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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Traditional Igbo architecture: a symbolic evaluation 2022 African arts 55 (2): 66-81
  • Chinedu Ene-Orji
H6/KFY [AFRICAN-] 0001-9933
A tale of two doors from the Indonesian archipelago: Bahau Saa' and Toraja Sa'dan 2020 Arts & cultures (21): 240-51
  • Antonio Guerreiro
The apotropaic "witch posts" of early modern Yorkshire: a contextualization 2018 Material religion 14 (1): 55-82
  • Bill Angus
H6/KFO [MATERIAL-] 1743-2200
This is our story: iconography of carved doors and panels in Oyo palace 2018 African arts 51 (2): 44-57
  • Stephen Fọlárànmí
H6/KFY [AFRICAN-] 0001-9933
"The king at the gate". Monumental fortifications and the rise of local elites at Arlslantepe at the end of the 2nd millennium 2016 Origini 39 (): 209-41
  • Federico Manuelli
  • Lucia Mori
H6/KE [ORIGINI-] 0034-6805
Line five of the Amman citadel inscription: history of interpretation and a new proposal 2016 Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 376 (): 63-82
  • Andrew Burlingame
H6/KW [AMERICAN-] 0003-097X
Etnopoéticas del umbral: el simbolismo del arco en la cultura mapuche williche y sus recurrencias en los sistemas cosmovisionarios andinos 2015 Estudios Atacameños (51): 207-29
  • Rodrigo Moulian
H6/KE [ATACAMENOS-] 0716-0925
More thoughts on the Balawat gates of Shalmaneser III: the arrangement of the bands 2015 Iraq 77 (): 59-74
  • John Curtis
  • Nigel Tallis
H6/KE [IRAQ-] 0021-0889
The multiple meanings of moongo: on the conceptual character of doorways and backbones in Kilimanjaro 2014 Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute (New Series) 20 (3): 505-25
  • Knut Christian Myhre
H6 [JOURNAL-] 1359-0987
Chinese bead curtains, past and present 2013 Beads 25 (): 40-71
  • Valerie Hector
*H6 [BEADS-]
Materials for the study of hórreos in Asturias. Some doors carved in the estilo Vallaviciosa (centuries 16-17) 2013 Kobie: antropología cultural 17 (): 201-30
  • Armando Graña García
H6/KVE [KOBIE-] 0214-7971
Śiva and Avalokiteśvara: on the iconography and date of the Golden Window and Golden Door of Patan's royal palace 2012 Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies (London) 75 (2): 337-59
  • Gudrun Bühnemann
H6/KW [LONDON-] 0041-977X
A 10th-century door from Novgorod (the materials of the Troitskiĭ excavation area XII) 2012 Kratkie soobshcheniia 226 (): 239-44 [plate VI]
  • A.A. Kudriavtsev
H6/KVY [AKADEMIYA NAUK SSSR. Institut Istorii Material'noy Kultury. Kratkiye Soobs'hcheniya-] 0130-2620
'Borderland' sites in Udmurt folklore 2011 Zhivaia Starina (NS) 3 (): 19-21
  • Tat'iana Gil'niiakhmetovna Minniiakhmetova
H6/KVY [ZHIVAIA-] 0204-3432
The significance of the door in nursing homes: a symbol of control in the domestic sphere 2011 Home cultures 8 (1): 25-41
  • Migette L. Kauo
H6/KF [HOME-] 1740-6315
Popular architecture and its authors: aesthetics and dialectics in the quarry of Nuez de Aliste, Zamora 2008 Revista de dialectología y tradiciones populares 63 (2): 121-42
  • Arsenio Dacosta
H6/KVE [REVISTA-] 0034-7981
Sur les traces de Jean Cuisenier dans les Maramureş 2007 Ethnologie française (): 11-24
  • Klaus Freckman
H6/KVD [ETHNOLOGIE-] 0046-2616
Portals of beauty 2006 Rig (3): 139-55
  • Maj-Britt Andersson
H6/KVT [RIG-] 0035-5267
A Maya keystone vault at La Muñeca 2005 Mexicon 27 (4): 73-7
  • Hasso Hohmann
*H6/KUL [MEXICON-] 0720-5988
L'artistique et l'usage: le cas du mobilier de la chambre ancienne tounisienne 2004 Cahiers de Tunisie 56 (189-90): 99-123
  • Mahsouna Sellami
H6/KY [CAHIERS-] 0008-0012
Doors and windows in the traditional architecture of Sharjah: their styles, engravings and ornamentations 2004 Ma'thurat al-sha'biyya 19 (71): 7-44
  • Sa'eed Abdulla Al Wayle
Trades and crafts in Bohemia: cabinet makers in the Royal dowry town of Polička 2003 Český Lid 90 (1): 79-95
  • Ivana Ebelová
H6/KVL [CESKY-] 0009-0794
The old German consulate in British East Africa: a Mombasa mansion and its carved door 2003 British journal of Middle Eastern studies 30 (2): 137-53
  • P. J. L. Frankl
H6/KW 'BRITISH-' 1353-0194
The doors and wooden decorations in the traditional architecture of Sharjah: a comprehensive study of the doors, windows and decorations and traditional wooden carvings of Sharjah City 2002 Ma'thurat al-sha'biyya 64 (): 49-90
  • Said Abdullah Al-wayil
Hölzerne Haustüren im Jemen 2002 Mare Erythræum 5 (): 41-61
  • Traugott Wöhrlin
The architecture of Klonowa 2001 Prace i materiały seria: etnograficzna 31 (): 31-64
  • Bogna Ciesielska-Jezernik
H6/KVM [LODZ. Muzeum Archeologiczne. Prace i materiay. Seria etnograficzna]
Pumapunku: platforms and portals 2001 Boletin de arqueologia PUCP 5 (): 309-36 [inserts i-vi]
  • Jean-Pierre Protzen
  • Stella E. Nair
Genre-bound descriptions of the [house] in oral tradition: some observations based on folklore texts (wedding laments and spiritual songs) 2000 Zhivaia Starina (NS) 2 (): 5-7
  • Elena IUr'evna Kukushkina
  • Serafima Evgen'evna Nikitina
H6/KVY 'ZHIVAIA-' 0204-3432
Doors, little doors, gates and entrances: the age-old necessity of [spatial] organisation and safety 2000 Glasnik Etnografskog Instituta 49 (): 75-83
  • Srebrica Knežević
The door and the window in Macedonian wedding rituals 2000 Glasnik Etnografskog Instituta 49 (): 127-33
  • Vesna Petreska
Seven gates of Jerusalem 1997 Konteksty 3/4 (): 179-81
  • Bohdan Pocjei
Main features of the [wooden] gates from the villages Fereşti and Călineşti, Maramureş 1996 Revista de etnografie şi folclor 41 (5/6): 421-6
  • Stelu Şerban
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