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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Archaeological mitigation of the Letsibogo dam: agropastoralism in southeastern Botswana 2002/2003 Southern African field archaeology 11-12 (): 4-63
  • J. Kinahan
  • T.N. Huffam
H6/KE [SOUTHERN-] 1019-5785
Superficial comparisons and reality: a reassessment of Dunefield midden and the Swartkop industry 2002/2003 Southern African field archaeology 11-12 (): 64-7
  • Jayson Orton
H6/KE [SOUTHERN-] 1019-5785
Stone age lithics from Ndondondwane 2002/2003 Southern African field archaeology 11-12 (): 68-77
  • Themba Zwane
H6/KE [SOUTHERN-] 1019-5785
Archaeology along the Kavango river/Namibia 2002/2003 Southern African field archaeology 11-12 (): 78-104
  • Jürgen Richter
H6/KE [SOUTHERN-] 1019-5785
A Riet River burial from Koffiefontein, South Africa 2001 Southern African field archaeology 10 (): 3-15
  • Sven Ouzman
Sister Mariya's account of San painting in the Tsolo district in the late 1920's ad early 1930's 2001 Southern African field archaeology 10 (): 16-18
  • Guy Butler
Mid-holocene denticulates in the Richtersveld 2001 Southern African field archaeology 10 (): 19-22
  • D. J. Halkett
  • J. D. J. Orton
Reassessing the excavation of the Church Street water furrow, Pretoria, by making use of historical sources 2001 Southern African field archaeology 10 (): 23-34
  • Anton C. Van Vollenhoven
Revisiting nomenclature: 'early iron age', [first-millennium agriculturists], or what? 2001 Southern African field archaeology 10 (): 35-45
  • John Steele
Excavations at /Hei-/Khomas (Vaalhoek) in the Richtersveld, Northern Cape 2001 Southern African field archaeology 10 (): 46-74
  • Lita Webley
An introduction to the later stone age research project along the south eastern Cape 2001 Southern African field archaeology 10 (): 75-87
  • Johan Binneman
Reading between the lines: monuments as metaphors 2001 Southern African field archaeology 10 (): 88-92
  • Goodman Gwasira
Surface and subsurface reconnaissance at Ndondondwane: preliminary results of the 1995-97 field seasons 2000 Southern African field archaeology 9 (): 5-16
  • Haskel J. Greenfield
  • Leonard O. Van Schalwyk
  • Tina L. Jongsma
Late quaternary archaeological ans palaeoenvironmental data from sediments at Rhino cave, Tsodilo hills, Botswana 2000 Southern African field archaeology 9 (): 17-31
  • A. C. Campbell
  • A. C. Melear
  • G. A. Brook
  • L. H. Robbins
  • M. L. Murphy
The identification and significance of ceramic ecofacts from early iron age Ndondondwane, South Africa 2000 Southern African field archaeology 9 (): 32-42
  • Haskel J. Greenfield
  • Kent D. Fowler
  • Leonard O. Van Schalwyk
Early rock art records in the collections of the Pitt Rivers Museum, University of Oxford 2000 Southern African field archaeology 9 (): 43-54
  • G. Isaac
  • J. Coote
  • J. Hobart
  • M. De Alarcón
  • P. Mitchell
Later stone age open-air sites on Bloubos, Northern Cape 2000 Southern African field archaeology 9 (): 55-67
  • Isabelle Parsons
A human grave from the Farm Hamilton in the Limpopo river valley (South Africa) 2000 Southern African field archaeology 9 (): 68-74
  • Maryna Steyn
  • Willem Boshoff
Excavation of late iron age site on the Makgabeng, Northern Province 2000 Southern African field archaeology 9 (): 75-82
  • J. A. Schalwyk
Results from the two test excavations in the Baviaanskloof mountains, Eastern Cape province 2000 Southern African field archaeology 9 (): 83-96
  • Johan Binneman
Results from a text excavation at Groot Kommandokloof shelter in the Baviaanskloof /Kouga region, Eastern Cape province 1999 Southern African field archaeology 8 (2): 100-7
  • Johan Binneman
The 1998 fieldwork on the stone archaeology and palaeoecology of the Geelbek dunes, West Coast National Park, South Africa 1999 Southern African field archaeology 8 (1): 35-45
  • Andrew W. Kandel
  • Nicholas J. Conard
  • Timothy J. Prindiville
Tlokwa history: report on an archaeological survey of stone-walled sites in the north-eastern Free State 1999 Southern African field archaeology 8 (1): 46-55
  • J. Dreyer
Animal behaviour and interpretation in San rock art: a study in the Makgabeng plateau and Limpopo-Shashi confluence area, southern Africa 1999 Southern African field archaeology 8 (2): 60-75
  • Edward B. Eastwood
Re-discovering the rock art of the Limpopo-Shashi confluence area, southern Africa 1999 Southern African field archaeology 8 (1): 17-27
  • Edward B. Eastwood
  • Geoffrey Blundell
Climatic change across the pleistocene /holocene boundary in the Caledon river, southern Africa: results of a factor analysis of charcoal assemblages 1999 Southern African field archaeology 8 (1): 28-34
  • A. B. Esterhuysen
  • J. G. Thackeray
  • P. J. Mitchell
The compositional relationship between pottery and its source clay (1): an example from the work of a traditional potter on the farm Nonnashoek, Bethlehem, Free State 1999 Southern African field archaeology 8 (1): 5
  • J. Dreyer
  • L. Jacobsen
  • W. A. Van der Westhuizen
Geographical Information Systems applied to maritime archaeology, with specific reference to the Table Bay Project 1999 Southern African field archaeology 8 (2): 86-99
  • Bruno E. J. S. Werz
  • Colin G. C. Martin
A 300 year-old living floor in Strathalan cave A, Maclear district, Eastern Cape 1999 Southern African field archaeology 8 (2): 76-80
  • H. Opperman
Indigenous intellectual property rights 1999 Southern African field archaeology 8 (2): 57-9
  • Sven Ouzman
On the size and shape of later stone age fibre-tempered vessels from the upper Seacow river valley 1999 Southern African field archaeology 8 (1): 3-16
  • C. Garth Sampson
Observations on the manufacture of soapstone pipes in Namaqualand, South Africa 1999 Southern African field archaeology 8 (2): 81-5
  • Lita Webley
A new geometric painted site from Zambia 1998 Southern African field archaeology 7 (2): 101-5
  • Lawrence Barham
Results from a test excavation at Kleinpoort shelter in the Baviaanskloof, Eastern Cape province 1998 Southern African field archaeology 7 (2): 90-7
  • Johan Binneman
Nose-bleed in zebra rock paintings, Zimbabwe 1998 Southern African field archaeology 7 (2): 82-9
  • C. Cannan
  • F. G. Butler
Did the Seacow River Bushmen make backed microliths? 1998 Southern African field archaeology 7 (1): 3-11
  • Angela E. Close
Aspects of recent research at Ndondondwane: a response to Loubser [response to comments, see this issue 111-14] 1998 Southern African field archaeology 7 (2): 114-16
  • Haskel J. Greenfield
Populations, prehistory, pens and politics: some reflections from north of the Orange River 1998 Southern African field archaeology 7 (1): 20-5
  • A. J. B. Humphreys
The compositional relationship between pottery and its source clay (1): an example from the work of a traditional potter on the farm Nonnashoek, Betlehem, Free State 1998 Southern African field archaeology 7 (2): 98-100
  • J. Dreyer
  • L. Jacobson
  • W. A. Van der Westhuizen
The archaeology and symbolic dimensions of a thirteenth century village in eastern Botswana 1998 Southern African field archaeology 7 (2): 63-71
  • C. Van Waarden
  • J. H. A. Kinahan
  • J. Kinahan
Ndondondwane and the archaeology of deeply buried deposits conducted under unusual conditions: a response to Van Schalwyk et al [in Sthr Afr field Archaeol 1997 (6:2) 61-77, and Nyame Akuma 1997 (47) 42-52] 1998 Southern African field archaeology 7 (2): 111-14
  • Jannie Loubser
Metal artefacts and slags from archaeological sites on the Congo coast 1998 Southern African field archaeology 7 (1): 26-34
  • Duncan Miller
Metalwork found in late stone age contexts in the Western and Southern cape 1998 Southern African field archaeology 7 (2): 106-10
  • Antonietta Jerardino
  • Duncan Miller
  • John Parkington
  • Royden Yates
  • Tony Manhire
Archaeological collections from the Anglo-Zulu war in the collections of the British Museum 1998 Southern African field archaeology 7 (1): 12-19
  • Peter J. Mitchell
Excavating Ndzundza Ndebele identity at Kwamaza 1998 Southern African field archaeology 7 (1): 42-52
  • M. H. Scheman
Material culture [under the animal skin]: excavations at Esikhunjini, a Mfecane period Ndzundza Ndebele site 1998 Southern African field archaeology 7 (2): 72-81
  • M. H. Scheman
Report on isolated human remains from K2, South Africa 1998 Southern African field archaeology 7 (1): 53-8
  • M. Steyn
Archaeological investigation on the Beauley early iron age site in the Blouberg, Northern Province 1998 Southern African field archaeology 7 (1): 35-41
  • J. A. Van Schalkwyk
Report of finds at the Victoria and Alfred waterfront, Cape Town, between 1990-1993 1997 Southern African field archaeology 6 (1): 50-6
  • G. Abrahams Willis
Results from test excavation at the Havens cave, Cambria valley, South-Eastern Cape 1997 Southern African field archaeology 6 (2): 93-105
  • Johan Binneman