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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
The mediveal Turku under image construction 2005 Studies in Folk culture 4 (): 151-75
  • Tellervo Aarnipu
H6/KVT [STUDIES-] 1736-1192
Two wars in conflict: resistance among Nenets reindeer herders in the 1940s 2005 Studies in Folk culture 5 (): 14-54
  • Laur Vallikivi
H6/KVT [STUDIES-] 1736-1192
Anti-Soviet movements and uprisings among Siberian indigenous peoples during the 1920-40s 2005 Studies in Folk culture 5 (): 55-89
  • Art Leete
H6/KVT [STUDIES-] 1736-1192
'The victory of a loser'. Soviet power, survived by shamanism 2005 Studies in Folk culture 5 (): 90-109
  • Tatiana D. Bulgakova
H6/KVT [STUDIES-] 1736-1192
An individual's attempt of resistance to the colonial policy: Yuri Vella's play with visual media 2005 Studies in Folk culture 5 (): 110-39
  • Liivo Niglas
H6/KVT [STUDIES-] 1736-1192
The intellectuals from Russia's peoples of the north: from obedience to resistance 2005 Studies in Folk culture 5 (): 140-64
  • Eva Toiulouze
H6/KVT [STUDIES-] 1736-1192
The state's indigenous policy, the centrally planned cultural revival and native strategies of survival 2005 Studies in Folk culture 5 (): 165-83
  • Aimar Ventsel
H6/KVT [STUDIES-] 1736-1192
Responses to internal colonialism in the Yukon Territory: 1959-2004 2005 Studies in Folk culture 5 (): 184-202
  • Steve Smyth
H6/KVT [STUDIES-] 1736-1192
Raising their voices: the Sami movement in Sweden and the Swedish Sami policy, 1900-1960 2005 Studies in Folk culture 5 (): 203-34
  • Patrik Lantto
H6/KVT [STUDIES-] 1736-1192
Where have all the Enetses gone? Tracing demographic data on Enetses through 70 years of linguistic and ethnological literature 2005 Studies in Folk culture 5 (): 235-53
  • Florian Siegl
H6/KVT [STUDIES-] 1736-1192
Field work in a changing culture: the northern Khanty 2005 Studies in Folk culture 5 (): 254-78
  • Anna-Leena Siikala
  • Oleg Ulyashev
H6/KVT [STUDIES-] 1736-1192
Getting to know about the place of history among the Kolgunev Nenets 2005 Studies in Folk culture 5 (): 279-91
  • Karina Lukin
H6/KVT [STUDIES-] 1736-1192
Introduction 2005 Studies in Folk culture 4 (): 7-19
  • Owe Ronström
H6/KVT [STUDIES-] 1736-1192
What really happened during the 1918 Finnish Civil War in Sammatti? The use of family memories in the making of local history 2005 Studies in Folk culture 4 (): 20-44
  • Anne Heimo
H6/KVT [STUDIES-] 1736-1192
Collective memory and the politics of experience in Estonian post-Soviet life stories 2005 Studies in Folk culture 4 (): 45-87
  • Ene Kõresaar
H6/KVT [STUDIES-] 1736-1192
Memories, traditions, heritage 2005 Studies in Folk culture 4 (): 88-106
  • Owe Ronström
H6/KVT [STUDIES-] 1736-1192
Disregarding popular memories - promoting profitable visions - talking about pictures of Visby 2005 Studies in Folk culture 4 (): 107-25
  • Carina Johansson
H6/KVT [STUDIES-] 1736-1192
Making myths to live by: constructing Lithuanian identity against the Scandinavian background 2005 Studies in Folk culture 4 (): 126-50
  • Lina Būgienė
H6/KVT [STUDIES-] 1736-1192
The Prague Congress (1928), CIAP and the League of Nations. A short history of la Commission Internationale des Arts Populaires (CIAP) from its inception until World War II 2004 Studies in Folk Culture 3 (): 284-302
  • Bjarne Rogan
H6/KVT [STUDIES-] 1736-1192
The scholar as a public intellectual. Reflections based on anthropological studies in Norway 2004 Studies in Folk Culture 3 (): 303-28
  • Marianne Gullestad
H6/KVT [STUDIES-] 1736-1192
Ethnography and representation: on the border of the public and the private 2004 Studies in Folk Culture 3 (): 273-83
  • Anu Kannike
H6/KVT [STUDIES-] 1736-1192
The renaissance of the Baltic German Estates 2004 Studies in Folk Culture 3 (): 29-41
  • Bo Lönnqvist
H6/KVT [STUDIES-] 1736-1192
Schwedische Baudenkmäler und Baupflege. Einige Beispiele 2004 Studies in Folk Culture 3 (): 42-54
  • Nils-Arvid Bringéus
H6/KVT [STUDIES-] 1736-1192
Guild tradition in Hungary - Old journeymen's routes in the 18th-19th centuries 2004 Studies in Folk Culture 3 (): 55-68
  • Attila Paládi-Kovács
H6/KVT [STUDIES-] 1736-1192
Invasion of materialism into the Soviet north: sedentarisation, development of professional medicine and hygiene in the 1920-40s 2004 Studies in Folk Culture 3 (): 69-86
  • Art Leete
H6/KVT [STUDIES-] 1736-1192
Vom 'traditionellen Handwerk' zum 'Traditionsprodukt'. Überlegungen zu Begriffen der Handwerkskunst 2004 Studies in Folk Culture 3 (): 87-109
  • Outi Tuomi-Nikula
H6/KVT [STUDIES-] 1736-1192
Everyday life, objects, and nostalgia 2004 Studies in Folk Culture 3 (): 113-29
  • Pirjo Korkiakangas
H6/KVT [STUDIES-] 1736-1192
Popular history as interpretation in the view of oral popular history research 2004 Studies in Folk Culture 3 (): 130-45
  • Tiiu Jaago
H6/KVT [STUDIES-] 1736-1192
The culture of rupture in the Estonian narrative memory of the Stalinist experience 2004 Studies in Folk Culture 3 (): 146-67
  • Ene Kõresaar
H6/KVT [STUDIES-] 1736-1192
Streit ums Essen ? Nahrungsverhalten in bikulturellen Ehen und Familien 2004 Studies in Folk Culture 3 (): 171-91
  • Klaus Roth
H6/KVT [STUDIES-] 1736-1192
The ethnography of horizontality and verticality 2004 Studies in Folk Culture 3 (): 192-205
  • Ilmari Vesterinen
H6/KVT [STUDIES-] 1736-1192
Rituals around unexpected death 2004 Studies in Folk Culture 3 (): 206-38
  • Anders Gustavsson
H6/KVT [STUDIES-] 1736-1192
On the origin of Turku species 2004 Studies in Folk Culture 3 (): 239-61
  • Pekka Leimu
H6/KVT [STUDIES-] 1736-1192
On the discursive foundations of Estonian folkloristics: a farmer's field of vision 2004 Studies in Folk Culture 3 (): 265-72
  • Ulo Valk
H6/KVT [STUDIES-] 1736-1192
Violence in Nanaian shamanic marriage: taming the spirit-spouse 2003 Studies in Folk Culture 1 (): 11-22
  • Tatyana Boulgakova
H6/KVT [STUDIES-] 1736-1192
Paganism, Christianity, and science: influences on the changing religion of the Vasyugan Khanties 2003 Studies in Folk Culture 1 (): 95-123
  • Zoltan Nagy
H6/KVT [STUDIES-] 1736-1192
Northern Khanty bricoleur: a case of the pory ritual and its context 2003 Studies in Folk Culture 1 (): 77-94
  • Taisto-Kalevi Raudalainen
H6/KVT [STUDIES-] 1736-1192
On forest Nenets view about the world beyond 2003 Studies in Folk Culture 1 (): 46-76
  • Eva Toulouze
H6/KVT [STUDIES-] 1736-1192
The role of customary law in the Kazym war: women and sacred rules 2003 Studies in Folk Culture 1 (): 23-45
  • Art Leete
H6/KVT [STUDIES-] 1736-1192
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