Anthropological Index Online

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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Feeding on fancies with recipe books during the period of China’s great famine (1958–1961) 2024 Food Culture and Society 27 (1): 135-51
  • Ka Wai Fan
H6/KF [FOOD-] 1751-7443
Potentiality in crisis: making and living the potential in Angola's boom and bust 2024 History and anthropology 35 (2): 234-51
  • Paolo Gaibazzi
H6 [HISTORY-] 1477-2612
Planting the seed in a new land. Agricultural development and the formation of a Hmong diaspora in the Guianas since 1977 2024 New West Indian guide 98 (1-2): 40-58
  • Alexander M. Greene
H6/KUL [NWIG-] 0028-9930
Digital labor in the state-led/capitalist complex: state labor and playful workaholics in the Chinese digital space 2024 International journal of cultural studies 27 (3): 387-404
  • Quingyue Sun
H6/KF [INTERNATIONAL-] 1367-8779
Change and social (re)organization in traditional braided crafts from the Arapiuns River region, Santarém, Pará 2024 Boletim do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi ciências humanas 19 (1): 1-18
  • Ana Carolina Vitorio Arantes
  • Luciana Gonçalves de Carvalho
  • Veridiana Barreto do Nascimento
H6/KUL [BOLETIM-] 1981-8122
Introduction 2024 Southeast Asian studies 13 (1): 3-5
  • Catherine Earl
  • Jamie Gillen
  • Liam C. Kelley
H6/KWY [SOUTHEAST-] 2423-8686
Vietnamese carescapes in the making: looking at Covid-19 care responses in Berlin through the affective lens of face masks 2024 Southeast Asian studies 13 (1): 7-33
  • Tạ Thị Minh Tâm
  • Anita von Poser
  • Edda Willamowski
  • Eric Hahn
  • Max Müller
H6/KWY [SOUTHEAST-] 2423-8686
Narrative and framing of a pandemic: public health communication in the Vietnamese public sphere 2024 Southeast Asian studies 13 (1): 7-33
  • Franziska Susana Nicolaisen
  • Mirjam Le
H6/KWY [SOUTHEAST-] 2423-8686
Appropriating state techniques for effective rituals: funerals of the Raglai in contemporary Vietnam 2024 Southeast Asian studies 13 (1): 73-107
  • Yanggu Kang
H6/KWY [SOUTHEAST-] 2423-8686
Fluid scalability; frontiers and commons in Salmon waterworlds 2024 Ethnos 89 (3): 401-17
  • Marianne Elisabeth Lien
H6 [ETHNOS-] 1469-588X
Temporal frictions: competing futures of LNG in Tanzania 2024 Journal of Eastern African studies 18 (3): 471-91
  • Aidan Barlow
H6/KY [EASTERN-] 1753-1063
Corruption, public procurement and political instability in Kazakhstan 2023 Central Asian survey 42 (1): 89-108
  • Colin Knox
  • Gulsara Junusbekova
  • Zhaslan Khamitov
*H6/KW [CENTRAL-] 0263-4937
Changes in the flock: sheep-keeping as a symbol of the transformation of the Kazakh traditional economy 2023 Central Asian survey 42 (1): 127-48
  • Aibubi Duisebayeva
  • Ian W. Campbell
*H6/KW [CENTRAL-] 0263-4937
On difference and combination: politics and social movement organizations in a Pennsylvania rust-belt region 2023 Focaal (95): 74-91
  • Sharryn Kasmir
H6/KF [FOCAAL-] 0920-1297
What is neoliberalism really? A global analysis of its real-world consequences for development, inequality, and democracy 2023 Social science information 62 (3): 295-322
  • Tibor Rutar
H6/KF [SOCIAL-] 0539-0184
Instability entrepreneurs: analyzing image management and aid disbursement in Musveni's Uganda 2023 International journal of African historical studies 56 (2): 251-6
  • Marco Mussa
*H6/KY [INTERNATIONAL-] 0361-7882
Introduction 2023 Southeast Asian studies 12 (1): 3-12
  • Atsushi Ota
H6/KWY [SOUTHEAST-] 2423-8686
Ontological collisions in Northern Territory's Aboriginal water rights policy 2023 Oceania 93 (3): 259-81
  • Erin O'Donnell
  • Lee Godden
  • Marcia Langton
  • Sue Jackson
H6/KX [OCEANIA-] 0029-8077
The beginnings of tourism in Mexico during the second half of the 19th century and the Porfiriato period through the press 2023 Anales de antropología 57 (2): 11-27
  • María Magdalena Pérez Alfaro
H6/KUL [ANALES-] 2448-6221
Identity and tourism attraction. Constructing the urban image of post-revolutionary Mexico 2023 Anales de antropología 57 (2): 41-50
  • Eugenio Mercado López
H6/KUL [ANALES-] 2448-6221
Time and social change in non-western societies: the 1979 Iranian revolution as case study 2023 Time and society 32 (4): 488-510
  • Hassan Poornik
H6 [TIME-] 0961-463X
Future-making in the European capitals of culture (Rijeka and Nova Gorica compared) 2023 Etnološka tribina 46 (53): 77-97
  • Jaro Veselinovič
  • Nevena Škrbić Alempijević
H6/KVT [ETNOLOSKA-] 0351-1944
Transformations, decline, and (imagined) futures of Gojlo and Kutina 2023 Etnološka tribina 46 (53): 124-40
  • Tihana Rubić
H6/KVT [ETNOLOSKA-] 0351-1944
How access and benefit sharing entrenches inequity: the case of rooibos 2023 Journal of southern African studies 49 (4): 589-610
  • June Bam
  • Rachel Wynberg
  • Sarah Ives
H6/KY [JOURNAL-] 1465-3893
Activation and precarity: the rewards of investing in the vulnerable 2022 Ethnos 87 (1): 152-67
  • Francisco M. Arqueros-Fernandez
H6 [ETHNOS-] 1469-588X
The pluri-extractivist state: regional autonomy and the limits of indigenous representation in Bolivia’s Gran Chaco Province 2022 Journal of Latin American studies 54 (1): 125-54
  • Penelope Anthias
*H6/KUL [JOURNAL-] 0022-216X
Sardinian crafts at the crossroads of modernity: practices, narratives, and museums, 1909-1964 2022 Etnográfica: revista do Centro de Estudos de Antropologia Social 26 (1): 181-208
  • Antonella Camarda
H6 [ETNOGRAFICA-] 0873-6561
Traditional (art)craft: frictions between thought matrices 2022 Etnográfica: revista do Centro de Estudos de Antropologia Social 26 (1): 209-31
  • Daniel Reis
H6 [ETNOGRAFICA-] 0873-6561
Negotiating local development within processes of neoliberalisation: empirical evidence from Campesinos Cooperative 2022 Bulletin of Latin American research 41 (2): 193-208
  • Diana Morales
*H6/KUL [BULLETIN-] 0261-3050
Social exclusion and conflict in a rural tourism community: a case study from Likeng Village, China 2022 Tourist studies 22 (1): 42-60
  • Evan J. Jordan
  • Hua Guo
H6/KD [TOURIST-] 1468-7976
Tourism and struggles for domination: local tourism communities and symbolic violence in Kashmir 2022 Tourist studies 22 (1): 61-88
  • Rafiq Ahmad
H6/KD [TOURIST-] 1468-7976
Exhibiting growth: producing state-market hybridity in China's museum industry 2022 Ethnos 87 (3): 560-83
  • Leksa Lee
H6 [ETHNOS-] 1469-588X
Tobacco farming and the reconfiguration of cooperatives in Tanzania 2022 Journal of southern African studies 48 (2): 273-91
  • Edward Bahati Makoye
  • Joseph Andrew Kuzilwa
  • Marianne Nylandsted Larsen
H6/KY [JOURNAL-] 1465-3893
Logistics contracts and the political economy of state failure: evidence from Somalia 2022 African affairs 121 (484): 395-417
  • Claire Elder
H6/KY [AFRICAN-] 0001-9909
The logic of authoritarian industrial policy: the case of Angola's special economic zone 2022 African affairs 121 (485): 595-622
  • Nicolas Lippolis
H6/KY [AFRICAN-] 0001-9909
Mass preferences for the free movement of people in Africa: a public opinion analysis of 36 countries 2022 International migration review 56 (1): 270-95
  • Steven Gordon
H6/KD [INTERNATIONAL-] 0197-9183
The historical trajectory and diaspora of Hong Kong immigrants in Africa 2022 Asian journal of social science 50 (1): 35-43
  • Rameez Raja
  • Wen Guozhu
H6/KW [ASIAN-] 1568-4849
China and the troubled prospects for Africa's economic take off: linkage formation and spillover effects in Zambia 2022 Journal of southern African studies 48 (5): 861-82
  • Dominik Kopiński
  • Hangwei Li
  • Ian (1969-2021) Taylor
H6/KY [JOURNAL-] 1465-3893
Relics of the past or assets for the future? Comparing indigenous territories in contemporary Brazil and United States 2022 Canadian journal of native studies 41 (1): 1-22
  • Francois Michel LeTourneau
Model citizens in Bangladesh. The joggo nari and the paradoxes of egalitarian life 2022 Social analysis 66 (3): 126-46
  • Mohammad Tareq Hasan
H6/KF [SOCIAL-] 0155-977X
Bostering artisans of the Americas 2022 American Indian NMAI 23 (2): 12-13
  • Margarita Martín-Hidalgo Birnbaum
*H6/KUB [AMERICAN-] 1528-0640
Urbanization, the youth, and protest: a cross-national analysis 2022 Cross-cultural research 56 (2-3): 125-49
  • Andrey V. Korotayev
  • Daniil M. Romanov
  • Maxim Slav
  • Patrick S. Sawyer
H6/KF [BEHAVIOR-] 1069-3971
Dialogues: The King of Bangkok: a collaborative graphic novel 2022 Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute (New Series) 28 (3): 1012-52
  • Chiara Natalucci
  • Claudio Sopranzetti
  • Sara Fabbri
H6 [JOURNAL-] 1359-0987
Leveraging low state capacity for economic development: a case study of Tajik-Afghan cross-border markets 2022 Central Asian survey 41 (3): 436-55
  • Oliver McPherson-Smith
*H6/KW [CENTRAL-] 0263-4937
Chinese plantation heritage on Malolo Lailai, Mamanuca Group, Fiji 2022 Journal of Chinese overseas 18 (1): 153-73
  • Dirk HR Spennemann
H6/KW [JOURNAL-] 1793-0391
Economic effects of Covid-19 on the Indian carpet industry 2022 Textile: the journal of cloth and culture 20 (3): 331-41
  • Mahfooz Alam
H6/KGG [TEXTILE-] 1475-9756
Challenges and scope of development: a case study of Paithani weavers of Maharashtra (India) 2022 Textile: the journal of cloth and culture 20 (3): 373-98
  • Shubha Mahajan
H6/KGG [TEXTILE-] 1475-9756
Tourism and attractiveness in Monsaraz: the effects of the Alqueva dam 2021 Etnográfica: revista do Centro de Estudos de Antropologia Social 25 (1): 23-45
  • Luís Silva
H6 [ETNOGRAFICA-] 0873-6561
Food heritage as a tourist attraction: the commodification of the Mediterranean diet, in Chefchaouen (Morocco) 2021 Etnográfica: revista do Centro de Estudos de Antropologia Social 25 (1): 231-53
  • Joana Lucas
H6 [ETNOGRAFICA-] 0873-6561
Kewatek, the Ikat textiles from Adonara: social, cultural, and economic changes 2021 Bijdragen tot de taal-, land- en volkenkunde 177 (1): 62-93
  • Leontine Visser
  • Petronela Somi Kedan
H6/KX [BIJDRAGEN-] 0006-2294