Anthropological Index Online

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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Black like me: Caribbean tourism and the St. Kitts music festival 2016 Ethnomusicology 60 (2): 263-78
  • Jessica Baker
Do postmodern slogans exist? 2014 Ethno-anthropological problems journal 9 (1): 175-93
  • Bojana Radenković Šošić
Testing the efficacy and reliability of common zooarchaeological sampling strategies: a case study from the Caribbean 2013 Journal of archaeological science 40 (10): 3693-705
  • Aaron S. Poteate
  • Scott M. Fitzpatrick
H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 0305-4403
Intensifying collection and size increase of the tessellated nerite snail (Nerita tessellata) at the Coconut Walk site, Nevis, northern Lesser Antilles, AD 890-1440 2013 Journal of archaeological science 40 (11): 4024-38
  • Christina M. Giovas
  • Jessica Stone
  • Meagan Clark
  • Scott M. Fitzpatrick
H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 0305-4403
Postscript to Mrs Ewing and the St Kitts mummies' plays 2-15 Folklore 126 (1): 89-94
  • Peter Millington
H6/KF [FOLKLORE-] 0015-587X
Between tradition and modernity: national development in the Caribbean 1993 Social analysis 33 (): 89-104
  • K F Olwig
Defining the national in the transnational: cultural identity in the Afro-Caribbean diaspora 1993 Ethnos 58 (3/4): 361-76
  • K F Olwig
Caribbean diaspora 1993 Natural history 102 (3): 54-9
  • S M Wilson
Saint George and John Canoe 1991 Natural history 12 (): 22, 24-7
  • S M Wilson
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