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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Hospitality customs of landed nobility of Belarus of late 18th-early 20th centuries 2022 Vestsi Akademii Navuk Belarusi 67 (1): 88-96
  • S. A. Shydlouski
H6/KVY [AKADEMIYA NAVUK BYELARUSKAY SSR. Vestsi seryya hramadskikh navuk] 0321-1649
The dialectics of eating and speaking in Ivo Brešan’s plays 2019 Narodna umjetnost 56 (1): 117-28
  • Gordana Čupković
H6/KVP [NARODNA-] 0547-2504
Hospitality as diplomacy in post-cosmopolitan urban spaces: Dervish lodges and Sofra-diplomacy in post-war Bosnia-Erzegovina 2016 The Cambridge journal of anthropology 34 (2): 76-92
  • David Hening
H6 [CAMBRIDGE-] 0305-7674
Private space in the value system of a traditional society 2014 Etnograficheskoe obozrenie 4 (): 77-93
  • Ol'ga Borisovna Naumova
The French science of food 2012 Etnograficheskoe obozrenie 5 (): 3-12
  • Galina Il'inichna Kabakova
The others' food in travel tales: beginning of the 19th century and the present 2012 Etnograficheskoe obozrenie 5 (): 41-57
  • Pavel Sergeevich Kupriianov
Easter food and Easter feast in the Soviet period as an instrument for the preservation of religious or family identity 2012 Etnograficheskoe obozrenie 5 (): 58-70
  • Elena Evgen'evna Levkievskaia
Dining and music - a note on the history of reception 2011 Literatura ludowa 4/5 (): 61-71
  • Anna G. Piotrowska
H6/KVM [LITERATURA-] 0024-4708
On the meanings of the evening meal: a historical view 2010 Bulgarski folklor 36 (1): 21-38, 162
  • Raina Gavrilova
H6/KVR [BULGARSKI-] 0323-9861
Kazakhs and tea: historical and ethnographic study 2009 Etnograficheskoe obozrenie 5 (): 51-62
  • R.A. Beknazarov
Bilikum - mysterious jug: prolegomenon to the problem of three-part pots for giving toasts of welcome 2009 Etnološka istraživanja 14 (): 211-20, 413-14
  • Ivan Šestan
H6/KVT [ETNOLOSKA-] 0351-4323
Looking after Gdoo-naaganinaa: precolonial Nishnaabeg diplomatic and treaty relationships 2008 Wicazo Sa review 23 (2): 29-42
  • Leanne Simpson
*H6/KUB [WICAZO-] 0749-6427
About the ritual function of the kasha-razgonikha porridge and the kisel'-vygonshchik jelly 2008 Zhivaia Starina (NS) 2 (): 23-5
  • K. V. P'iankova
H6/KVY [ZHIVAIA-] 0204-3432
Ivan Meštrović's dining in the town of Split (The Gallery of Ivan Meštrović) 2007/8 Etnološka istraživanja 12/13 (): 369-77
  • Dalibor Prančević
H6/KVT [ETNOLOSKA-] 0351-4323
Capuchin refectory: between past and present in convivial space 2007 Łodzkie studia etnograficzne 46 (): 59-75
  • Piotr Jordan Śliwiński
H6/KVM [LODZKIE-] 0076-0382
Old Believers in the north: an outsider's look 2007 Zhivaia Starina (NS) 3 (): 29-31
  • N. E. Solov'eva
H6/KVY [ZHIVAIA-] 0204-3432
Dietary habits and food supply in Nova Huta (Bükkszentkereszt) 2007 Národopis Slovákov v Madarsku 21 (): 23-54
  • Mariann Takácsová
H6/KVN [NARODOPIS-] 0139-4511
Domestic dinner: representations and practices of a proper meal among young suburban mothers 2006 Journal of consumer culture 6 (2): 203-28
  • Annechen Bahr Bugge
  • Reidar Almås
H6 [JOURNAL-] 1469-5405
Bread: pabulum and symbol (materials for the Ethnocultural Dictionary of Kuban') 2006 Zhivaia Starina (NS) 3 (): 37-9
  • N. I. Bondar'
H6/KVY [ZHIVAIA-] 0204-3432
Marriage customs among the Tartars from the region of Astrakhan 2004 Zhivaia Starina (NS) 4 (): 13-16
  • A. R. Usmanova
H6/KVY [ZHIVAIA-] 0204-3432
Studies about the journey of Charles IV to France in 1377-1378: ceremonial banquets at the Palais de la Cité 2004 Archeologické rozhledy 56 (1): 92-138
  • František Šmahel
H6/KE [ARCHEOLOGICKE -] 0323-1267
Eaters and gourmands in inns 2004 Národopisná revue 4 (): 212-18, 248
  • Karel Altman
H6/KVL [NARODOPISNE-] 8062-8351
The Georgian table: some comments on the social culture of the Georgians 2004 Národopisná revue 4 (): 209-11, 248
  • Josef Oriško
H6/KVL [NARODOPISNE-] 8062-8351
The feast, magical cuisine and the degradation of symbolic thinking in mass culture 2004 Literatura ludowa 48 (4/5): 69-78
  • Katarzyna Lęńska-Bąk
H6/ KVM [LITERATURA-] 0024-4708
Etiquette of Georgian weddings (tamada) 2003 Kunstkamera: ethnograficheskie tetradi 13 (): 50-6
  • K. S. KHaratishvili
H6/KVY [KUNSTKAMERA-] 0869-8384
The taste and the beauty of the table 2003 Literatura ludowa 47 (4/5): 51-63
  • Katarzyna Łeńska-Bąk
H6/ KVM [LITERATURA-] 0024-4708
Folk diet in the Liptov region 2003 Národopisný zborník 14 (): 115-29, 242-3
  • Iveta Zuskinová
Fast food and intergenerational commensality in Japan: new styles and old patterns 2002 Ethnology 41 (2): 119-34
  • John W. Traphagan
  • L. Keith Brown
Table initiations: reflections of Greek symposion 2001 Konteksty 1/4 (): 56-62, 562
  • Jerzy Danielewicz
'Ever a guest in our house': the Emir Abdullah, Shaykh Majid Al- 'Adwan, and the practice of Jordanian house politics, as remembered by Umm Sultan, the widow of Majid 2001 International journal of Middle East studies 33 (2): 247-69
  • Andrew Shryock
  • Sally Howell
H6/KW [INTERNATIONAL-] 0020-7438
Traditional greetings used by 'people eating' 1999 Lituanistica 39 (3): 78-88
  • Birute Jasiūnaitė
Feasts accompanying traditional wedding ceremonies in the region of Vologda, Russia 1999 Zhivaia Starina (NS) 3 (): 2-4
  • Tat'iana Sergeevna Makashina
H6/KVY 'ZHIVAIA-' 0204-3432
Some aspects of generational transfer of norms and values: the example of contemporary customs associated with preparing and eating meals in Slovakia and Poland 1999 Lud 83 (): 79-88
  • Rastislava Stoličná
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