Anthropological Index Online

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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
"I had no childhood": a trauma history of deported Ukrainians from western Boykivshchyna 2923 Journal of ethnology and folkloristics 17 (2): 25-43
  • Oleksandr Kolomyichuk
H6/KVT [JOURNAL-] 1736-6518
Differentiated legality: understanding the sources of immigrants' deportation fear 2024 Ethnic and racial studies 47 (6): 1085-108
  • Nathan I. Hoffman
  • Roger Waldinger
  • Tianjian Lai
H6/KD [ETHNIC-] 1466-4356
The control boom: US interior immigration enforcement, 1971-2010 2024 American journal of sociology 129 (5): 1447-92
  • Margot Moinester
H6/KF [AMERICAN-] 0002-9602
Recovering the memory of Yaqui women: a view of solidarity, collectivity and agency 2023 Alteridades (65): 9-19
  • Edna Lucía García Rivera
H6/KF [ALTERIDADES-] 0188-7017
Demographic effects of deportation: seeking the causes of high fertility rates in the North Caucasus, Russia 2023 Central Asian survey 42 (1): 191-210
  • Ilya Ermolin
  • Mariia Fedorova
  • Pavel Suvorkov
*H6/KW [CENTRAL-] 0263-4937
Transnational ambivalence: incorporation after forced and compelled return to Mexico 2023 Ethnic and racial studies 46 (12): 2612-32
  • Alexis M. Silver
  • Melissa A. Manzanares
H6/KD [ETHNIC-] 1466-4356
Territories of migrancy and meaning: the emotional politics of borderscapes in the lives of deported Mexican men in Tijuana 2023 International journal of cultural studies 26 (6): 697-713
  • Renato de Almeida Arao Galhardi
H6/KF [INTERNATIONAL-] 1367-8779
“I had no childhood”: a trauma history of deported Ukrainians from western Boykivshchyna 2023 Journal of ethnology and folkloristics 17 (2): 25-43
  • Oleksandr Kolomyichuk
H6/KVT [JOURNAL-] 1736-6518
The shifting contours of the outlaw in urban Haiti 2023 Tsantsa 29 (1): 124-30
  • Chelsey Kivland
H6/KF [TSANTSA-] 2673-5377
From Moldavian Korten to Altai and back to Tarutino (Ukraine). The ‘big’ theme of the Soviet deportations in the ‘small’ stories of the Bulgarians from Bessarabia (Part 3) 2023 Bulgarska etnologiia 49 (1): 100-21
  • Galin Georgiev
H6/KVR [BULGARSKA-] 1310-5213
The art of soft power banishment. New insights into the Swiss deportation regime 2022 Ethnic and racial studies 45 (16): 28-48
  • Esteban Piñeiro
  • Nathalie Pasche
  • Nora Locher
The transnational continuum of conditional inclusion: from marginalized immigrants to rejected returnees 2022 Ethnic and racial studies 45 (6): 1177-95
  • Ninna Nyberg Sørensen
H6/KD [ETHNIC-] 1466-4356
Voices from the exile: the Mpadits Mission des Noirs in Oshwe's prison camps in the Belgian Congo (1940-1960) 2022 International journal of African historical studies 55 (1): 89-114
  • Gillian Mathys
  • Margot Luyckfasseel
  • Pieter De Coene
*H6/KY [INTERNATIONAL-] 0361-7882
The obfuscation of Native American presence in the French Atlantic: Natchez Indians in Saint Domingue, 1731–1791 2022 Ethnohistory 69 (3): 265-85
  • Noel E. Smyth
H6/KUB [ETHNOHISTORY-] 1527-5477
Dental evidence of human remains of a Slavic soldier population deported in concentration camps during World War II 2022 Anthropologischer Anzeiger 79 (4): 475-80
  • Alessia Leggio
  • Antonio De Donno
  • Federica Mele
  • Francesco Introna
  • Sara Sablone
  • Valeria Santoro
Collectivized discretion: seeking explanations for decreased asylum recognition rates in Finland after Europe's 2015 'refugee crisis' 2022 International migration review 56 (3): 754-79
  • Anne Alvesalo-Kuusi
  • Elina Pirjatanniemi
  • Elsa Saarikkomäki
  • Johanna Vanto
  • Juha Lavapuro
  • Nea Lepinkäinen
H6/KD [INTERNATIONAL-] 0197-9183
Deportation threat and political engagement among Latinos in the Rio Grande valley 2022 Ethnic and racial studies 45 (15): 2843-66
  • Dongkyu Kim
  • Mi-son Kim
  • Natasha Altema McNeely
H6/KD [ETHNIC-] 1466-4356
The art of soft power banishment. New insights into the Swiss deportation regime 2022 Ethnic and racial studies 45 (16): 28-48
  • Esteban Piñeiro
  • Nathalie Pasche
  • Nora Locher
H6/KD [ETHNIC-] 1466-4356
La déportation des Roms et des Juifs dans le gouvernorat de Transnistrie durant la second guerre mondiale: de l'histoire orale, aux interpretations 2022 Etudes tsiganes (Nouvelle Série) (72-73): 256-85
  • Anna Abakunova
H6 [ETUDES-] 0014-2247
The Bulgarian population of Perm: origin, displacement, numbers 2022 Bulgarska etnologiia 48 (3): 300-13
  • Aleksander Chernykh
  • Marina Petrovna Kliaus
  • Mikhail Kamenskikh
  • Vladimir Kliaus
H6/KVR [BULGARSKA-] 1310-5213
From the Moldavian Korten to Altai and back to Tarutino (Ukraine). The 'big' subject of Soviet deportations in the 'small' stories of the Bulgarians from Bessarabia (Part 1) 2022 Bulgarska etnologiia 48 (3): 349-67
  • Galin Georgiev
H6/KVR [BULGARSKA-] 1310-5213
From the Moldavian Korten to Altai and back to Tarutino (Ukraine). The 'big' subject of Soviet deportations in the 'small' stories of the Bulgarians from Bessarabia (Part 2) 2022 Bulgarska etnologiia 48 (4): 474-95
  • Galin Georgiev
H6/KVR [BULGARSKA-] 1310-5213
From the editors: Bulgarians in Siberia and the Urals 2022 Bulgarska etnologiia 48 (3): 293-9
  • Aleksander Chernykh
  • Mila Maeva
  • Petko Khristov
H6/KVR [BULGARSKA-] 1310-5213
Effects of deportation fear on Latinxs’ civic and political participation 2021 Ethnic and racial studies 44 (2): 314-33
  • Kelly Birch Maginot
H6/KD [ETHNIC-] 1466-4356
Migrants’ fear as read between the lines in a newspaper: The Sa k pasé (1992) from the Guantánamo Naval Base 2021 Antipoda: revista de antropología y arqueología (44): 3-28
  • Mónica María del Valle Idárraga
H6/KUL [REVISTA-] 0124-485X
Relations between the 67th garrison of the Japanese Imperial Navy and Nauruan women during the Second World War 2021 People and culture in Oceania 37 (): 31-49
  • Toru Okamura
*H6/KX [MAN-] 1349-5380
Frontera sur: behind and beyond the fences of Ceuta and Melilla 2021 Ethnography 22 (4): 451-73
  • Luca Queirolo Palmas
H6/KF [ETHNOGRAPHY-] 1466-1381
Undercover sentinels at the drug gates 2021 Ciência & Trópico 45 (1): 13-24
  • Charles J. Fortin
H6/KUL [CIENCIA-] 0304-2685
Nonimmigrant others: belonging, precarity, and imperial citizenship for Chuukese migrants in Guam 2021 Polar: political and legal anthropology review 44 (1): 138-55
  • Heide Castaneda
  • Sarah A. Smith
H6/KF [APLA-] 1081-6976
Making populations for deportation: bureaucratic knowledge practices inside a European deportation unit 2021 Polar: political and legal anthropology review 44 (2): 256-70
  • Lieke M. Wissink
H6/KF [APLA-] 1081-6976
Suspicious citizenship, bureaucratic coordination, and deportation of Cambodian American refugees 2021 Polar: political and legal anthropology review 44 (2): 271-86
  • Jennifer A. Zelnik
H6/KF [APLA-] 1081-6976
ICE offices and immigration courts: accompaniment in zones of illegality 2021 Human organization 80 (3): 214-23
  • Kristin Elizabeth Yarris
H6/KF [APPLIED-] 0018-7259
Delia's return: the detention and deportation of an unaccompanied child 2021 American anthropologist 123 (3): 685-8
  • Lauren Heidbrink
*H6 [AMERICAN-] 0002-7294
Deportability and spirituality in a hostile environment: an intersubjective perspective 2021 Social anthropology 29 (4): 960-75
  • Anna Waldstein
H6/KF [SOCIAL-] 1469-8676
The task of a cultural researcher: telling the story of Siberian Estonians 2020 Folklore (Tartu) 78 (): 145-66
  • Anu Korb
H6/KVT [FOLKLORE-] 1406-0949
Deportations and the crises of [early modern] Europe: a brief historical introduction 2020 Folklore (Tartu) 78 (): 167-72
  • Stephan Steiner
H6/KVT [FOLKLORE-] 1406-0949
Bifurcated immigration and the end of compassion 2020 Ethnic and racial studies 32 (1): 1-17
  • Alejandro Portes
H6/KD [ETHNIC-] 0141-9870
Departheid. The Draconian governance of illegalized migrants in Western states 2020 Runa 41 (1): 89-114
  • Barak Kalir
Institutions of confinement as sites of passage: the mètis of foreign nationals caught in the wars on terror, drugs and immigration 2020 The Cambridge journal of anthropology 38 (1): 70-87
  • Carolina S. Boe
H6 [CAMBRIDGE-] 2047-7716
The effects of enhanced enforcement at Mexico's southern border: evidence from Central American deportees 2020 Demography 57 (5): 1597-623
  • Fernanda Martínez Flores
Weaponizing ecocide: Nauru, offshore incarceration, and environmental crisis 2020 The contemporary Pacific 32 (2): 492-502
  • Anja Kanngieser
*H6/KX [CONTEMPORARY-] 1043-898X
An introduction to Vladimir Arsen’ev’s life work, colleagues, and family 2020 Sibirica: journal of Siberian studies 19 (3): 1-14
  • Amir KHisamutdinov
H6/KW [SIBIRICA-] 1361-7362
'Yes, but somebody has to help them, somehow': looking at the Italian detention field through the eyes of professional nonstate actors 2020 International migration review 55 (1): 166-94
  • Caterina Arcidiacono
  • Francesca Esposito
  • Immacolata Di Napoli
  • José Ornelas
  • Manuela Tomai
  • Silvia Scirocchi
H6/KD [INTERNATIONAL-] 0197-9183
"J'avais peur de me faire déporter, mais j'ai demandé de l'aide": quand l'immigration par le parrainage se retourne contre les femmes 2020 Anthropologica (New Series) 62 (2): 406-19
  • Lorena Suelves Ezquerro
Transported identities: global trafficking and late-imperial subjectivity in Cuban narratives on African penal colonies 2019 Journal of Latin American studies 51 (1): 1-30
  • Susan Martín-Marquez
*H6/KUL [JOURNAL-] 0022-216X
Repressive compassion: deportation caseworkers furnishing an emotional comfort zone in encounters with illegalized migrants 2019 Polar: political and legal anthropology review 42 (1): 68-84
  • Barak Kalir
H6/KF [APLA-] 1081-6976
Deporting "bad hombres"? The profile of deportees under widespread versus prioritized enforcement 2019 International migration review 53 (2): 518-47
  • Ana P. Martinez-Donate
  • Catalina Amuedo-Dorantes
  • Thitima Puttitanun
H6/KD [INTERNATIONAL-] 0197-9183
From expelled refugee to imperial envoy: Assyria's deportation policy in light of the archaeological evidence from Tel Dan 2019 Journal of anthropological archaeology 54 (): 218-34
  • Yifat Thareani
*H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 0278-4165
Deportees in society. Ssyl’ka and spetsposelenie in Soviet Buryatiya 2019 Inner Asia 21 (1): 38-60
  • Caroline Humphrey
H6/KW [INNER-] 1464-8172
Re-searching access: what do attempts at studying migration control tell us about the state? 2019 Social anthropology 27 (S1): 5-16
  • Barak Kalir
  • Christin Acermann
  • Damian Rosset
H6/KF [SOCIAL-] 0964-0282