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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Climate, fire and humans in southernmost America 2011 Revista de arqueología americana (29): 7-26
  • Alfredo Prieto
  • Carolina Morano
  • Mauricio Massone
H6/KE [REVISTA-] 0188-3631
Climatic changes and disasters in antiquity. Two prehistoric volcanic eruptions and the Joya de Cerén site in El Salvador 2011 Revista de arqueología americana (29): 27-49
  • Francisco Roberto Gallardo
H6/KE [REVISTA-] 0188-3631
Ecology and evolution applied to the archaeological record 2011 Revista de arqueología americana (29): 53-84
  • Gabriel Ladeira Osés
  • Marcelo Fagundes
  • Mirian Liza Alves Pacheco
  • Wilson Soares Junior
H6/KE [REVISTA-] 0188-3631
Early exploitation of coastal resources at Black Creek archaeological site (4000-2500 B.P.), southern Caribbean region of Costa Rica 2011 Revista de arqueología americana (29): 85-121
  • Norberto F. Baldi
H6/KE [REVISTA-] 0188-3631
Friends to be friends. ¿Funerary ajuar or intrusive visitors? Taphonomic observations on canis s. remains associated with human remains 2011 Revista de arqueología americana (29): 123-45
  • Atilio Nasti
H6/KE [REVISTA-] 0188-3631
The Guaraní territory on the southern coast of Santa Caterina: occupation and abandonment on the threshold of the colonial period 2011 Revista de arqueología americana (29): 53-84
  • Paulo Deblasis
  • Rafael Guedes Milheira
H6/KE [REVISTA-] 0188-3631
Planning for Ontario's archaeological past: accomplishments and continuing challenges 2010 Revista de arqueología americana (28): 7-45
  • Ronald F. Williamson
H6/KE [REVISTA-] 0188-3631
Ushnus in the southern provinces of Tawantinsuyu. Comparison between the structures of the archaeological sites El Sinchal and Hualfin Inka in central Catamarca (Argentina) 2010 Revista de arqueología americana (28): 49-81
  • Julieta Lynch
  • Marco Giovannetti
  • María Cecilia Páez
H6/KE [REVISTA-] 0188-3631
Current production of quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa W.) ethnoarchaeological data to identify archaeological plots 2010 Revista de arqueología americana (28): 83-105
  • Aylen Capparelli
  • María Laura Lopez
H6/KE [REVISTA-] 0188-3631
Archaeology of the pampas border: indigenous settlements in Arroyo Nievas (19th century, Argentina) 2010 Revista de arqueología americana (28): 107-49
  • Vicoria Pedrotta
H6/KE [REVISTA-] 0188-3631
Rock art and domestic organization at sitio Barriles, Chiriquí province, Panama 2010 Revista de arqueología americana (28): 151-70
  • Scott D. Palumbo
H6/KE [REVISTA-] 0188-3631
Social aggregation and cooperation in hunter-gatherer-fisher societies: an ethnarchaeological experiment in Tierra del Fuego 2010 Revista de arqueología americana (28): 171-94
  • Débora Zurro
  • Ivan Briz Godino
  • Lorena Salvatelli
  • Myrian Álvarez
H6/KE [REVISTA-] 0188-3631
Contract archaeology within the framework of the integrated management of the archaeological heritage of the metropolitan region of Montevideo 2009 Revista de arqueología americana (27): 7-35
  • Laura Beovide
  • Marcela Caporale
H6/KE [REVISTA-] 0188-3631
Contract archaeology in Ecuador. Brief reflections 2009 Revista de arqueología americana (27): 37-48
  • José Echeverría-Almeida
H6/KE [REVISTA-] 0188-3631
Contributions to contract archaeology to the field of research: case studies from Patagonia and northwestern Argentina 2009 Revista de arqueología americana (27): 49-70
  • Norma Ratto
H6/KE [REVISTA-] 0188-3631
Planning the future of Brazilian archaeology: a challenge for everyone 2009 Revista de arqueología americana (27): 71-84
  • Paulo Zanettini
H6/KE [REVISTA-] 0188-3631
Heritage education within consulting archaeology in Brazil 2009 Revista de arqueología americana (27): 85-99
  • Maria Cristina Mineiro Scatamacchia
H6/KE [REVISTA-] 0188-3631
The distribution of cultural elements and the spatial analysis of the wreck of the Spanish troop transport frigate San Salvador (1812) 2009 Revista de arqueología americana (27): 103-17
  • Atilio Nasti
H6/KE [REVISTA-] 0188-3631
Geo-environmental analysis and its relation the pre-colonial acquisition of lithic raw materials for the manufacture of stone tools in the valley of the Taquari River, state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil 2009 Revista de arqueología americana (27): 119-35
  • André Jasper
  • Fernanda Schneider
  • Marcos Rogério Kreutz
  • Neli Terersinha Garlace Machado
H6/KE [REVISTA-] 0188-3631
Archaeology of foothills of the eastern Cumbres Calchaquíes (Tucumán, Argentina) 2009 Revista de arqueología americana (27): 137-68
  • Gabriel Eduardo Miguez
  • Mario Alejandro Caria
H6/KE [REVISTA-] 0188-3631
Underwater archeology in the Americas 2008 Revista de arqueología americana (26): 5-12
  • Jean-Luc Pilon
  • Maria Cristina Mineiro Scatamacchia
H6/KE [REVISTA-] 0188-3631
The protection of underwater cultural heritage: the UNESCO convention of 2001 2008 Revista de arqueología americana (26): 15-40
  • Robert Grenier
H6/KE [REVISTA-] 0188-3631
Underwater archaeology in Argentina. Historical review of its background, the development of the speciality, and current state of research 2008 Revista de arqueología americana (26): 41-69
  • Nicolás C. Ciarlo
H6/KE [REVISTA-] 0188-3631
The Underwater Archaeological Charte Program of the Baixo Vale do Ribeira: reflections 2008 Revista de arqueología americana (26): 71-95
  • Gilson Rambelli
H6/KE [REVISTA-] 0188-3631
Responsibility in the salvage of marine artifacts: the case of the "H.L. Hunley" (1864) , a challenging project in the field of subacquatic conservation 2008 Revista de arqueología americana (26): 97-130
  • Johanna Rivera
  • Paul Mardikian
H6/KE [REVISTA-] 0188-3631
The Atherley Narrows fish complex: a submerged archaic-to-historic-period fishing site in Ontario, Canada 2008 Revista de arqueología americana (26): 131-51
  • R. James Ringer
H6/KE [REVISTA-] 0188-3631
The submerged shell mound from Baixo Vale do Ribeira: an underwater archaeological case study 2008 Revista de arqueología americana (26): 153-71
  • Flávio Calippo
H6/KE [REVISTA-] 0188-3631
In the land and in the water: the rescue of the remains of the old village of Toca do Bugio 2008 Revista de arqueología americana (26): 173-95
  • Gilson Rambelli
  • Maria Cristina Mineiro Scatamacchia
H6/KE [REVISTA-] 0188-3631
Mortuary practices in cenotes 2008 Revista de arqueología americana (26): 197-222
  • Carmen Rojas
H6/KE [REVISTA-] 0188-3631
Whaleboats, trypots, and blubbler: underwater archaeology in the study of the whaling situation in the Island of Bom Abrigo, southern coast, state of São Paulo 2008 Revista de arqueología americana (26): 223-40
  • Leandro D. Duran
H6/KE [REVISTA-] 0188-3631
Metallurgical characterization of a hatch cover from the battleship "Graf Spee" 2008 Revista de arqueología americana (26): 241-523
  • Atilio Nasti
  • María Rosa Eppis
  • Segundo Ismael Nuñez Pettinari
  • Tulio Palacios
H6/KE [REVISTA-] 0188-3631
A comprehensive study at interregional scale on the movement of wild cattle between centuries XVII and XIX 2008 Revista de arqueología americana (26): 257-90
  • Fabián Bognanni
  • Mariano Ramos
  • Verónica Helfer
H6/KE [REVISTA-] 0188-3631
Tools lithics out of their contexts of production: plan-convex tools found in lithic-ceramic archaeological sites in Mato Grosso - Brazil 2008 Revista de arqueología americana (26): 291-329
  • Sibeli Aparecida Viana
H6/KE [REVISTA-] 0188-3631
The archaeology committee of the Pan American Institute of Geography and History: a difficult birth and a painful growth 2007 Revista de arqueología americana (25): 29-39
  • Roger Marois
H6/KE [REVISTA-] 0188-3631
Rock art conservation research at Writing-on-Stone Provincial Park, Alberta 2007 Revista de arqueología americana (25): 55-99
  • Brink, Jack W.
H6/KE [REVISTA-] 0188-3631
What do these symbols mean? A critical review of the images found in the rocks of the Canadian shield with specific reference to the pictographs of the Lake of the Woods 2007 Revista de arqueología americana (25): 101-85
  • Alicia J.M. Colson
H6/KE [REVISTA-] 0188-3631
The diversity of social forms in pre-colonial Amazonia 2007 Revista de arqueología americana (25): 189-225
  • Denise Maria Cavalcante Gomes
H6/KE [REVISTA-] 0188-3631
The theoretical bases for the archaeological analysis of religious specialization and the processes of cultural transformation in the city of Mendoza during the colonial period 2007 Revista de arqueología americana (25): 227-46
  • Horacio Chiavazza
H6/KE [REVISTA-] 0188-3631
The ushnus and the cult of gods relating to water for the benefit of agricultural production within the Inca administration 2007 Revista de arqueología americana (25): 247-76
  • Luis Rodolfo Monteverde Sotil
H6/KE [REVISTA-] 0188-3631
Zooarchaeology and the other knowledge areas: the study of the archaeofauna rescued in archaeological site Maracaju 1 by means of an interdisciplinary point of view 2007 Revista de arqueología americana (25): 277-314
  • Camila Aoki
  • Gilson Rodolfo Martins
  • Liliane Piatti
  • Lúcia Monteiro
  • Mirián Liza Alves Forancelli Pacheco
H6/KE [REVISTA-] 0188-3631
The preservation, conservation and dissemination of archaeological heritage: the case of Costa Rica 2001 Revista de arqueología americana 20 (): 9-30
  • Ana C. Arias Quiró
  • Elena Troyo Vargas
  • Marlin Calvo Mora
H6/KE [REVISTA-] 0188-3631
Rediscovering Precolumbian Peru: archaeological investigations versus treasure, loot and booty 2001 Revista de arqueología americana 20 (): 31-50
  • James B. Richardson III
H6/KE [REVISTA-] 0188-3631
The protection of archaeological heritage in Brazil: omissions, conflicts, resistance 2001 Revista de arqueología americana 20 (): 51-79
  • Tania Andrade Lima
H6/KE [REVISTA-] 0188-3631
Urban landscape archaeology 2001 Revista de arqueología americana 20 (): 81-110
  • Daisy de Morais
  • Jose Luiz de Morais
H6/KE [REVISTA-] 0188-3631
Regional archaeology and the management of archaeological heritage 2001 Revista de arqueología americana 20 (): 111-30
  • Gilson Rambelli
  • Maria Cristina Mineiro Scatamacchia
H6/KE [REVISTA-] 0188-3631
Hacia una legislación sobre la conservación del patrimonio cultural: normativas y conceptos 2001 Revista de arqueología americana 20 (): 131-42
  • Eliana Durán Serrano
H6/KE [REVISTA-] 0188-3631
Archaeological heritage in Argentina. Current situation and perspectives for the future 2001 Revista de arqueología americana 20 (): 143-58
  • Maria Luz Endere
H6/KE [REVISTA-] 0188-3631
Five thousand years of human occupation in an extreme climate: from the Palaeoeskimo to the Inuit 2001 Revista de arqueología americana 20 (): 159-88
  • Claude Pinard
  • Daniel Gendron
H6/KE [REVISTA-] 0188-3631
Ancient cold weather adaptations in the northern Great Plains 2001 Revista de arqueología americana 20 (): 189-231
  • Ian Dyck
H6/KE [REVISTA-] 0188-3631
Ways of life in cold climates - the North American Subarctic 2001 Revista de arqueología americana 20 (): 233-88
  • Jean-Luc Pilon
H6/KE [REVISTA-] 0188-3631