Anthropological Index Online

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Title Abbreviation Status Current title
Numen Numen Currently Indexed
Occasional papers Occ Pap R anthrop Inst Currently Indexed
Occasional papers of the Anthropological Institute London Occ Pap R anthrop Inst Currently Indexed
Oceania Oceania Currently Indexed
Oriental anthropologist Orient Anthrop Currently Indexed
Origine preistoria e protoistoria delle civiltà antiche Origini Currently Indexed
Origini Origini Currently Indexed
Paideuma Paideuma Currently Indexed
Památky archeologické Pam archeol Currently Indexed
Papers from the Institute of Archaeology Pap Inst Archaeol Lond Currently Indexed
Papers of the Algonquian conference Pap Algonquian Conf Currently Indexed
Pari journal PARI J Currently Indexed
People and Culture in Oceania Peop Cult Oceania Currently Indexed
Pinaco: investigaciones sobre antropología Pinaco Invest Antrop cogn Currently Indexed
Plains anthropologist Plains Anthrop Currently Indexed
Prace archeologiczne Pr archeol Currently Indexed
Prace i materia y etnograficzne Pr Mater etnogr Wroclaw Currently Indexed
Praehistorische Zeitschrift Praehist Z Currently Indexed
Préhistoire anthropologie méditerranéennes Prehist Medit Currently Indexed
Préhistoires méditerranéennes Prehist Medit Currently Indexed
Primitive man Anthrop Q Currently Indexed
Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society Proc prehist Soc Currently Indexed
Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society of East Anglia Proc prehist Soc Currently Indexed
Przegląd antropologiczny Anthrop Rev off Pub Pol Anthrop Soc Currently Indexed
Przegląd archeologiczny Przegl archeol Currently Indexed
Publicaciones Publs Inst Invest arqueol Currently Indexed
Quartär Quartar Currently Indexed
Queensland archaeological research Queensl archaeol Res Currently Indexed
RAIN, Royal Anthropological Institute news Anthrop today Currently Indexed
Research in economic anthropology Res econ Anthrop Currently Indexed
Revista colombiana de antropología Rev colomb Antrop Currently Indexed
Revista de antropología Rev Antrop Sao Paulo Currently Indexed
Revista de antropología Bogotá Antipoda Currently Indexed
Revista de antropología y arqueología Antipoda Currently Indexed
Revista de arqueología americana Rev Arqueol amer Currently Indexed
Revista de dialectología y tradiciones populares Rev Dialect Trad pop Currently Indexed
Revista del Museo de Antropologia Rev Mus Antrop Currently Indexed
Revista del Museo de Arqueologia Antropologia e Historia (Trujillo) Rev Mus Arqueol Antrop Hist Currently Indexed
Revista del Museo Nacional Rev Mus nacn Lima Currently Indexed
Revista do Centro de Estudos de Antropologia Social Etnografica Currently Indexed
Revista española de antropología americana Rev esp Antrop amer Currently Indexed
Revista Tefros Rev Tefros Currently Indexed
Rig Rig Currently Indexed
Rock art papers Rock art pap Currently Indexed
Rock art research Rock art Res Currently Indexed
Rocznik Muzeum Etnograficznego w Krakowie Rocznik Muz etnogr Krakow Currently Indexed
Romani studies Romani Stud Currently Indexed
Rossiiskaia arkheologiia Ross Arkheol Currently Indexed
Royal Anthropological Institute newsletter Anthrop today Currently Indexed
Sborník Muzeálnej slovenskej Společnosti Zborn slov nar Muz Martin Currently Indexed