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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Testing a taphonomic predictive model of edge damage formation with middle stone age points from Pinnacle Point Cave 13B and Die Kelders Cave 1, South Africa 2014 Journal of archaeological science 48 (): 84-95
  • Benjamin J. Schoville
H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 0305-4403
Coastal eolian sands, and pleistocene geoarchaeology of the southwestern Cape, South Africa 2004 Journal of archaeological science 31 (12): 1743-81
  • Karl W. Butzer
H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 0305-4403
[Introduction to special issue [The middle stone age at Die Kelders cave 1, South Africa]] 2000 Journal of human evolution 38 (1): 3-5
  • Curtis W. Marean
Middle stone age stratigraphy and excavations at Die Kelders cave 1 (Western Cape province, South Africa): the 1992, 1993, and 1995 field seasons 2000 Journal of human evolution 38 (1): 7-42
  • Curtis W. Marean
Micromorphology and site formation at Die Kelders cave I, South Africa 2000 Journal of human evolution 38 (1): 43-90
  • Paul Goldberg
Luminescence dating of middle stone age deposits at Die Kelders 2000 Journal of human evolution 38 (1): 91-119
  • James K. Feathers
ESR dating of the Die Kelders cave 1 site, South Africa 2000 Journal of human evolution 38 (1): 121-8
  • H. P. Schwarcz
Middle stone age human fossils from Die Kelders cave 1, Western Cape province, South Africa 2000 Journal of human evolution 38 (1): 129-45
  • Frederick E. Grine
Middle stone age artefacts from the 1993 and 1995 excavations of Die Kelders cave 1, South Africa 2000 Journal of human evolution 38 (1): 147-68
  • Anne I. Thackeray
Middle and later stone age large mammal and tortoise remains from Die Kelders cave 1, Western Cape province, South Africa 2000 Journal of human evolution 38 (1): 169-95
  • Richard G. Klein
Zooarchaeological and taphonomic analysis of the Die Kelders cave 1 layers 10 and 11 middle stone age larger mammal fauna 2000 Journal of human evolution 38 (1): 197-233
  • Curtis W. Marean
The 1992-1993 excavations at the Die Kelders middle and later stone age cave site, South Africa 1997 Journal of field archaeology 24 (3): 263-91
  • Graham Avery
The late holocene occupants of Die Kelders: hunter-gatherers or herders? 1996 Southern African field archaeology 5 (2): 79-83
  • M. L. Wilson
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