Anthropological Index Online

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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Azteca America's performance of Mexicanness in the pan-hispanic television market 2010 International journal of cultural studies 13 (3): 271-89
  • Chad Thomas Beck
H6/KF [INTERNATIONAL-] 1367-8779
Cultural studies as a hidden discipline 2002 International journal of cultural studies 5 (4): 427-37
  • Paul McEwan
The archaeology of the disenfranchised 2001 Journal of archaeological method and theory 8 (2): 183-213
  • Sandra Arnold Scham
The rule of law and aboriginal rights: the case of the Chippewas of Nawash 1999 Canadian journal of native studies 19 (2): 263-88
  • Bruce Morito
Rights of the San 1999 Digging stick 16 (2): 5-6
  • Frans Prins
'I hope you will be my frend': Tasmanian Aborigines in the Furneaux group in the nineteenth century - population and land tenure 1997 Aboriginal history 21 (): 30-45
  • Irynej Skira
Structural adjustment, land reform, and disenfranchisement in Uganda 1996 Development in practice 6 (4): 347-51
  • Warren Nyamugasira
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