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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Mapping the earth's embrace: queer life-building in Mame-Diarra Niang's Éthérée 2024 African arts 57 (1): 32-45
  • Abigail Celis
H6/KFY [AFRICAN-] 0001-9933
Memories of violence in the Rwandan diaspora: intergenerational transmission and conflict transportation 2024 Ethnic and racial studies 47 (2): 274-96
  • Élise Féron
H6/KD [ETHNIC-] 1466-4356
African women in Iberia. The Fernandino elite in Barcelona 2024 Ethnic and racial studies 47 (7): 1382-402
  • Yolanda Aixelà-Cabré
H6/KD [ETHNIC-] 1466-4356
African women's trajectories and the Casa dos Estudantes do Império 2024 Ethnic and racial studies 47 (7): 1403-19
  • Jessica Falconi
H6/KD [ETHNIC-] 1466-4356
Batida and the politics of sonic agency in Afro Lisboa 2024 Ethnic and racial studies 47 (7): 1438-55
  • Carlos Garrido Castellano
  • Otávio Raposo
H6/KD [ETHNIC-] 1466-4356
“The dead have been awakened in the service of the living”: activist community-engaged archaeology in Charleston, South Carolina 2024 American antiquity 89 (2): 165-84
  • Ajani Ade Ofunniyin
  • Joanna K. Gilmore
  • La'Sheia O. Oubré
  • Raquel E. Fleskes
  • Theodore G. Schurr
*H6/KE [AMERICAN-] 0002-7316
Supporting the use of genetic genealogy in restoring family narratives following the transatlantic slave trade 2024 American anthropologist 126 (1): 153-7
  • LaKisha T. David
*H6 [AMERICAN-] 0002-7294
Birds of a feather (don't always) flock together: critical reflexivity of 'outsiderness' as 'insider' doing qualitative research with one's 'own people' 2024 Qualitative research 24 (2): 344-66
  • Edward Ademolu
H6 [QUALITATIVE-] 1468-7941
Europe's other Ethiopian diaspora: the ordeals of António, an enslaved Muslim in early modern Lisbon 2024 International journal of African historical studies 57 (1): 35-59
  • Matteo Salvadore
*H6/KY [INTERNATIONAL-] 0361-7882
"Master uses us goodee yet, but when he uses us ugly we'll come": nascent British colonialism in West Africa and collective slave resistance in the 19th century British Caribbean 2024 International journal of African historical studies 57 (1): 83-100
  • Amy M. Johnson
*H6/KY [INTERNATIONAL-] 0361-7882
"Our blood is becoming white": race, religion and Siddi becoming in Hyderabad, India 2024 American anthropologist 126 (2): 194-203
  • Gayatri Reddy
*H6 [AMERICAN-] 0002-7294
Ethnographic collections of African slaves from the extreme south of Brazil 2024 GIS - Gesto, Imagem, e Som: Revista de Antropologia 9 (1): 1-18
  • Ana Paula Lima Silveira
Relations between West African migrants (Senegal, Mauritania) and African American in the United States through the lens of the migration issue 2023 Cahiers d'études africaines (249): 63-83
  • Bruno Moynié
  • Olivier Leservoisier
H6/KY [CAHIERS-] 0008-0055
Informal entrepôts: witness testimony about slave ship arribadas to Santo Domingo and San Juan in the 1620s 2023 Colonial Latin American review 32 (1): 11-33
  • Marc Eagle
*H6/KUL [COLONIAL-] 1466-1802
Practices of (micro) Marronage: manbos, solidarity, détours, and heritage in Fabienne Kanor's Humus 2023 New West Indian guide 97 (1-2): 26-52
  • Aaron Thomas Witcher
H6/KUL [NWIG-] 0028-9930
Expanded vitrines: museological sculptures and diasporic identity 2023 Nka: journal of contemporary African art (52): 68-83
  • Alex Zivkovic
H6/KY [NKA-] 1075-7163
All the world's histories at the 59th Venice Biennale 2023 Nka: journal of contemporary African art (52): 120-35
  • Selene Wendt
H6/KY [NKA-] 1075-7163
We made It in Venice! But then …? Reversing notions of center and periphery 2023 African arts 56 (1): 1-9
  • Stephan Köhler
H6/KFY [AFRICAN-] 0001-9933
Childhood in captivity: bioarchaeological evidence from a late colonial sugar plantation in central Peru 2023 Latin American antiquity 34 (1): 194-211
  • Claire Maass
*H6/KE [LATIN-] 1045-6635
Presentación 2023 Fronteras de la Historia 28 (22): 8-19
  • Ana Pérez
  • Kaherine Bonil Gómez
  • María Eugenia Chaves
H6/KUL [FRONTERAS-] 0123-4676
The palenque of Limón through the voice of a Maroon, provincia de Cartagena (17th century) 2023 Fronteras de la Historia 28 (22): 21-49
  • María Cristina Navarrete
H6/KUL [FRONTERAS-] 0123-4676
The uprising of the African diaspora in the gold mines of Antioquia and the creation of the Palenque del Nechí (1580-1648) 2023 Fronteras de la Historia 28 (22): 50-75
  • Paola Vargas Arana
H6/KUL [FRONTERAS-] 0123-4676
Women in the geographies of marronage - Territorial intimacy as a freedom strategy: the case of María de Los Santos and her Bonga 2023 Fronteras de la Historia 28 (22): 76-99
  • Ana Laura Zavala Guillen
H6/KUL [FRONTERAS-] 0123-4676
From La Guaira to Nueva España: Juan Nepomuceno and blasphemy as a freedom strategy (1755-1796) 2023 Fronteras de la Historia 28 (22): 100-25
  • Andrea Guerrero-Mosquera
H6/KUL [FRONTERAS-] 0123-4676
"Servile freedom": juridical uncertainty and legal creativity on the road to emancipation (1789-1824) 2023 Fronteras de la Historia 28 (22): 126-44
  • Edgardo Pérez-Morales
H6/KUL [FRONTERAS-] 0123-4676
“Hasta que fue menester apelar al juzgado de su merced”: the legal culture of litigant slaves in the Viceroyalty of the Nuevo Reino de Granada (1789-1809) 2023 Fronteras de la Historia 28 (22): 145-72
  • Hedy Katherine Mora Idárraga
H6/KUL [FRONTERAS-] 0123-4676
Freedom rumors during the Insurrection of the Comuneros in the province of Antioquia (1781-1782) 2023 Fronteras de la Historia 28 (22): 173-98
  • Laura Jiménez Ospina
H6/KUL [FRONTERAS-] 0123-4676
Slave resistances and manumissions in New Granada during gradual abolitionism (1819-1849) 2023 Fronteras de la Historia 28 (22): 199-226
  • María Fernanda Cuevas
H6/KUL [FRONTERAS-] 0123-4676
Afro-Catholic ritual performances, lay brotherhoods and African nations in late-colonial Buenos Aires 2023 Boletín americanista (86): 151-75
  • Lea Geler
H6/KUL [BOLETIN-] 0520-4100
Expanding the colonial archive 2023 Colonial Latin American review 32 (2): 257-70
  • Miguel A. Valerio
*H6/KUL [COLONIAL-] 1466-1802
Black indigeneities, contested sovereignties 2023 American Indian culture and research journal 46 (2): 29-52
  • Boateng Boatema
H6/KUB [AMERICAN-] 0161-6463
‘A modest, but peculiar style’: self-fashioning, Atlantic commerce, and the culture of adornment on the urban Gold Coast 2023 Journal of African history 64 (2): 269-91
  • Herman von Hesse
*H6/KY [JOURNAL-] 0021-8537
Facing the flames: the Herskovitses, Trinidad, and the anthropological imagination 2023 American ethnologist 50 (3): 368-74
  • Ryan Cecil Johnson
H6 [AMERICAN-] 0094-0496
The book liberator. Rastafari and the return of Maqdala's artefacts to Ethiopia 2023 Cahiers d'études africaines (251-252): 835-58
  • Aleema Gray
  • Giulia Bonacci
H6/KY [CAHIERS-] 0008-0055
Conversation with Maboula Soumahoro. Restitution, returns and diasporas 2023 Cahiers d'études africaines (251-252): 781-801
  • Alexandra Galitzine-Loumpet interv
  • Maboula Soumahoro
  • Saskia Cousin interv
H6/KY [CAHIERS-] 0008-0055
Entre(p)lacements. Dominique Malaquais, performance, restitution and politics 2023 Cahiers d'études africaines (251-252): 457-71
  • Alexandra Galitzine-Loumpet
  • Julie Peghini
H6/KY [CAHIERS-] 0008-0055
Conversation with Felwine Sarr: “thinking about restitution from within” 2023 Cahiers d'études africaines (251-252): 473-91
  • Christine Douxami interv
  • Felwine Sarr
H6/KY [CAHIERS-] 0008-0055
In the footsteps of Omar ibn Saïd, a Muslim slave from Fuuta Tooro 2023 Cahiers d'études africaines (251-252): 659-90
  • Mamarame Seck
H6/KY [CAHIERS-] 0008-0055
Wanga speaks: an ethno-theological rendering of Black genders and sexualities 2023 Journal of folklore research 60 (2-3): 123-42
  • Ana-Maurine Lara
H6/KF [INDIANA-] 0737-7037
Aspirational architecture and AK-47s: fragmented violence in Liberia from settlement to the contemporary 2023 American anthropologist 125 (2): 404-19
  • Caree A. Banton
  • Craig Stevens
  • Matthew C. Reilly
*H6 [AMERICAN-] 0002-7294
African archives in the Caribbean: the Yoruba tradition, cultural experts, and the unmaking of religious knowledge in twentieth-century Trinidad 2023 History and anthropology 34 (5): 779-800
  • Dianne M. Stewart
H6 [HISTORY-] 1477-2612
Funerary practices in the cemetery of 'Pretos Novos': symbolic violence and panoptic power structure 2023 Habitus: revista do Instituto Goiano de Pre-Historia e Antropologia 21 (2): 436-52
  • Andrea Lessa
  • Andrei de Sousa Santos
Tensions on the railways: West Indians, colonial hierarchies, and the language of racial unity in West Africa 2023 Journal of African history 64 (3): 388-405
  • Philip Janzen
*H6/KY [JOURNAL-] 0021-8537
Funerary practices in the cemetery of 'Pretos Novos': symbolic violence and panoptic power structure 2023 Habitus: revista do Instituto Goiano de Pre-Historia e Antropologia 21 (2): 436-52
  • Andrea Lessa
  • Andrei de Souza Santos
Afro-descendant oralities and materialities of Ingeniero Miguel Sajaroff (ex La Capilla), Entre Ríos. An anthropological approach 2022 Revista Tefros 20 (1): 119-47
  • Alejandro Richard
  • Cristian Daniel Lallami
  • Norberto Pablo Cirio
‘The League will not ignore the cry of the Negro race for justice’: Marcus Garvey, the League of Nations and South-West Africa 2022 Journal of southern African studies 48 (1): 103-17
  • Douglas R. Jones
H6/KY [JOURNAL-] 1465-3893
Theatre as a narrative change for refugees 2022 Cadernos de arte e antropologia 11 (1): 66-80
  • Beatriz Brandão
Exiles, expatriates, and Malcolm X: debating the racial politics of liberation in the black star of Africa 2022 Journal of African history 63 (1): 91-105
  • Jean Allman
*H6/KY [JOURNAL-] 0021-8537
Black Wadada: dreadlocks, beards, and anticolonialism among Rastafari men in Jamaica 2022 GIS - Gesto, Imagem, e Som: Revista de Antropologia 7 (1): 1-15
  • Felipe Neis Araujo
Into the Abbatoire. Eldzier Cortor in Haiti, 1949-51 2022 Nka: journal of contemporary African art (50): 22-34
  • Claire Ittner
H6/KY [NKA-] 1075-7163