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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Colonial material collections and representations of devadasi bodies in the public sphere in the early 20th-century South India 2019 Anthropos (St Augustin) 114 (2): 531-45
  • Rajalakshmi Nadadur Kannan
H6 [ANTHROPOS-] 0257-9774
Negotiating ritual duty in degenerate times: the goddess Mathamma and the legal secular in rural South India 2015 American ethnologist 42 (1): 131-43
  • Hester Betlem
H6 [AMERICAN-] 0094-0496
Troubling kinship: sacred marriage and gender configuration in south India 2013 American ethnologist 40 (4): 661-75
  • Lucinda Ramberg
H6 [AMERICAN-] 0094-0496
Evolution and devolution of the Devadasi system in India: a socio-historical analysis 2005 Journal of the Indian Anthropological Society 40 (1): 31-49
  • K. Kamal
  • K. Koteswara Rao
H6/KWL [INDIAN-] 0019-4387
Devadasi rehabilitation programme: an empirical study 1990 Journal of the Indian Anthropological Society 25 (3): 201-14
  • J Bapat
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