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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Sea level rise and the cultural palaeoecology of Woodland settlement patterns in the Delaware and the central middle Atlantic coastal zone: retrospect and prospect 2018 Archaeology of eastern North America 46 (): 191-213
  • Jay F. Custer
*H6/KE [ARCHEOLOGY-] 0360-1021
Combined influence of meteoric water and protein intake on hydrogen isotope values in archaeological human bone collagen 2018 Journal of archaeological science 96 (): 33-44
  • Christine A.M. France
  • Gwénaëlle M. Kavich
  • Haiping Qi
H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 0305-4403
Ossuary burials in middle Atlantic landscapes 2015 Archaeology of eastern North America 43 (): 1-22
  • Dennis C. Curry
*H6/KE [ARCHEOLOGY-] 0360-1021
Jack Reef's in the Chesapeake and Delmarva region: research into the coastal archaeology of the era between circa cal A.D. 480 and cal A.D. 900 2013 Archaeology of eastern North America 41 (): 5-30
  • Darrin L. Lowery
*H6/KE [ARCHEOLOGY-] 0360-1021
The Delmarva Adena complex: a study of the Frederica site, Kent County, Delaware 2012 Archaeology of eastern North America 40 (): 27-58
  • Darrin L. Lowery
*H6/KE [ARCHEOLOGY-] 0360-1021
In the light of the New Sweden colony: notes on Swedish pre-1800 ethnographic collections from northeastern North America 2007 European review of Native American studies 21 (2): 19-34
  • Staffan Brunius
*H6/KUB [EUROPEAN-] 0238-1486
The Thomas paleoindian site (7NC-D-4) New Castle Country, Delaware 2006 Archaeology of eastern North America 34 (): 105-20
  • Andrew J. Stanzeski
  • Robert F. Hoffman
*H6/KE [ARCHAEOLOGY-] 0360-1021
The late Woodland period in Delaware: observations on a career related to archaeology; or, who speaks for the Indians, and why? 2005 North American archaeologist 26 (1): 37-50
  • Marshall Joseph Becker
*H6/KE [NORTH-] 0197-6931
Cultural context and cordage twist direction 2004 North American archaeologist 25 (2): 139-52
  • Jay F. Custer
*H6/KE [NORTH-] 0197-6931
The Quinnipiac of New England 2002 Whispering wind 32 (5): 12-17
  • Iron Thunderhorse
Identity, sovereignty, and power: the Cherokee-Delaware agreement of 1867, past and present 2002 American Indian quarterly 26 (3): 418-35
  • Claudia Haake
Singing for Garfish: music and Woodland communities in eastern Oklahoma 2002 Ethnomusicology 46 (2): 284-306
  • Jason Baird Jackson
  • Victoria Lindzay Levine
Tokens of their love: interpreting Native American grave goods from Pennsylvania, New Jersey and New York 2001 Archaeology of eastern North America 29 (): 47-64
  • Charles A. Bello
  • Richard Veit
*H6/KE [ARCHAEOLOGY-] 0360-1021
The Delaware prophet Neolin: a reappraisal 1999 Ethnohistory 46 (2): 265-90
  • Alfred A. Cave
Delaware vocabulary in the works of Conrad Richter 1998 Papers of the Algonquian conference 29 (): 74-89
  • William Cowan
Black beaver 1998 Papers of the Algonquian conference 29 (): 106-11
  • David E. Ezzo
Old religion among the Delawares: the Gamwing (Big House rite) 1997 Ethnohistory 44 (1): 113-34
  • Jay Miller
Missionary diaries as a source for Native American studies: David Zeisberg and the Delaware 1996 European review of Native American studies 10 (2): 31-7
  • Carola Wessel
A simulation study of plow zone excavation sample designs: how much is enough 1992 North American archaeologist 13 (3): 263-79
  • J F Custer
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