTICAL-] 0304-4092
Notes on Covid-19 and the contradictions of capital: a Dialectical Anthropology special symposium 2020 Dialectical anthropology 44 (3): 211-12
  • Anthony Marcus
  • Winnie Lem
H6 [DIALECTICAL-] 0304-4092
Mode switching: the state, market, and anti-Covid-19 shadow of socialism in China 2020 Dialectical anthropology 44 (3): 213-21
  • Yan Hairong
H6 [DIALECTICAL-] 0304-4092
The politics of border and nation in Nepal in the time of pandemic 2020 Dialectical anthropology 44 (3): 223-31
  • Mallika Shakya
H6 [DIALECTICAL-] 0304-4092
COVID pandemic: updates from Cuba 2020 Dialectical anthropology 44 (3): 233-7
  • Daniel Salas
H6 [DIALECTICAL-] 0304-4092
COVID-19 and India’s Trail of Tears 2020 Dialectical anthropology 44 (3): 239-42
  • Chandana Mathur
H6 [DIALECTICAL-] 0304-4092
The party is over: cracking under Sana Distancia in Mexico 2020 Dialectical anthropology 44 (3): 243-50
  • Ricardo F. Macip
H6 [DIALECTICAL-] 0304-4092
Empty time (Peru under the pandemic) 2020 Dialectical anthropology 44 (3): 251-5
  • Mijail Mitrovic
H6 [DIALECTICAL-] 0304-4092
The COVID-19 spring and the expendability of guestworkers 2020 Dialectical anthropology 44 (3): 257-64
  • Ismael García-Colón
H6 [DIALECTICAL-] 0304-4092
COVID-19 and legalized criminality: notes from the Arizona Borderlands, Part 2 2020 Dialectical anthropology 44 (3): 265-77
  • Linda Green
H6 [DIALECTICAL-] 0304-4092
Cognitive mapping in the terror zone: an elegy for Colombia 2020 Dialectical anthropology 44 (3): 279-92
  • Forrest Hylton
H6 [DIALECTICAL-] 0304-4092
Notes from Music City 2020 Dialectical anthropology 44 (3): 293-9
  • Lesley Gill
H6 [DIALECTICAL-] 0304-4092
Eastern surveillance, Western malaise, and South Korea’s COVID-19 response: oligarchic power in Hell Joseon 2020 Dialectical anthropology 44 (3): 301-7
  • George Baca
H6 [DIALECTICAL-] 0304-4092
Divisions of labor and the relations among them: some thoughts on 'uneven and combined' theory and politics 2020 Dialectical anthropology 44 (3): 309-14
  • Sharryn Kasmir
H6 [DIALECTICAL-] 0304-4092
Notes on corona crisis and temporality 2020 Dialectical anthropology 44 (3): 315-18
  • Josep Maria Antentas
H6 [DIALECTICAL-] 0304-4092