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Journal search results

Title Abbreviation Status Current title
Southeastern archaeology SE Archaeol Currently Indexed
Southern African field archaeology Sth Afr field Archaeol Selectively indexed
Southern African humanities Sth Afr Human Selectively indexed
Southern Anthropologist. Journal of the Southern Anthropological Society Sth Anthrop Selectively indexed
Southwestern journal of anthropology J anthrop Res Currently Indexed
Sovetskaya arkheologiya Ross Arkheol Currently Indexed
Sovetskaya etnografiya Sovet Etnogr Ceased publication
Space and culture Space Cult Selectively indexed
SPC quarterly bulletin S Pacif Bull Ceased publication
Sprawozdania archeologiczne Spraw archeol Currently Indexed
St. Petersburg journal of African studies St Petersburg J Afr Stud Ceased publication
Starinar Starinar No longer indexed
Středočeský vlastivědný Sborník Stredocesk vlastived Sborn No longer indexed
Strehlow Research Centre: occasional papers Strehlow res Cent occ Pap Currently Indexed
Studi etno-antropologici e sociologici Stud etno-antrop sociol Selectively indexed
Studia africana Stud afric Selectively indexed
Studia albanica Stud alban Selectively indexed
Studia comitatensia Stud comitat Selectively indexed
Studia ethnologica Stud ethnol Croat Currently Indexed
Studia Ethnologica Croatica Stud ethnol Croat Currently Indexed
Studia fennica Stud fenn Ceased publication
Studia fennica: ethnologica Stud fenn ethnol No longer indexed
Studia fennica: folkloristica Stud fenn folkl No longer indexed
Studia mythologica slavica Stud myth slav Currently Indexed
Studia mythologica slavica supplementa Stud myth slav suppl Currently Indexed
Studie Muzea Kroměřížska Stud Muz Krom Ceased publication
Studies in ethnicity and nationalism Stud ethn nat Currently Indexed
Studies in Folk Culture Stud Folk Cul Ceased publication
Studies in Folklore and Popular Religion Stud Folk pop Relig Ceased publication
Studies in Latin American popular culture Stud Latin Amer pop Cult No longer indexed
Studies in Nepali history and society Stud Nepali Hist Soc Selectively indexed
Studies in physical anthropology Stud phys Anthrop Ceased publication
Studies in speleology Stud Speleol No longer indexed
Studies in the anthropology of visual communication Stud visual Comm Ceased publication
Studies in visual communication Stud visual Comm Ceased publication
Studii şi cercetari de antropologie Stud Cercet Antrop Ceased publication
Studii şi cercetări de istorie veche Stud Cercet Ist veche Arheol No longer indexed
Studii şi cercetări de istorie veche şi arheologie Stud Cercet Ist veche Arheol No longer indexed
Studii şi comunicări de etnologie Stud Comun Etnol No longer indexed
Sudan notes and records Sudan Notes Selectively indexed
Sudan Society Sudan Soc No longer indexed
Sumatra research bulletin Sumatra res Bull Ceased publication
Suomalais: journal de la Société Finno-Ougrienne Suomalais. J Soc Finno-Ougr Currently Indexed
Suomen antropologi Suom Antrop Currently Indexed
Suomen Museo Suom Mus Ceased publication
Suomen Museo/Finskt Museum Suom Mus/Finskt Mus Selectively indexed
Suplemento antropológico Supl antrop Asuncion Ceased publication
Suplemento antropológico de la Revista del Ateneo paraguayo Supl antrop Asuncion Ceased publication
Survival international review Survival int Rev No longer indexed
Sussex anthropology Sussex Anthrop Ceased publication