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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Death in Krčmar: A contribution to the quantification of the victims of the 1918 Spanish Flu pandemic 2020 Ethno-anthropological problems journal 15 (2): 601-26
  • Vladimir Krivošejev
Between the real and the imagined: Variola Vera epidemic in the area of Yugoslavia through film narrative 2019 Ethno-anthropological problems journal 14 (2): 487-505
  • Marina Mandić
Children's ethnobiological notions of contamination and contagions among Maasai agro-pastoralists on northern Tanzania 2018 Journal of ethnobiology 38 (2): 261-75
  • Barry S. Hewlett
  • Casey J. Roulette
  • Douglas R. Call
  • Jennifer W. Roulette
  • Mark A. Caudell
  • Marsha B. Quinlan
  • Robert J. Quinlan
*H6 [JOURNAL-] 0278-0771
Effects of data quality in an animal trade network and their impact on centrality parameters 2018 Social networks 54 (): 73-81
  • Jennifer Salau
  • Joachim Krieter
  • Kathrin Büttner
H6/KF [SOCIAL-] 0378-8733
Rural livelihoods and community local knowledge of risk of malaria transmission in the Okavango Delta, Botswana 2017 Botswana notes and records 49 (): 136-52
  • Barbara Ntombi Ngwenya
  • Dirontsho Maphane
  • Lapologang Magole
  • Moseki Ronald Motsholapheko
  • Oluwatoyin Dare Kolawole
*H6/KY [BOTSWANA-] 0525-5090
Treponemal disease in the Old World? Integrated palaeopathological assessment of a 9th-11th century skeleton from north-central Spain 2017 Anthropological Science 125 (2): 101-14
  • Belén Lopez
  • Eduardo Dopico
  • Eva Garcia-Vasquez
  • José Manuel Lopez-Garcia
  • Serafín Costilla
H6/KWV [ZINRUIGAKU-] 0918-7960
Food safety and regulatory change since the 'mad cow' in Japan: science, self-responsibility, and trust 2017 Contemporary Japan 29 (1): 67-88
  • Tine Walravens
H6/KWV [JAPANSTUDIEN-] 1869-2729
Origins of plague and cholera according to the Lithuanian folklore 2016 Tautosakos Darbai (NS) 52 (): 145-66
  • Asta Skujytė-Razmienė
H6/KVT [TAUTOSAKOS-] 1392-2831
Anaemia (thalassaemia) in the Middle Euphrates Valley of Syria in the second-fourth centuries AD? 2016 Antiquity 90 (): 157-71
  • Hanna Mańkowska-Pliszka
  • Jacek Tomczyk
  • Krystyna Jędrychowska-Dańska
  • Piotr Palczewski
  • Tomasz Płoszaj
H6/KE [ANTIQUITY-] 0003-598X
The cognitive and evolutionary context of the dissemination of conspiracy theories 2015 Slovenský národopis 63 (3): 195-206
  • Vladimír Bahna
H6/KVL [SLOVENSKY-] 1335-1303
Self-perceived challenges of lay counselors implementing voluntary counseling and testing in Mopani District, Limpopo Province and South Africa 2015 Journal of human ecology 51 (1/2): 138-45
  • L.B. Khoza
  • M.J. Ramalepe
  • S. Maputle
H6 [JOURNAL-] 0970-9274
Breaking silences and upholding confidences: responding to HIV in the Lihir Islands, Papua New Guinea 2015 Medical anthropology 34 (2): 124-38
  • Susan R. Hemer
H6/KGT [MEDICAL-] 0145-9740
Assessing the relationship between fluctuating asymmetry and cause of death in skeletal remains: a test of the developmental origins of health and disease hypothesis 2013 American journal of human biology 25 (3): 411-7
  • Katherine E. Weisensee
H6/HB [AMERICAN-] 1042-0533
Ancient-DNA reveals an Asian type of Mycobacterium leprae in medieval Scandinavia 2013 Journal of archaeological science 40 (1): 465-70
  • Anna Kjellström
  • Christos Economou
  • Ioannis Panagopoulos
  • Kerstin Lidén
H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 0305-4403
Kuru, AIDS, and witchcraft: reconfiguring culpability in Melanesia and Africa 2013 Social analysis 57 (3): 25-41
  • Isak Niehaus
H6/KF [SOCIAL-] 0155-977X
Health and adult productivity: the relation between adult nutrition, helminths, and agricultural, hunting and fishing yields in the Bolivian Amazon 2013 American journal of human biology 25 (1): 123-30
  • Reyes-García
  • Taps Bolivia Study Team
  • A. Rosinger
  • S. Tanner
  • W.R. Leonard
H6/HB [AMERICAN-] 1042-0533
Consanguineous unions and the burden of disability: a population-based study in communities of northeastern Brazil 2012 American journal of human biology 24 (6): 835-40
  • Ednno Dos Santos Almeida
  • Fernando Kok
  • Josecleide Calixto Pereira
  • Marina Tanieri
  • Mathias Weller
H6/HB [AMERICAN-] 1042-0533
Justinian's plague and its impact on Slavonic expansion in the Baklans: paleodemographic evidence 2011 Slavia antiqua 52 (): 103-18
  • Rafał A. Fetner
H6/KE [SLAVIA-] 0080-9993
Levels and trends in under-five mortality in Zimbabwe: findings from an analysis of recent demographic and health surveys 2011 Genus 67 (1): 61-74
  • Jeroen K. Van Ginneken
  • Joshua Kembo
H6/HB [GENUS-] 2035-5556
HIV serostatus disclosure pattern among pregnant women in Enugu, Nigeria 2009 Journal of biosocial science 41 (6): 789-98
  • C. C. Dim
  • E. E. Nwogu-Ikojo
  • H. U. Ezegwui
  • J. O. Enwereji
H6/HB [JOURNAL-] 0021-9320
Collecting social contact data in the context of disease transmission: prospective and retrospective study designs 2008 Social networks 30 (2): 127-35
  • Mirjam Kretzschmar
  • Rafael T. Mikolajczyk
H6/KF [SOCIAL-] 0378-8733
Migration and HIV transmission in rural South India: an ethnographic study 2007 Culture, health & sexuality 9 (1): 85-94
  • Dayanand G. Satihal
  • James Blanchard
  • Shiva S. Halli
  • Stephen Moses
H6/KGT [CULTURE-] 1369-1058
Promotoras in action for the prevention of HIV perinatal transmission 2006 Practicing anthropology 28 (4): 35-8
  • Armida Ayala
qH6 [PRACTICING-] 0888-4552
The plague pandemic and Slavic expansion in the 6th-8th centuries 2006 Archaeologia polona 44 (): 339-64
  • Arkadiusz Sołtysiak
H6/KE [ARCHAEOLOGIA-] 0066-5924
Knowledge, perception and attitude to HIV/AIDS: building community support for prevention of mother to child transmission services in rural Burkina Faso 2005 Curare 28 (2-3): 237-46, 357-8
  • Augustin Palé
  • Boroma Sanou
  • Malabika Sarker
  • Manuela De Allegri
  • Rachel Snow
H6/KGT [CURARE-] 0344-8622
The archaeological study of epidemic and infectious diseases 2003 World archaeology 35 (2): 171-9
  • Peter Mitchell
H6/KE [WORLD-] 0043-8243
Disguise, revelation and copyright: disassembling the south Indian leper 2003 Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute (New Series) 9 (2): 295-315
  • James Staples
HI [JOURNAL-] 1359-0987
Attitudinal and behavioral changes concerning [mad cow disease] among nurses in Lebanon 2003 Ecology of food and nutrition 42 (6): 373-83
  • Haifa Cortwabi
  • Ossama Abbas
  • Ramzi Accaoui
  • Rema A. Afifi Soweid
  • Steve Harakeh
The temporal dynamics of the fourteenth- century black death: new evidence from English ecclesiastical records 2003 Human biology 75 (4): 427-48
  • James W. Wood
  • rebecca J. Ferrell
  • Sharon N. Dewitte-Aviña
Malaria in antiquity: a genetics perspective 2003 World archaeology 35 (2): 180-92
  • Emily J. Lyons
  • Jennifer C. C. Hume
  • Karen P. Day
H6/KE [WORLD-] 0043-8243
Can archaeologists excavate evidence of malaria ? 2003 World archaeology 35 (2): 193-209
  • David Soren
H6/KE [WORLD-] 0043-8243
AIDS prevention: how much does it cost? 2000 Africana bulletin 48 (): 161-201
  • Christopher Desmond
Zulu ritual immunisation in perspective 2000 Africa 70 (2): 229-48
  • Frank Jolles
  • Stephen Jolles
Unfinished agendas: writing the history of medicine of Sub-Saharan Africa 2000 African affairs 99 (395): 325-49
  • Maureen Malowany
Modeling the influence of settlement structure on the spread of influenza among communities 2000 American journal of human biology 12 (6): 736-48
  • Anne Mobarry
  • D. Ann Herring
  • Lisa Sattenspiel
Tropical environments, human activities, and the transmission of infectious diseases 2000 Yearbook of physical anthropology 43 (): 3-31
  • Lisa Sattenspiel
H6/HB [YEARBOOK-] 0002-9483
Water pollution and epidemics in India: towards a sustainable approach 1999 Journal of human ecology 10 (1): 35-9
  • Jayawant Ambekar
The social and cultural contexts of HIV /AIDS transmission in the Kagera region, Tanzania 1999 Journal of Asian and African studies (Leiden) 34 (4): 377-402
  • A. K. Mutembei
  • C. J. Comoro
  • J. L. P. Lugalla
  • J. Z. J. Killewo
  • M. A. C. Emmelin
Views on tuberculosis among the Igbo of Nigeria 1999 Indigenous knowledge and development monitor 7 (2): 3-5
  • Ezinna Enwereji
Centrality measures for disease transmission networks 1999 Social networks 21 (1): 1-21
  • David C. Bell
  • Jerry W. Carlson
  • John S. Atkinson
The evoultion of human disease and the rise of allergy: epidemiological transistions 1999 Medical anthropology 18 (2): 187-213
  • George J. Armelagos
  • Kathleen Barnes
Socio-cultural habits among tea garden population of Assam in relation to filariasis transmission 1998 Journal of human ecology 9 (2): 187-9
  • B. Mahanta
Sex, drugs and structural violence: women and HIV 1997 Journal des anthropologues 68/9 (): 35-45
  • Jennifer Furin
  • Paul Farmer
The cultural and biological patterning of influenza 1997 Tennessee anthropologist 22 (1): 35-51
  • Mary J. Benedix
Malaria, microbes,and mechanisms of change 1997 Kiva 63 (2): 117-35
  • Heidi Roberts
  • Richard V. N. Ahlstrom
*H6/KE [KIVA-]
AIDS in Kanak societies: a women's disease and/or a white people's disease 1997 Journal des anthropologues 68/9 (): 129-42
  • Christine Salomon-Nékiriai
Urinary schistosomiasis among school children in Nigeria: consequences of indigenous beliefs and water contact activities 1997 Journal of biosocial science 29 (1): 8-18
  • C. I. Anago-Amanze
  • J. C. Okeibunor
  • U. O. Amazigo
I vettori delle malattie tropicali 1992 Nigrizia 110 (9): 70
  • M Marsiaj
In the multifactorial model of disease transmission, why is the rank correlation sensitive to choice of bivariate distribution? 1992 Annals of human genetics 56 (2): 159-61
  • T P Hutchinson
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