Dmitry Nikolayevich Anuchin

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Dmitry Nikolayevich Anuchin
Anuchin, Dmitry Nikolayevich.jpg
Born 1843
Died 1923
Residence Imperial University, Moscow
Occupation anthropologist
Society Membership
membership Corresponding Member 1891
Honorary Fellow 1892
left 1923 deceased




Office Notes

House Notes

1891.06.23 elected Corresponding Member
1892.11.08 proposed for Hon. Membership
death reported in Report of the Council for 1924

Notes From Elsewhere

Dmitry Nikolayevich Anuchin portrait (1843–1923) was a Russian anthropologist, ethnographist, archaeologist, and geographer. He was a member of the Russian Geographical Society and convened the ethnographic sub-section of the Twelfth Congress of Russian Natural Scientists and Physicians held in Moscow in 1909. Here he pushed for the professionalisation of ethnography as compared to missionaries and amateurs. However he opposed Lev Sternberg's call for the establishment of an imperial bureau of ethnography, fearing that the discipline would become too tied up with the Tsarist bureaucracy.
However in 1915 he did become involved with the Commission for the Study of the Natural Productive Forces of Russia (KEPS) which assisted in the wartime mobilisation of resources in the Russian Empire. He argued for a second government-sponsored commission to study the population along the lines of the American Bureau of Ethnology. The Russian Academy of Sciences dismissed his proposal as unrealisable, but did establish within KEPS a Committee for the Description of Russia by Region. This turn around has been explained as arising from the situation when there was little scope for ethnographers to do independent research as many had been drafted into military hospitals and similar institutions to help with the war effort.
The crater Anuchin on the Moon, Anuchin Institute of Anthropology at Moscow State University, a glacier in Novaya Zemlya, one of the Kuril Islands and a mountain in Ural are named after him


External Publications

House Publications

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