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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Implementation of spectrochemical techniques in zooarchaeological research. Strontium quantification using laser induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) 2012 Revista del Museo de Antropologia 5 (): 269-74
  • Andrés D. Izeta
  • Gabriela Srur
  • Iván Cabanillas-Vidosa
  • Juan C. Ferrero
  • Tobias Schmidt de León
H6/KUL [CORDOBA-] 1852-060X
Alberto Rex González, 1918-2012. In memoriam 2012 Revista del Museo de Antropologia 5 (): 5-6
  • Andrés Laguens
  • Mirta Bonnin
H6/KUL [CORDOBA-] 1852-060X
El doctor Alberto Rex González y la arqueologia ambiental 2012 Revista del Museo de Antropologia 5 (): 7-12
  • Héctor D'Antoni
H6/KUL [CORDOBA-] 1852-060X
Mycocastor coypus ("coipo", Rodentia, Mammalia) as an archaeological resource in the wetlands of Buenos Aires pampas: exploitation patterns 2012 Revista del Museo de Antropologia 5 (): 13-30
  • María Isabel González
  • Mónica Salemme
  • Paula D. Escosteguy
H6/KUL [CORDOBA-] 1852-060X
Serving vessels of Esquina de Huajra (Dpto. Tumbaya, Jujuy, Argentina). Theoretical alternatives for interpreting their meaning 2012 Revista del Museo de Antropologia 5 (): 31-44
  • Augustina Scaro
  • María Beatriz Cremonte
H6/KUL [CORDOBA-] 1852-060X
Ethnic displacement in the Buenos Aires region. Detection of genetic heterogeneity level in the current population using genetic markers 2012 Revista del Museo de Antropologia 5 (): 45-52
  • Daniel Corach
  • María Cecilia Bobillo
H6/KUL [CORDOBA-] 1852-060X
Y-chromosomal haplotype diversity in a sample from the metropolitan area of Buenos Aires (Argentina) 2012 Revista del Museo de Antropologia 5 (): 53-64
  • Cristina B. Dejean
  • Lorena A. Sambuco
  • M. Laura Parolin
  • Sergio A. Avena
  • Stella M. Jaureguiberry
H6/KUL [CORDOBA-] 1852-060X
Race, raciology and racism in Marcelo Bórmida's works 2012 Revista del Museo de Antropologia 5 (): 65-76
  • Rolando Silla
H6/KUL [CORDOBA-] 1852-060X
Tango is back: "Tango argentino" and the narratives about the comeback of the dance in Buenos Aires 2012 Revista del Museo de Antropologia 5 (): 77-88
  • Carlos Hernán Morel
H6/KUL [CORDOBA-] 1852-060X
Love and authority. Legitimate power exercise of police women at work 2012 Revista del Museo de Antropologia 5 (): 89-100
  • Sabrina Calandrón
H6/KUL [CORDOBA-] 1852-060X
Los campesinos van a la playa 2012 Revista del Museo de Antropologia 5 (): 101-6
  • Patrick Champagne
H6/KUL [CORDOBA-] 1852-060X
Folklore representation policies in folk museums 2012 Revista del Museo de Antropologia 5 (): 107-16
  • Ana María Dupey
H6/KUL [CORDOBA-] 1852-060X
The future of a collection. Burgeois culture, identity, and public memory through the Museo Municipal de Arte Decorativo "Firma y Odilo Estévez" of Rosario City 2012 Revista del Museo de Antropologia 5 (): 117-30
  • Horacio Miguel Hernán Zapata
  • Leonardo C. Simonetta
H6/KUL [CORDOBA-] 1852-060X
The public and the archaeological heritage. The case of Tres Arroyos community in relation to Arroyo Seco 2 site and the exhibition housed in the local "José A. Mulazzi" municipal museum 2012 Revista del Museo de Antropologia 5 (): 131-40
  • María Eugenia Conforti
H6/KUL [CORDOBA-] 1852-060X
First results of zooarchaeological analysis of El Santuario I historical site (Magdalena, Buenos Aires) 2012 Revista del Museo de Antropologia 5 (): 151-62
  • Luis del Papa
  • María Soledad García
H6/KUL [CORDOBA-] 1852-060X
(Over)life's objects: memories and identities in the transmission of concentration camps experiences 2012 Revista del Museo de Antropologia 5 (): 141-8
  • Mariana Tello
H6/KUL [CORDOBA-] 1852-060X
Interspecific identification of camelids in Ambato valley (Catamarca, Argentina): approach to the issue from different analytical frameworks 2012 Revista del Museo de Antropologia 5 (): 259-68
  • Mariana Dantas
H6/KUL [CORDOBA-] 1852-060X
Zoorchaeology and taphonomy of Peñas Coloradas (Antofagasta de la Sierra, Puna de Catamarca, Argentina) late and Inca period 2012 Revista del Museo de Antropologia 5 (): 245-58
  • Jorge Guillermo Ortiz
  • Silvana Valeria Urquiza
H6/KUL [CORDOBA-] 1852-060X
Archaeological animal fibres. Studies of their physical cellular structure 2012 Revista del Museo de Antropologia 5 (): 239-44
  • María del Carmen Reigadas
H6/KUL [CORDOBA-] 1852-060X
Averaged diets: exploring the supra-regional zooarchaeological record of Tierra del Fuego 2012 Revista del Museo de Antropologia 5 (): 225-38
  • Fernando Santiago
  • Martín Vázquez
H6/KUL [CORDOBA-] 1852-060X
Taphonomy of bone remains from pellets of Coragyps atratus (black vulture) in the northwest of the Argentinian Patagonia 2012 Revista del Museo de Antropologia 5 (): 213-22
  • Fernando Ballejo
  • Fernando J. Fernández
  • Luciano J.M. De Santís
H6/KUL [CORDOBA-] 1852-060X
Archaeofauna of the archaeological site "El Piñón", cultura Balaños, Jalisco, México 2012 Revista del Museo de Antropologia 5 (): 203-12
  • Bernardo Rodríguez Galicia
  • Juan Carlos García Giménez
  • Raúl Valadez Azúa
  • Teresa Cabrero García
H6/KUL [CORDOBA-] 1852-060X
Analysis of the ichtyoarchaeological assemblages recovered in sites of the Argentinian humid Chaco 2012 Revista del Museo de Antropologia 5 (): 195-202
  • Mariano Santini
H6/KUL [CORDOBA-] 1852-060X
The calcium carbonate and its implications for the analysis of archaeological faunal samples. The Laguna El Doce case (General López department, Santa Fe province) 2012 Revista del Museo de Antropologia 5 (): 185-94
  • Jimena Cornaglia Fernández
H6/KUL [CORDOBA-] 1852-060X
Preliminary study of Canis familiaris remains in the pyramid with ramp No 7, Pachacamac temple, Perú 2012 Revista del Museo de Antropologia 5 (): 171-84
  • Denise Pozzi-Escot
  • Enrique Angulo Castaneira
  • Isabel Cornejo Rivera
  • Katiusha Bernuy-Quiroga
H6/KUL [CORDOBA-] 1852-060X
Palaeobotany contributions in the reconstruction of palaodiets. Coprolite analysis of Cerro Casa de Piedra, Santa Cruz 2012 Revista del Museo de Antropologia 5 (): 163-70
  • Ana Cecília Martínez Tosto
  • Lidia Susana Burry
  • María Teresa Civalero
H6/KUL [CORDOBA-] 1852-060X
First systematization of stylistic characters of fine pottery from Soria 2 site (Yocavil valley, northwestern Argentina) 2011 Revista del Museo de Antropologia 4 (): 127-44
  • Romina C. Spano
H6/KUL [CORDOBA-] 1852-060X
Domestic activities during the III_IV centuries AD in Potrerillos Valley (San Ignacio, Mendoza). An osteometric, ceramic and lithic technology approach 2011 Revista del Museo de Antropologia 4 (): 145-60
  • Alejandra Gasco
  • Cecilia Frigolé
  • Claudia Privitera
  • Erik J. Marsh
  • Silvina Castro
H6/KUL [CORDOBA-] 1852-060X
Estimating late holocene health from Cordoba's central highlands and eastern lowland populations (Argentina). A dental anthropological approach 2011 Revista del Museo de Antropologia 4 (): 161-78
  • Claudina V. González
  • Mariana Fabra
H6/KUL [CORDOBA-] 1852-060X
High genetic variation in Y chromosome patterns of the Mocoví population 2011 Revista del Museo de Antropologia 4 (): 179-86
  • Cecilia I. Catanesi
  • Laura A. Glesmann
  • Marta G. Méndez
  • Pablo F. Martina
H6/KUL [CORDOBA-] 1852-060X
Temporal and spatial variations in the pre-hispanic population of Córdoba, Argentina 2011 Revista del Museo de Antropologia 4 (): 179-94
  • Darío A. Demarchi
  • Mariana Fabra
  • Rodrgio Nores
H6/KUL [CORDOBA-] 1852-060X
Medical pluralism and ethnomedicine among the Toba (Qom) from Bermejito River (Chaco, Argentina). Challenges and contributions to intercultural management of health in the Chaco forest 2011 Revista del Museo de Antropologia 4 (): 195-210
  • Gustavo J. Martínez
H6/KUL [CORDOBA-] 1852-060X
Guardians of paradise. Genesis and genealogy of a collective identity in the Mar de las Pampas, Buenos Aires province 2011 Revista del Museo de Antropologia 4 (): 211-26
  • Gabriel David Noel
H6/KUL [CORDOBA-] 1852-060X
The records and history of the Indian villages of Cordoba between the sixteenth and nineteenth centuries 2011 Revista del Museo de Antropologia 4 (): 235-48
  • Isabel Castro Olañeta
  • Sonia Tell
H6/KUL [CORDOBA-] 1852-060X
An analysis of the effectiveness of the legal construction of criminal responsibility in the killing of Lonco Luán. The power of forgiving 2011 Revista del Museo de Antropologia 4 (): 249-60
  • Andrea N. Lomraña
H6/KUL [CORDOBA-] 1852-060X
Commitment and technique in the configuration of human rights field of work in the Buenos Aires city government 2011 Revista del Museo de Antropologia 4 (): 261-72
  • Ana Guglielmucci
H6/KUL [CORDOBA-] 1852-060X
"The ones who need and the ones that no". An approach to the political practice in Villa el Viento (Córdoba city) 2011 Revista del Museo de Antropologia 4 (): 273-81
  • Marina Liberatori
H6/KUL [CORDOBA-] 1852-060X
The myth of the credit for the poor: the myth -credit. Analysis of the production of a 'new' way to eradicate poverty 2011 Revista del Museo de Antropologia 4 (): 283-94
  • Adrián Koberwein
H6/KUL [CORDOBA-] 1852-060X
Bureaucratic logic, notes and documents. Libraries and the cultural sector 2011 Revista del Museo de Antropologia 4 (): 295-304
  • Ivana Mihal
H6/KUL [CORDOBA-] 1852-060X
La muerte de la "alegria" del pueblo 2011 Revista del Museo de Antropologia 4 (): 305-22
  • José Sérgio Leite Lopes
  • Sylvain Maresca
H6/KUL [CORDOBA-] 1852-060X
School representations about "lo Comechingón" in Córdoba 2011 Revista del Museo de Antropologia 4 (): 227-34
  • Marianela Stagnaro
H6/KUL [CORDOBA-] 1852-060X
Archaeology of the Quebrada de las Cuevas (Salta, Argentina) thirty years later: Excavations at the formative site Las Cuevas V 2011 Revista del Museo de Antropologia 4 (): 99-112
  • María Eugenia De Feo
H6/KUL [CORDOBA-] 1852-060X
The Inka road between Tocota and Villa Nueva (Iglesia Valley, San Juan) 2011 Revista del Museo de Antropologia 4 (): 89-98
  • Alejandra García
H6/KUL [CORDOBA-] 1852-060X
Contributions of archaeology to the construction of discourses about the local past from school. The case of Pucara de Tilcara, Jujuy, Argentina 2011 Revista del Museo de Antropologia 4 (): 81-8
  • Clarisa Otero
  • María Clara Rivolta
  • María Elisa Aparicio
  • Mónica Montenegro
H6/KUL [CORDOBA-] 1852-060X
Food and subsistence strategies in the prehispanic Mendoza midwest: consumption and discard at the site Agua 2011 Revista del Museo de Antropologia 4 (): 65-80
  • Jorge García Llorca
  • María José Ots
  • Nurit Oliszewski
H6/KUL [CORDOBA-] 1852-060X
Intentional breakage of stone tools in the pampean region, Argentina 2011 Revista del Museo de Antropologia 4 (): 47-64
  • Celeste Weitzel
H6/KUL [CORDOBA-] 1852-060X
El Ajarafe: an ephemeral mountain space occupied at different times of the holocene (Tandilla, province of Buenos Aires) 2011 Revista del Museo de Antropologia 4 (): 33-46
  • Natalia Mazzia
H6/KUL [CORDOBA-] 1852-060X
Hunting technology in the Antofalla valley, Antofagasta de la Sierra Department, Catamarca 2011 Revista del Museo de Antropologia 4 (): 17-32
  • Enrique Moreno
H6/KUL [CORDOBA-] 1852-060X
Zooarchaeology of the formative site Soria 2, Yocavil Valley (Catamarca). First century A.D. 2011 Revista del Museo de Antropologia 4 (): 3-16
  • Carlos R. Belotti López de Medina
H6/KUL [CORDOBA-] 1852-060X
Manufacture, use and disposal? Or about the social entanglement of ceramic objects 2011 Revista del Museo de Antropologia 4 (): 113-26
  • Andrés Laguens
  • Francisco G. Pazzarelli
H6/KUL [CORDOBA-] 1852-060X