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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Oral health of sambaqui groups in Saquarema, Brazil 2024 Latin American antiquity 35 (1): 23-38
  • Claudia Rodrigues-Carvalho
  • Murilo Q.R. Bastos
  • Victor Guida
*H6/KE [LATIN-] 1045-6635
Bioarchaeology in dispersed mortuary contexts. The case of Ojo de Agua, Quebrada del Toro (Salta, Argentina) 2024 Revista española de antropología americana 54 (1): 45-61
  • Pablo Mercolli
  • Silvia Soria
  • Verónica Seldes
H6/KUL [MADRID-] 0556-6533
The Early Iron Age elite grave from the Kapiteljska njiva barrow cemetery (Novo mesto, Slovenia): an approach to dental profiling through non-invasive and minimally-invasive techniques 2024 Anthropologischer Anzeiger 81 (2): 183-96
  • Erika Cvetko
  • Iztok Štamfelj
  • Marko Fonović
  • Petra Stipančić
  • Robert Vidmar
  • Tadej Mirt
Plant micro-remains in dental calculus of pre and posthispanic individuals (Baradero, province of Buenos Aires) 2024 Comechingonia: Revista de Arqueología 27 (2): 5-22
  • Alicia Haydeé Tapia
  • Melisa Ayelén Auge
Characterizing variation in late precontact diets using dental microwear texture analysis: a Caborn-Welborn example 2024 Southeastern archaeology 43 (2): 59-75
  • Christopher R. Moore
  • Christopher W. Schmidt
  • Grace F. Holmes
Early Bronze Age population substructure in the Khabur basin: preliminary evidence from Tell Brak, Tell Arbid and Tell Barri (Syria) 2024 Anthropologica et praehistorica (132): 63-80
  • Arkadiusz Sołtysiak
  • Jessica Walker
  • Nina Maaranen
H6 [SOCIETE-] 1377-5723
Infectious oral pathologies in individuals from La Falda site (northwestern Argentina). Implications of an agropastoral subsistence economy at times of initial Hispano indigenous contact 2024 Revista argentina de antropología biologica 26 (2): 1-24
  • Ingrid Boasso
  • Lila Bernardi
  • Mario Alberto Arrieta
Archaeobotanic analysis in dental calculus of late Holocene human remains from the eastern Pampa-Patagaonia transition 2023 Magallania 51 (): 1-17
  • Alejandro Zucol
  • Gustavo Flensborg
  • Gustavo Martínez
  • Maria de los Milagros Colobig
H6/KUL [ANALES-] 0718-0209
Dental paleopathologies in western Anatolian skeletons from the Late Eastern Roman Period (Attepe and Dereköy settlements) 2023 Anthropologischer Anzeiger 80 (2): 171-90
  • Ahmet Cem Erkman
  • Selcem İlbey
  • Serpil Özdemir
  • Sevgi Tuğçe Gökkurt
Phytolithic analysis of dental calculus from the ancient inhabitants of the Chinchiná River Basin, Colombia 2022 Chungará 54 (2): 325-38
  • Fiorella Villanueva
  • Jhonatan Martínez Murcia
  • Juliana Gómez Mejía
  • Viviana Andrea Yepes López
H6/KUL [CHUNGARA-] 0716-1182
A comparative analysis of four dental pathologies of the historical population of Cortijo Coracho, Roman southern Spain (4th-8th centuries AD) 2022 Anthropologischer Anzeiger 79 (4): 439-49
  • Daniel Botella Ortega
  • Juan Pablo Diéguez Ramírez
  • Júlia Olivé Busom
  • Ricarda Ortega Ruiz
Dental evidence of human remains of a Slavic soldier population deported in concentration camps during World War II 2022 Anthropologischer Anzeiger 79 (4): 475-80
  • Alessia Leggio
  • Antonio De Donno
  • Federica Mele
  • Francesco Introna
  • Sara Sablone
  • Valeria Santoro
Contributions to the study of pre-Hispanic food and Andean crops in the central-south sector of Quebrada de Humahuaca (Argentina) 2022 Boletin de arqueologia PUCP 31 (2): 117-37
  • Augustina Scaro
  • María Gabriela Masaubach
Periapical lesions in human remains of hunter-gatherers from southern Patagonia corresponding to the late Holocene 2022 Chungará 54 (4): 769-84
  • Claudia Aranda
  • Cynthia Daniela Pandiani
  • Gustavo Flesborg
  • Jorge Suby
  • Leandro Luna
H6/KUL [CHUNGARA-] 0716-1182
Human skeletal remains from Hasankeyf Höyük, a sedentary hunter-gatherer site in southeast Anatolia 2022 Anthropological Science 130 (2): 121-34
  • Megumi Tashiro
  • Osamu Kondo
  • Yutaka Miyake
H6/KWV [ZINRUIGAKU-] 0918-7960
The life course of a standard-bearer: a nonroyal elite burial at the Maya archaeological Site of El Palmar, Mexico 2021 Latin American antiquity 32 (2): 274-91
  • Jessica I. Cerezo-Román
  • Kenichiro Tsukamoto
*H6/KE [LATIN-] 1045-6635
The status of women in Neolithic & pre-Imperial China: how bioarchaeological evidence informs ongoing debate 2021 World archaeology 53 (2): 273-86
  • Ryan Nichols
H6/KE [WORLD-] 1470-1375
Palaeopathological exploration in the skeletal remains of inhumated Chinese immigrants in Huaca Bellavista at the end of the 19th century 2021 Boletin de arqueologia PUCP (30): 33-51
  • Gonzalo V.R. Irureta Salvatierra
  • Roxana Gómez Torres
Up and down and sideways: collaboration, friction and ethnographic representations of orthodontics for children 2021 Ethnography 22 (1): 14-30
  • Anette Wickström
H6/KF [ETHNOGRAPHY-] 1466-1381
‘Buried with his boots on’: an integrated life course case-study of a liminal burial from the New Zealand goldrushes 2021 Journal of Pacific archaeology 12 (2): 92-109
  • Annie Marie Snoddy
  • Charlotte King
  • Chris Stantis
  • Darren Grocke
  • Elizabeth Matisoo-Smith
  • Ellen Kendall
  • Geoff Nowell
  • Hallie Buckley
  • Jonny Geber
  • Neville Ritchie
  • Peter Petchey
  • Rebecca Kinaston
H6/KE [NEW-] 1179-4704
Nutritional status and dental caries of vulnerable Cambodian children and adolescents living in Phnom Penh 2021 Antropologia portuguesa (38): 63-77
  • José Frias-Bulhosa
  • Justine Manac’h
  • Maria-Raquel G. Silva
  • Vítor Rosado-Marques
H6 [ANTROPOLOGIA-] 0870-0990
The Lord of San Francisco Caxonos: osteobiographical profile 2020 Anales de antropología 54 (1): 117-31
  • Carlos Serrano Sánchez
  • Edith Ortiz-Díaz
  • Jorge Ezra Cruz
  • Judith Ruiz González
  • Rocío Hernández Flores
H6/KUL [ANALES-] 0185-1225
Tendencias sobre la dieta de las poblaciones prehispánicas del sur del noreste argentino: análisis de indicadores bucodentales 2020 Latin American antiquity 31 (4): 800-16
  • María Augustina Ramos van Raap
*H6/KE [LATIN-] 1045-6635
Skeletal and dental health of precontact Marquesans: the bioarchaeology of the human skeletons from Ha'atuatua, Nuku Hiva, Marquesas Islands 2020 Asian perspectives 59 (2): 244-98
  • Michael Pietrusewsky
  • Michele Toomay Douglas
  • Rona Michi Ikehara-Quebral
H6/KE [ASIAN-] 0066-8435
Periapical inflammation in individuals of the medieval necropolis of São João de Almedina (Coimbra, Portugal), (12th-16th centuries) 2020 Antropologia portuguesa 37 (): 73-98
  • Liliana Matias de Carvalho
  • Sofia N. Wasterlain
H6 [ANTROPOLOGIA-] 0870-0990
A new method of starch extraction from dental calculus and creation of an indentified collection for the reconstruction of paleodiets 2020 Antropologia portuguesa 37 (): 99-130
  • Álvaro M. Monge Calleja
  • Ana Luísa Santos
  • António Pereira Coutinho
H6 [ANTROPOLOGIA-] 0870-0990
Skeletal and dental health of early Tongans: the bioarchaeology of the human skeletons from To-At-36 site, Ha'ateiho, Tongatapu, Tonga 2020 Journal of island and coastal archaeology 15 (1-4): 204-43
  • Karen Kadohiro Lauer
  • Michael Pietrusewsky
  • Michele Toomay Douglas
  • Michi_Ikehara-Quebral Rona
H6/KE [ISLAND-] 1556-4894
The diet of Late Neolithic farmers of the Belgian Meuse basin inferred using dental microwear texture analysis 2020 Anthropologica et praehistorica (129): 73-86
  • Christopher W. Schmidt
  • Frank L'Engle Williams
  • Jessica L. Droke
H6 [SOCIETE-] 1377-5723
Les sépultures des XVII-XVIIIèmes siècles fouillées en 1938 à Ngongo Mbata (République Démocratique du Congo) : recrutement et état sanitaire 2020 Anthropologica et praehistorica (129): 103-26
  • Arwa Harobi
  • Bernard Clist
  • Caroline Polet
  • Patrice Courtaud
  • Séréna Asti
H6 [SOCIETE-] 1377-5723
Immigration as a social determinant of oral health: does the 'healthy immigrant effect' extend to self-rated oral health in Ontario, Canada? 2019 Canadian ethnic studies 51 (1): 135-56
  • Teresa Abada
  • Yujiro Sano
H6/KUB [CANADIAN-] 0008-3496
Anthropology of human remains of the classical/late antiquity period from Firmi Bagher and Vartaqar sites, Armenia 2019 Anthropologie (Brno) 57 (2): 189-213
  • Anahit Yu Khudaverdyan
  • Hamazasp H. Khachatryan
  • Larisa G. Eganyan
  • Ruzan S. Palanjyan
H6/HB [ANTHROPOLOGIE-] 0323-1119
Great Moravian skeletal remains from the open-air Archaeological Museum at Modra near Velehrad: an anthropological analysis 2019 Acta Musei Moraviae: scientiae sociales 104 (1): 15-29
  • Martina Fojtová
H6/KE [ACTA-] 0323-0570
Oral health and diet in populations of central Argentina during the late Holocene: bioarchaeological and isotopic evidence 2019 Latin American antiquity 30 (4): 818-35
  • Claudina V. González
  • Mariana Fabra
*H6/KE [LATIN-] 1045-6635
The precarious state of subsistence: reevaluating dental pathological lesions associated with agricultural and hunter-gatherer lifeways 2019 Current anthropology 60 (3): 341-68
  • Christina Torres-Rouff
  • Kathryn E. Marklein
  • Laura M. King
  • Mark Hubbe
H6 [CURRENT-] 1537-5382
Overview on microscopic methods for dental wear evaluation in paleodiet studies 2019 Annuaire roumain d'anthropologie 56 (): 5-14
  • Luminiţa Bejenaru
  • Ozana-Maria Petraru
H6/HB [ANNUAIRE-] 0039-3886
Localised enamel hypoplasia of human primary canines (LHPC) in the Necropolis of Great Moravia in Znojmo-Hradiště (the so called Stronghold of Snojmo, 9th-10th century CE, Czech Republic) and analysis of chemical elements on surface enamel and hypoplastic defect via EDX method 2019 Anthropologischer Anzeiger 76 (2): 129-48
  • Bohuslav František Klíma
  • Jindřich Štelcl
  • Martina Jančová
Out of context, in association: human remains salvaged from the Mini-athiliya shell midden, Sri Lanka 2018 Asian perspectives 57 (1): 51-82
  • H. Jude Perera
  • H. Nimal Perera
  • Roshan D. Peiris
  • Samanti Kulatilake
H6/KE [ASIAN-] 0066-8435
Human foodways, metallurgy, and landscape modification of Iron Age central Thailand 2018 Asian perspectives 57 (1): 83-104
  • Chin-hsin Liu
H6/KE [ASIAN-] 0066-8435
Assessing childhood stress in early mediaeval Croatia by using multiple lines of inquiry 2018 Anthropologischer Anzeiger 75 (2): 155-67
  • Maja Petrinec
  • Mario Novak
  • Mario Slaus
  • Rachel Howcroft
  • Ron Pinhasi
  • Vlasta Vyroubal
  • Željko Krnčević
Dental pathology and occlusal wear in Valença, Portugal (modern and contemporary ages) - preliminary interpretations 2018 Antropologia portuguesa 35 (): 7-31
  • Belisa Pereira
  • Francisco Andrade
  • Luís Fontes
  • Luís Miguel Marado
H6 [ANTROPOLOGIA-] 0870-0990
Dental caries and oral health in colonial population of Mendoza (Argentina) during the XVIII-XIX centuries 2018 Estudios Atacameños (57): 257-76
  • Daniela A. Mansegosa
  • Horacio D. Chiavazza
  • P. Sebastián Giannotti
H6/KE [ATACAMENOS-] 0716-0925
Study of dental calculus in archaeological populations from northern Chile 2018 Estudios Atacameños (60): 297-312
  • Bernardo Tomás Arriaza
  • Fiorella Villanueva
  • Luis Huamán
  • Natalia Aravena
  • Roxana Tornero
  • Vivien Standen
H6/KE [ATACAMENOS-] 0716-0925
Sugar cane consumption on Rapanui (Easter Island) and the incidence of caries: evidence from stable isotope values of human bone 2017 Archaeology in New Zealand 60 (1): 5-18
  • A. Seelenfreund
  • B.F. Leach
  • C.J. Quinn
H6/KE [NEW-] 0113-7832
Exploring patterns and pathways of dietary change. Preferred foods, oral health, and stable isotope analysis of hair from the Dani of Mulia, Papua, Indonesia 2017 Current anthropology 58 (1): 31-56
  • Andrew D. Somerville
  • Douglas Hayward
  • Lee P. Hayes
  • Melanie A. Martin
  • Phillip L. Walker
H6 [CURRENT-] 0011-3204
Ancient vitamin D deficiency. Long-term trends 2017 Current anthropology 58 (3): 420-7
  • Annabelle Schattmann
  • Benoit Bertrand
  • Bonnie Kahlon
  • Emeline Raguin
  • Isabelle Ribot
  • Lori D'Ortenzio
  • Megan B. Brickley
H6 [CURRENT-] 0011-3204
Maize and pits: late prehistoric occupations of the Hurley site in the Esopus Creek valley, Ulster County, New York 2017 Archaeology of eastern North America 45 (): 133-60
  • Hetty Jo Brumbach
  • John P. Hart
  • Lisa M. Anderson
  • Susan Winchell-Sweeney
*H6/KE [ARCHEOLOGY-] 0360-1021
Biocultural practices during the transition to history at the Vat Komnou cemetery, Angkor Borei, Cambodia 2017 Asian perspectives 56 (2): 191-236
  • John Krigbaum
  • Michael Pietrusewsky
  • Michele Toomay Douglas
  • Miriam T. Stark
  • R. Alexander Bentley
  • rona M. Ikehara-Quebral
  • Voeun Vuthy
  • William Belcher
H6/KE [ASIAN-] 0066-8435
Paleohealth based on dental pathology and cribra orbitalia from the ancient Egyptian settlement of Qau 2017 Anthropological Science 125 (1): 35-42
  • Hiroto Adachi
  • Hisashi Fujita
H6/KWV [ZINRUIGAKU-] 0918-7960
Bioarchaeological evidence for the health status of a late bronze age and early iron age Bakheri chala population (Armenia) 2017 Anthropologie (Brno) 55 (3): 319-36
  • Anait IU. KHudaverdian
  • Suren G. Obosian
H6/HB [ANTHROPOLOGIE-] 0323-1119
Skeletal and dental health: the bioarchaeology of the human skeletons from the Sigatoka Sand Dunes site VL 16/1, Viti Levu, Fiji 2017 Journal of Pacific archaeology 8 (2): 53-78
  • Michael Pietrusewsky
  • Michele Toomay Douglas
  • Roma M. Ikehara-Quebral
H6/KE [NEW-] 1179-4704