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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Death, autopsy and funeral ceremonies among the Dìì of Adamawa (north Cameroon) 2013 Anthropologie et sociétés 37 (1): 161-75
  • Jean-Claude Muller
H6/KX [SOCIETE-] 0702-8997
Intrasite features distribution as a source of social information: the case of Djaba-Hosséré (northern Cameroon) 2007 Journal of anthropological archaeology 26 (2): 172-97
  • Olivier Langlois
*H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 0278-4165
Question of identity. The inheritance of the maternal uncle's widow among the Dìì (north Cameroon) 2003 L'Homme 166 (): 87-106
  • Jean-Claude Muller
H6 [HOMME-] 0439-4216
Inside, outside, and inside out. Masks, rulers, and gender among the Dìì and their neighbors 2001 African arts 34 (1): 58-71, 95-6
  • Jean-Claude Muller
H6/KFY [AFRICAN-] 1369-1058
Le foyer des métaphores mal soudées. Fogrerons et potières chez les Dìì de l'Adamaoua (nord-Cameroun) 2001 Anthropologica (New Series) 43 (2): 209-20
  • Jean-Claude Muller
Le foyer des métaphores mal soudées. Forgerons et potières chez les Dìì de l'Adamaoua 2001 Anthropologica 43 (2): 209-20
  • Jean-Claude Muller
Comment [dépaganiser] sans christianiser ni islamiser: un dilemme des Dìì de l'Adamaoua (nord-Cameroun) 2000 Gradhiva 27 (): 39-51
  • Jean-Claude Muller
'Merci à vous, les Blancs, de nous avoir libérés !': Le cas des Dìì de l'Adamaoua (Nord-Cameroun) 1997 Terrain 28 (): 59-72
  • Jean-Claude Muller
A Crow patrilineal system. The Dìì of Mbé (Adamawa, north Cameroon): essay in methodological triangulation 1997 Anthropologie et sociétés 21 (2/3): 125-41
  • Jean-Claude Muller
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