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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Representations of rural women in Bangladesh 1983 Sussex anthropology 4 (): 21-40
  • J Howes
Women and political change: the case of Iran 1983 Sussex anthropology 4 (): 70-83
  • K Jacobs
Women as 'objects' and as 'signs'?: an examination of the representation of women in 'The elementary structures of kinship' 1983 Sussex anthropology 4 (): 9-20
  • K McMullen
The angels: a women's religious organisation in Greece 1983 Sussex anthropology 4 (): 57-69
  • L Rushton
Illegitimacy in a Galician village 1983 Sussex anthropology 4 (): 41-56
  • J Gilliatt
What is meant by the "shift from function to meaning" in social anthropology? 1979 Sussex anthropology 3 (1): 24-32
  • J Bevan
Tunisian notebook [impressions of fieldwork] 1979 Sussex anthropology 3 (1): 18-23
  • C Whitworth
The Croagh Patrick pilgrimage 1979 Sussex anthropology 3 (2): 32-48
  • M Caheny
A critical examination of interpretations of menstrual taboos with special reference to New Guinea 1979 Sussex anthropology 3 (1): 1-17
  • S Clarke
The maintenance of the ethnic group in Britain: with reference to the Punjabi Sikhs 1979 Sussex anthropology 3 (2): 71-86
  • R Goldhill
Anthropology puts people in their place 1979 Sussex anthropology 3 (1): 74-81
  • M McDonald
Renunciation and caste 1979 Sussex anthropology 3 (2): 1-29
  • L Nisson
The politics of integration in two squatter settlements in Nairobi: Mathare and Pumwani 1979 Sussex anthropology 3 (1): 46-73
  • A Nunn
Social interaction and cohesion among prostitutes in a north east English sea port 1979 Sussex anthropology 3 (2): 49-53
  • J E Seager
Supermarket semiology 1979 Sussex anthropology 3 (1): 33-45
  • B Taylor
The cheese roll [Gloucestershire] 1979 Sussex anthropology 3 (2): 66-70
  • H Taylor
Interaction between members of a Christian Aid organisation and the Bengalis of Bangladesh 1979 Sussex anthropology 3 (2): 54-65
  • S A Wadey
In search of the community [general improvement area, Brighton] 1978 Sussex anthropology 2 (3): 24-36
  • S Crowley
Myatts Fields [Lambeth play site] 1978 Sussex anthropology 2 (3): 4-15
  • D Noble
Motorway [itinerant workers on British motorways] 1978 Sussex anthropology 2 (3): 16-23
  • R Raeburn
Pictish fantasies [Pictish culture] 1978 Sussex anthropology 2 (3): 39-55
  • R L Stirrat
"It is not often that fact plagiarises fiction" - Buchan's 'Prester John' and the Chilembwe uprising 1977 Sussex Essays in Anthropology 2 (2): 30-40
  • H Appleton
Rites of passage do not merely symbolise a change of status, but actually change the person 1977 Sussex Essays in Anthropology 2 (2): 1-6
  • S Ellis
Peasant community and the class struggle in Peruvian highlands 1977 Sussex Essays in Anthropology 2 (2): 10-29
  • R Sanchez
Mobility, status and social relations in a Glasgow gang 1976 Sussex Essays in Anthropology 1 (3): 1-12
  • I Patience
Paul Hershman [obituary] 1976 Sussex Essays in Anthropology 1 (2): 57-8
  • Anonymous
Tom Harrisson [obituary] 1976 Sussex Essays in Anthropology 1 (2): 59-60
  • Anonymous
The encounter of two worlds in Garcilaso de la Vega's "Royal commentaries of the Incas" 1976 Sussex Essays in Anthropology 1 (3): 13-22
  • J Arguedas
Life on the Abyssinian highland plateau: a micro-level analysis 1976 Sussex Essays in Anthropology 1 (3): 42-50
  • L Caplan
Politics and ritual with special reference to Max Gluckman: the Swazi "ritual of rebellion" 1976 Sussex Essays in Anthropology 1 (2): 9-38
  • J Collings
African urban migration and social control 1976 Sussex Essays in Anthropology 2 (1): 1-13
  • J Hardisty
Sri Lanka snapshots 1976 Sussex Essays in Anthropology 1 (2): 1-8
  • P Lister
Factions in Lebanon: an historical and anthropological analysis 1976 Sussex Essays in Anthropology 2 (1): 33-55
  • J Tatam
In order to hate imperialism [anthropology and colonialism] 1976 Sussex Essays in Anthropology 2 (1): 26-32
  • L Rabben
Reflections on the scientific logic of mythical thought 1976 Sussex Essays in Anthropology 2 (1): 14-25
  • J Pottier
Social anthropology in the third world slums 1976 Sussex Essays in Anthropology 1 (3): 23-41
  • P C Lloyd
The operating theatre unit of a Sussex hospital: its structure and internal problems 1975 Sussex Essays in Anthropology 1 (1): 49-65
  • J Pottier
Levi-Strauss and metaphor: the language of structuralism 1975 Sussex Essays in Anthropology 1 (1): 28-48
  • J Lowry
Operational decision making in a police sub-division 1975 Sussex Essays in Anthropology 1 (1): 18-27
  • G S Edwards
Tupac Amaru: hero of the myth in the agrarian reform of Peru 1975 Sussex Essays in Anthropology 1 (1): 66-78
  • S Conlin
Cargo cults as dialectics: an area analysis 1975 Sussex Essays in Anthropology 1 (1): 1-17
  • R Bastin
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