Anthropological Index Online

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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
The Bonito paleochannel in Chaco Canyon, New Mexico: recent research and implications for causality and effects 2024 Kiva 90 (1): 67-97
  • Katharine Williams
  • Patricia L. Crown
  • W.H. Wills
  • Wetherbee Dorshow
*H6/KE [KIVA-] 2051-6177
Combining paleohydrology and least-cost analyses to assess the vulnerabilities of Ancestral Pueblo communities to water insecurity in the Jemez Mountains, New Mexico 2024 American antiquity 89 (1): 58-77
  • Ian A. Jorgeson
  • Michael J. Aiuvalasit
*H6/KE [AMERICAN-] 0002-7316
Tracking Mississippian migrations from the central Mississippi Valley to the Ridge and Valley with a unified absolute chronology 2024 American antiquity 89 (2): 221-37
  • Kevin E. Smith
  • Lynne P. Sullivan
  • Scott C. Meeks
  • Shawn M. Patch
*H6/KE [AMERICAN-] 0002-7316
Drought and floods at Lake Turkana: an anomaly for pastoralists? 2023 Nomadic peoples (NS) 27 (1): 95-9
  • Alberto Salza
H6/KF [NOMADIC-] 0822-7942
What the vedores rastejam (track) in Bahia’s caatinga 2023 Revista española de antropología americana 53 (2): 263-80
  • Gabriel Rodrigues Lopes
H6/KUL [MADRID-] 0556-6533
Great Basin survivance (USA): challenges and windfalls of the Neoglaciation / Late Holocene Dry Period (3100–1800 cal BP) 2023 American antiquity 88 (3): 402-18
  • Constance I. Millar
  • David Hurst Thomas
  • David Rhode
  • Douglas J. Kennett
  • Scott Mensing
  • Thomas K. Harper
*H6/KE [AMERICAN-] 0002-7316
La noche del rio muerto 2023 Archivos 21 (): 53-76
  • Maria Cristina Dasso
H6/KUL [ARCHIVOS-] 1668-4737
Variable precipitation and Maya persistence at Punta Laguna, Yucatan, Mexico 2023 Mexicon 45 (3): 59-65
  • David Rogoff
  • Iliana Ancona Aragón
  • Nicholas Puente
  • Sarah Kurnick
*H6/KUL [MEXICON-] 0720-5988
Questioning day zero: rights, provision, and water inequality in South Africa 2023 Human organization 82 (3): 223-34
  • Amanda Mokena
H6/KF [APPLIED-] 0018-7259
Water needs, water insecurity, and human biology 2023 Annual review of anthropology 52 (): 93-113
  • Ascher Y. Rosinger
H1 [BIENNIAL-] 0084-6570
Staying in crisis: choice or coercion a review of the reasons of rural-to-urban migrations due to environmental changes in Iranian villages 2023 Space and culture 26 (4): 598-617
  • Mojtaba Khanian
  • Soheil Mohammadi
H6 [SPACE-] 1206-3312
Migratory trajectories of the Aymara people of the Peruvian altiplano 2022 Alteridades (63): 107-18
  • Cliver Cahuanihancco Arque
  • Duverly Joao Incacutipa Limachi
  • Javier Santos Puma Llanqui
H6/KF [ALTERIDADES-] 0188-7017
Climate change and political instability in Equatorial Eastern Africa, 1876-84 2022 International journal of African historical studies 55 (2): 207-28
  • Philip Gooding
*H6/KY [INTERNATIONAL-] 0361-7882
Central Tibetan famines 1280-1400: when premodern climate change and bad governance starved Tibet 2022 Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies (London) 85 (2): 215-33
  • John Powers
  • Paul Hackett
  • Ruth Gamble
H6/KW [LONDON-] 0041-977X
Maize landraces and drought: seed systems in San Miguel del Valle, Oaxaca, Mexico 2022 Journal of ethnobiology 42 (4): 477-94
  • Adele Woodmansee
*H6 [JOURNAL-] 0278-0771
Impacts of climate change among the Endorois peoples in Kenya 2022 Cultural Survival quarterly 46 (1): 24-5
  • Carson Kiburo
H6/KD [CULTURAL-] 0740-3291
The impact of coastal–highland interactions and population movements on the development and collapse of complex societies in Nasca, Peru (AD 500–1450) 2021 Latin American antiquity 32 (2): 405-21
  • Christina A. Conlee
*H6/KE [LATIN-] 1045-6635
Cape Town's "day zero" drought: notes on a future history of urban dwelling 2021 Space and culture 24 (3): 359-77
  • Nick Shepherd
H6 [SPACE-] 1206-3312
When the well runs dry: climatic instability and the abandonment of early Hellenistic Berenike 2021 Antiquity 95 (380): 439-66
  • James A. Harrell
  • Marek A. Woźniak
H6/KE [ANTIQUITY-] 0003-598X
Much ado about nothing: assessing the impact of the 4.2 kya event on human subsistence patterns in northern Mesopotamia using stable isotope analysis 2021 Antiquity 95 (383): 1145-60
  • Arkadiusz Sołtysiak
  • Ricardo Fernandes
H6/KE [ANTIQUITY-] 0003-598X
Inconspicuous adaptations to climate change in everyday life: sustainable household responses to drought and heat in Czech cities 2021 Journal of consumer culture 22 (3): 729-46
  • Slavomira Ferenčuhová
H6 [JOURNAL-] 1469-5405
Los sahuasiras, un caso de extinción inducida por desastres naturales 2021 Boletín de Lima 43 (203-206): 249-84
  • Raúl Carreño-Collatupa
*H6/KE [BOLETIN-] 0253-0015
Multidecadal climate variability and the florescence of Fremont societies in eastern Utah 2020 American antiquity 85 (): 93-112
  • Elizabeth Hora
  • Erick Robinson
  • Judson Byrd Finley
  • R. Justin DeRose
*H6/KE [AMERICAN-] 0002-7316
A comparison of historical evidence for droughts in the pre-Columbian Maya codices with climatological evidence for droughts during the early late Classic periods 2020 Ethnohistory 67 (1): 97-126
  • Harvey M. Bricker
  • Victoria R. Bricker
H6/KUB [ETHNOHISTORY-] 0014-1801
Environmental precarity and religious transformation during the Mimbres transitional phase 2020 Kiva 86 (1): 24-46
  • Jakob W. Sedig
*H6/KE [KIVA-] 2051-6177
Environmental precarity and religious transformation during the Mimbres transitional phase 2020 Kiva 86 (1): 24-46
  • Jakob W. Sedig
*H6/KE [KIVA-] 2051-6177
The emergence of the village and the transformation of traditional institutions: a case study from northern Tanzania 2020 Human organization 79 (2): 150-60
  • Alicia Davis
  • J. Terrence McCabe
  • Paul W. Leslie
H6/KF [APPLIED-] 0018-7259
Relation between perception of water scarcity, capabilities and coping strategies among traditional populations of the western High Atlas in Morocco: case of the Anougal valley 2020 International journal of anthropology 35 (3-4): 225-44
  • A. Ahouach
  • M. Cherkaoui
H6/HB [INTERNATIONAL-] 0393-9383
Predictors of land privatization: cross-cultural tests of defendability and resource stress theory 2020 American anthropologist 122 (4): 745-58
  • Carol R. Ember
  • Emily Pitek
  • Tahlisa Brougham
  • Teferi Abate Adem
*H6 [AMERICAN-] 0002-7294
A utopia dos pobres nas narrativas de migração no Ceará, nordeste do Brasil 2020 Trabalhos de antropologia e etnologia 60 (): 179-89
  • Kênia Sousa Rios
Memória, saúde e pobreza: narrativas do sanitarista e farmacêutico Rodolfo Teófilo em finais do século XIX começos do século XX, no Ceará 2020 Trabalhos de antropologia e etnologia 60 (): 225-36
  • Ana Karine Martis Garcia
The water rights-based mobilization of the Wayúu against the Cercado Dam: an effective avenue for court-centered lawfare from below? 2019 Antipoda: revista de antropología y arqueología (34): 45-68
  • Sergi Vidal Parra
H6/KUL [REVISTA-] 0124-485X
Hesitant recognition: toward a crop ontology among sugar beet farmers in western Poland 2019 Nature and culture 14 (3): 299-314
  • Dong Ju Kim
H6 [NATUR-] 1558-6073
Infrastructures of moving water at the Maya site of Ucanal, Petén, Guatemala 2019 Journal of anthropological archaeology 56 (): 1-15
  • Christina T. Halperin
  • Enrique Pérez Zambrano
  • Jean-Baptiste Le Moine
*H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 0278-4165
The festival of Atlcahualo and the ritual landscapes of the Valley of Mexico 2019 Trace 75 (): 9-45
  • Johana Broda
H6/KUL [CHUNGARA-] 0185-6286
The role of diet in resilience and vulnerability to climate change among early agricultural communities in the Maya Lowlands 2019 Current anthropology 60 (4): 589-601
  • Brendan J. Culleton
  • Claire E. Ebert
  • Douglas J. Kennett
  • Jaime J. Awe
  • Julie A. Hoggarth
H6 [CURRENT-] 1537-5382
Environmental configurations. When the River Zayandeh Rud stopped crossing Isfahan 2019 Anthropology of the Middle East 14 (2): 29-41
  • Sahar Faeghi
  • Sophie Roche
*H6/KW [ANTHRO-] 1746-0719
Climate change and migration along a Mississippian periphery: a Fort Ancient example 2018 American antiquity 83 (1): 91-108
  • Aaron R. Comstock
  • Robert A. Cook
*H6/KE [AMERICAN-] 0002-7316
Was the drought really responsible? Assessing statistical relationships between climate extremes and cultural transitions 2018 Journal of archaeological science 89 (): 25-31
  • Keith W. Kintigh
  • Scott E. Ingram
H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 0305-4403
Other ends of the worlds. Seca and drought in conflict 2018 Chungará 50 (2): 319-29
  • Bernarda Marconetto
H6/KUL [CHUNGARA-] 0716-1182
Los desastres en perspectiva histórica 2018 Arqueología mexicana 25 (149): 32-5
  • Virginia García Acosta
*H6/KUL [ARQUEOLOGIA-] 0188-8218
Cuando la gente "se-uno aconejó": la gran sequía de 1454 en la cuenca de México 2018 Arqueología mexicana 25 (149): 36-45
  • Leonardo López Luján
*H6/KUL [ARQUEOLOGIA-] 0188-8218
Sobre el "colapso" en ciudades mayas de las tierras bajas 2018 Arqueología mexicana 25 (149): 52-7
  • Mercedes de la Garza
*H6/KUL [ARQUEOLOGIA-] 0188-8218
Learning to feel at home in the Anthropocene: from state of emergency to everyday experiments in California's historic drought 2018 American ethnologist 45 (3): 405-16
  • Michael Vine
H6 [AMERICAN-] 0094-0496
Rumor and history revisited: 'Mumiani' in coastal Kenya, 1945 2018 Journal of African history 59 (3): 381-98
  • Zebulon Dingley
*H6/KY [JOURNAL-] 0021-8537
Reverse thinking and "African potentials" to combat desertification in the West African Sahel: applying local greening techniques born from drought and famine in the 1970s 2018 African study monographs supplementary issue (57): 95-120
  • Shuichi Oyama
H6/KY [AFRICAN-] 0286-9667
The Franco-Bolivian mission "Palaeoenvironment and archaeology of the Guaquira-Tiwanaku river, (Bolivia)": a multidisciplinary study of the interactions between ancient societies and the environment 2018 Bulletin de l’Institut Français d’Etudes andines 47 (2): 169-93
  • Christelle Sanches
  • Claudia Rivera Casanovas
  • Élodie Brisset
  • Gregory Bièvre
  • Jaime Argollo
  • José Menacho Céspedes
  • Julien Thiesson
  • Karen Lucero Mamani
  • Katerina Escobar
  • Luis Alejandro Rodríguez
  • Marc-Antonie Vella
  • Paz Núñez-Regueiro
  • Ramiro Bello Gómez
  • Roger Guérin
  • Sofía Sejas
  • Stéphanie Guédon
  • Teresa Ortuño
H6/KUL [INSTITUT-] 0303-7495
Drought and its demographic effects in the Maya lowlands 2017 Current anthropology 58 (1): 82-113
  • Douglas J. Kennett
  • James W. Wood
  • Julie A. Hoggarth
  • Matthew Restall
H6 [CURRENT-] 0011-3204
Strengthening local safety nets as a key to enhancing the food security of pastoralists in East Africa: a case study of the Rendille of northern Kenya 2017 African study monographs supplementary issue (53): 19-33
  • Xiaogang Sun
H6/KY [AFRICAN-] 0286-9667
Building resilience through social capital as a counter-measure to natural disasters in Africa: a case study from a project in pastoralist and agro-pastoralist communities in Borena, in the Oromia region of Ethiopia 2017 African study monographs supplementary issue (53): 35-51
  • Go Shimada
  • Miki Motomura
H6/KY [AFRICAN-] 0286-9667