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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
The chipped stone industry from the Chalcolithic in eastern Romania: a literature review. I. Raw material procurements and the blade technology 2020 Arheologia Moldovei 43 (): 7-23
  • Diana-Măriuca Vornicu
H6/KE [ARHEOLOGIA-] 0066-7358
Warriorhood at the end of the Neolithic in Central Europe. Comparative analysis of warrior traditions in the chosen regional groups of the Corded Ware Culture 2020 Arheologia Moldovei 43 (): 25-51
  • Mateusz Cwaliński
  • Rafal Skrzyniecki
H6/KE [ARHEOLOGIA-] 0066-7358
Understanding the political geography and economic history of the Black Sea on the basis of Proxeny decrees 2020 Arheologia Moldovei 43 (): 53-62
  • Victor Cojocaru
H6/KE [ARHEOLOGIA-] 0066-7358
Unwanted refugees: newcomers from the steppes in the Byzantine Balkans (11th - 12th century) 2020 Arheologia Moldovei 43 (): 63-81
  • Aleksander Paroń
H6/KE [ARHEOLOGIA-] 0066-7358
The Cucuteni A3 site from Dobrovăţ - Pădurea Buda. 2019 research 2020 Arheologia Moldovei 43 (): 141-73
  • Adela Kovács
  • Alexandru Berzovan
  • Carsten Mischka
  • Cornelia-Magada Lazarovici
  • Cristian Oprean
  • Gheorghe Lazarovici
  • Guo Zhiwei
  • Hou Xinjia
  • Lăcrămioara Stratulat
  • Mircea Oancă
  • Senica Ţurcanu
  • Wen Changhao
  • Wu Jintao
H6/KE [ARHEOLOGIA-] 0066-7358
The prehistoric origins of classical iconography. Janus-like representations in the Southeastern European Chalcolithic 2020 Arheologia Moldovei 43 (): 175-207
  • Senica Ţurcanu
H6/KE [ARHEOLOGIA-] 0066-7358
The forgotten soldiers in the yard of Pogor House. Archaeological contributions to the history of Iaşi 2020 Arheologia Moldovei 43 (): 233-56
  • Angela Simalcsik
  • Ludmila Bacumenco-Pîrnău
  • Sever-Petru Boţan
H6/KE [ARHEOLOGIA-] 0066-7358
Marxism in Maria Comşa's work 2020 Arheologia Moldovei 43 (): 285-96
  • Florin Curta
H6/KE [ARHEOLOGIA-] 0066-7358
Dobrovaţ-"Pădurea Buda" - 2019. Archaeozoological study 2020 Arheologia Moldovei 43 (): 305-9
  • Cristian Oprean
H6/KE [ARHEOLOGIA-] 0066-7358
A necessary reconsideration of the origins of the Romanian term boier and of boyarship as an institution specific to medieval Romanians, Albanians and Slavs 2020 Arheologia Moldovei 43 (): 311-39
  • Adrian Poruciuc
H6/KE [ARHEOLOGIA-] 0066-7358
Regional aspects of phase A of Cucuteni culture from the point of view of statistics. Theory and case study on the shape variations of tumblers in five sites 2019 Arheologia Moldovei 42 (): 7-19
  • George Bodi
H6/KE [ARHEOLOGIA-] 0066-7358
Pseudo-facts and ethno-nationalism as illustraed by the "History of the Dacians": a contribution to the deconstruction of axiomatic historical images and their effects on the archaeology and numismatics of the Danubian and Balkanic area 2019 Arheologia Moldovei 42 (): 21-66
  • Karl Strobel
H6/KE [ARHEOLOGIA-] 0066-7358
Farming and trading in medieval Moldavia: the circulation of products based on historical sources 2019 Arheologia Moldovei 42 (): 67-85
  • George Bilavschi
H6/KE [ARHEOLOGIA-] 0066-7358
Some remarks on the configuration of urban space in the pre-modern town if Iaşi 2019 Arheologia Moldovei 42 (): 87-105
  • Cătălin Hiriban
H6/KE [ARHEOLOGIA-] 0066-7358
The flint scrapers of Mitoc 2019 Arheologia Moldovei 42 (): 195-221
  • Bogdan Minea
  • Valentin Codrin Chirica
  • Vasile Chirica
H6/KE [ARHEOLOGIA-] 0066-7358
The Bastarnae level from the Roşiori settlement. Fire-dogs decorative plates 2019 Arheologia Moldovei 42 (): 273-9
  • George Hănceanu
H6/KE [ARHEOLOGIA-] 0066-7358
Recent addenda to the mapping and ethnoarchaeological research on the Brine Springs from Bistriţa-Năsăud County 2019 Arheologia Moldovei 42 (): 281-96
  • Andrei Asăndulesei
  • Felix Adrian Tencariu
H6/KE [ARHEOLOGIA-] 0066-7358
A necessary reconsideration of the origin of the Romanian term boier and boyarship as an institution specific to medieval Romanians, Albanians and Slavs 2019 Arheologia Moldovei 42 (): 297-324
  • Adrian Poruciuc
H6/KE [ARHEOLOGIA-] 0066-7358
Local and foreign raw matter in the stone assemblages of Mitoc-Malu Galben 2018 Arheologia Moldovei 41 (): 7-34
  • Cordoş Cristina
  • Vasile Chirica
H6/KE [ARHEOLOGIA-] 0066-7358
New data on the Sălcuţa IV-Herculane II - III - Cheile Turzii cultural horizon 2018 Arheologia Moldovei 41 (): 35-68
  • Cornelia-Magda Lazarovici
  • Gheorghe Lazarovici
H6/KE [ARHEOLOGIA-] 0066-7358
West Black Sea tableware in a rural environment. Sarichioi-Sărătura 2018 Arheologia Moldovei 41 (): 69-94
  • Marian Mocanu
H6/KE [ARHEOLOGIA-] 0066-7358
Incineration, inhumation and biritualism 2018 Arheologia Moldovei 41 (): 95-110
  • Virgil Mihailescu-Bîrliba
H6/KE [ARHEOLOGIA-] 0066-7358
Recent investigations in the early Chalcolithic settlement of Balş - La Brigadă (Romania) 2018 Arheologia Moldovei 41 (): 161-78
  • Andrei Asăndulesei
  • Diana-Măriuca Vornicu
  • Dumitru Boghian
  • Feli-Adrian Tencariu
H6/KE [ARHEOLOGIA-] 0066-7358
The presence in Cucutenian sites east of the Carpathian of certain clay vessels linked to the exploitation of salt 2018 Arheologia Moldovei 41 (): 179-92
  • Vasile Diaconu
H6/KE [ARHEOLOGIA-] 0066-7358
Fashion by rituals. Rosette glass beads found in Sarmatian and Sântana de Mureş-Chernyakov cultures (1st c. BC - 4th c. AD) 2018 Arheologia Moldovei 41 (): 193-218
  • Lavinia Grumeza
H6/KE [ARHEOLOGIA-] 0066-7358
Some remarks regarding certain West-Padolian-type potsherds uncovered in the Getic fortified site of Stânceşti 2018 Arheologia Moldovei 41 (): 229-34
  • Alexandru Berzovan
H6/KE [ARHEOLOGIA-] 0066-7358
Experimental (re)construction and use of a late Cucuteni-Trypillia kiln 2018 Arheologia Moldovei 41 (): 241-56
  • Andreea Vornicu-Ţerna
  • Diana Măriuca Vornicu
  • Felix-Adrian Tencariu
  • Florica Măţău
  • Stanislav Ţerna
H6/KE [ARHEOLOGIA-] 0066-7358
Romanian baniţă ('a wooden vessel used as a measure for grain') and its connections with the lexical family of Romanian ban ('feudal title') 2018 Arheologia Moldovei 41 (): 257-68
  • Adrian Poruciuc
H6/KE [ARHEOLOGIA-] 0066-7358
Hommage à Jacques Tixier (1925-2018) grand préhistorien et ethnologue des techniques 2018 Arheologia Moldovei 41 (): 325-32
  • Foni Le Brun-Ricalens
  • Yann Potin
H6/KE [ARHEOLOGIA-] 0066-7358
In memoriam Marilena Florescu (27 septembre 1932-23 noiembrie 2017) 2018 Arheologia Moldovei 41 (): 333-6
  • Cornelia-Magda Lazarovici
H6/KE [ARHEOLOGIA-] 0066-7358
Prof. em. Dr. Dres. H.C. Bernhard Hänsel (24.05.1937 - 1.04.2017) 2018 Arheologia Moldovei 41 (): 337-50
  • Virgil Mihailescu-Birliba
H6/KE [ARHEOLOGIA-] 0066-7358
Flint knapping workshops. Elements of stone technology and typology 2017 Arheologia Moldovei 40 (): 7-36
  • Bogdan Minea
  • Vasile Chirica
H6/KE [ARHEOLOGIA-] 0066-7358
A bronze casting die uncovered in the Suceava plateau 2017 Arheologia Moldovei 40 (): 153-67
  • Alexandru Gafincu
H6/KE [ARHEOLOGIA-] 0066-7358
Preliminary considerations regarding the Getic discoveries from Găneşti-Tironu archaeological site, Ion Neculce commune, Iaşi county 2017 Arheologia Moldovei 40 (): 169-95
  • Alexandru Berzovan
  • Dumitru Boghian
  • Sergiu Constantin Enea
H6/KE [ARHEOLOGIA-] 0066-7358
Several clay pipes types from Dobruja and Moldavia 2017 Arheologia Moldovei 40 (): 225-40
  • George Bilavschi
H6/KE [ARHEOLOGIA-] 0066-7358
Anthropological remarks pertaining to the monastical complex of Dumbraveni, Constanta county) 2017 Arheologia Moldovei 40 (): 275-88
  • Angela Simalcsik
  • Costle Chiriqac
H6/KE [ARHEOLOGIA-] 0066-7358
A juridical-administrative system of old Germanic origin as reflected in a Romania lexical family (ban, bănat, băni, bănui, bântui) (II) 2017 Arheologia Moldovei 40 (): 289-314
  • Adrian Poruciuc
H6/KE [ARHEOLOGIA-] 0066-7358
Proxenia in the Black Sea area. Awarded privileges 2016 Arheologia Moldovei 39 (): 9-31
  • Victor Cojocaru
H6/KE [ARHEOLOGIA-] 0066-7358
Games and gamers in Dacia 2016 Arheologia Moldovei 39 (): 33-56
  • Virgil Mihailescu-Bîrliba
H6/KE [ARHEOLOGIA-] 0066-7358
Contributions to the economic life of the city of Callatis in light of new ceramic finds (2nd - 6th centuries AD) 2016 Arheologia Moldovei 39 (): 57-112
  • Andrei Opaiţ
  • Mihai Ionescu
H6/KE [ARHEOLOGIA-] 0066-7358
A juridic-administrative system of Old German origin reflected by a Romanian lexical family (ban, bănat, băni, bănui, bântui) 2016 Arheologia Moldovei 39 (): 113-28
  • Adrian Poruciuc
H6/KE [ARHEOLOGIA-] 0066-7358
Numismatic finds in Moldavia. VIII 2016 Arheologia Moldovei 39 (): 129-40
  • Aurora-Emilia Apostu
  • Lucian Munteanu
  • Sever-Petru Boţan
H6/KE [ARHEOLOGIA-] 0066-7358
Coins uncovered in the craftsmen's workshops of old Roman market-town. The site of 'the Public Library' 2016 Arheologia Moldovei 39 (): 141-52
  • Gerge Dan Hânceanu
  • Lucian Munteanu
H6/KE [ARHEOLOGIA-] 0066-7358
Medals and decorations in the collections of the Institute of Archaeology in Iaşi 2016 Arheologia Moldovei 39 (): 153-7
  • Lucian Munteanu
  • Sever-Petru Boţan
H6/KE [ARHEOLOGIA-] 0066-7358
Technique and typology of stone items of levels I Lower and I of Mitoc-Malu Galben 2016 Arheologia Moldovei 39 (): 159-78
  • Bogdan Minea
  • Vasiule Chirica
H6/KE [ARHEOLOGIA-] 0066-7358
New hoards of metal objects of the Cucuteni-Tripol'e culture from the Middle Dniester area - Ukraine 2016 Arheologia Moldovei 39 (): 179-94
  • Valentin Dergačev
H6/KE [ARHEOLOGIA-] 0066-7358
Funerary circular ditches discovered on the line of the Nădlac-Arad Motorway, Sites Nădlac 3 M North and 4 M 2016 Arheologia Moldovei 39 (): 195-213
  • Adrian Ursuţiu
  • Lavinia Grumeza
H6/KE [ARHEOLOGIA-] 0066-7358
Roman amphorae from Slăveni, Olt county, Romania 2016 Arheologia Moldovei 39 (): 215-29
  • Dorel Bondoc
H6/KE [ARHEOLOGIA-] 0066-7358
'Zwiebelknopffibeln' uncovered in the Late Roman fortifications of Ibida, Province of Scythia 2016 Arheologia Moldovei 39 (): 231-48
  • Dan Aparaschivei
H6/KE [ARHEOLOGIA-] 0066-7358
Preliminary results of the archaeological investigations at Isaccea - Noviodunum 2016 Arheologia Moldovei 39 (): 249-70
  • Dan Aparaschivei
  • George Bilavschi
H6/KE [ARHEOLOGIA-] 0066-7358