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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Kinship and the state in Tibet and its borderlands. Introduction 2021 Inner Asia 23 (1): 2-20
  • Eveline Bingaman
  • Heidi E. Fjeld
  • Jonathan Samuels
  • Nancy Levine
H6/KW [INNER-] 1464-8172
Incest, classified. A seventeenth-century Tibetan ruler's perspective on sexual proscriptions and the boundaries of kinship 2021 Inner Asia 23 (1): 21-50
  • Jonathan Samuels
H6/KW [INNER-] 1464-8172
Measures and countermeasures. Monk levies and kinship in the Sino-Tibetan borderland 2021 Inner Asia 23 (1): 51-78
  • Eveline Bingaman
H6/KW [INNER-] 1464-8172
Practical kinship. The centrality of siblings in pastoralist life 2021 Inner Asia 23 (1): 79-102
  • Nancy E. Levine
H6/KW [INNER-] 1464-8172
Relations as potential. Pragmatism and flexibility in Tibetan kinship 2021 Inner Asia 23 (1): 103-30
  • Heidi E. Fjeld
H6/KW [INNER-] 1464-8172
‘Tears of rejoicing spirits’. Happiness and the mediation of human-spirit relations in a Mongolian mountain sacrifice 2021 Inner Asia 23 (1): 131-49
  • Erdene-Ochir Tumen-Ochir
  • Joseph Bristley
H6/KW [INNER-] 1464-8172
Producing authenticity: ethnic costumes in contemporary Inner Mongolia 2021 Inner Asia 23 (1): 150-73
  • Gegentuul Baioud
H6/KW [INNER-] 1464-8172
Introduction: effective slownesses. Distance and speed in travelling and dwelling throughout Inner Asia 2020 Inner Asia 22 (1): 1-5
  • Caroline Humphrey
  • Grégory Delaplace
H6/KW [INNER-] 1464-8172
‘Fast’ and ‘slow’: abstract thinking and ‘real experience’ in two Mongolian non-pastoral modes of travel 2020 Inner Asia 22 (1): 6-27
  • Caroline Humphrey
H6/KW [INNER-] 1464-8172
Velocity and purpose among reindeer herders in the Verkhoyansk Mountains 2020 Inner Asia 22 (1): 28-48
  • Anatoly Alekseyev
  • Piers Vitebsky
H6/KW [INNER-] 1464-8172
Slow connection. Eco-biopolitics of an isolated village in East Siberia 2020 Inner Asia 22 (1): 49-66
  • Istvan Santha
  • Tatiana Safonova
H6/KW [INNER-] 1464-8172
Pacing transhumance. Examples of rhythm alignment in the Eastern Sayan Mountains 2020 Inner Asia 22 (1): 67-86
  • Alex Oehler
H6/KW [INNER-] 1464-8172
Rhythms of nutag. Slowness and deceleration in Inner Asian mobilities 2020 Inner Asia 22 (1): 87-110
  • Sayana Namsaraeva
H6/KW [INNER-] 1464-8172
Downward the ground is hard; upward the sky is far. An elder’s way back home 2020 Inner Asia 22 (1): 111-26
  • Laurent Legrain
H6/KW [INNER-] 1464-8172
From the countryside to the city. Missing the homeland among new migrants near and in Ulaanbaatar 2020 Inner Asia 22 (1): 127-47
  • Bernard Charlier
H6/KW [INNER-] 1464-8172
Introduction: resituating domestication in Inner Asia 2020 Inner Asia 22 (2): 162-82
  • Natasha Fijn
  • Thomas White
H6/KW [INNER-] 1464-8172
Herd agency. Rethinking herd-herder relations in Mongolia and Qinghai, China 2020 Inner Asia 22 (2): 183-98
  • Ariell Ahearn
  • Byambabaatar Ichinkhorloo
  • Dulam Bumochir
H6/KW [INNER-] 1464-8172
Animal release and the sacrificial ethos in Inner Asia 2020 Inner Asia 22 (2): 199-216
  • Katherine Swancutt
H6/KW [INNER-] 1464-8172
The melodious hoofbeat. Ungulate rhythms in the post-socialist conservatory 2020 Inner Asia 22 (2): 217-36
  • K. G. Hutchins
H6/KW [INNER-] 1464-8172
The care work of balance. Apportioning life in Soyot herder-hunter households of the Eastern Sayan Mountains 2020 Inner Asia 22 (2): 237-54
  • Alex Oehler
H6/KW [INNER-] 1464-8172
Artefact transfers. Displacing, representing and (re-)valuing objects in Mongolia 2020 Inner Asia 22 (2): 255-76
  • Baatarnaran Tsetsentsolmon
  • Maria-Katharina Lang
H6/KW [INNER-] 1464-8172
Pentecostalism in Mongolia. A case study of Mongolia assemblies of God 2020 Inner Asia 22 (2): 277-98
  • Denise A. Austin
  • Togtokh-Ulzii Davaadar
H6/KW [INNER-] 1464-8172
Mongol familiarisation with European medical practices in the nineteenth-twentieth centuries 2020 Inner Asia 22 (2): 299-319
  • Batchimeg Usukhbayar
  • Batsaikhan Norov
  • Binderiya Batsaikhan
H6/KW [INNER-] 1464-8172
Property relations of Mongolian women during the Qing period 2020 Inner Asia 22 (2): 320-38
  • Leland Liu Rogers
  • Udaanjargal Chuluunbaatar
H6/KW [INNER-] 1464-8172
Historical social organisation on the eastern Tibetan Plateau. The territorial origins and etymology of tsho-ba 2019 Inner Asia 21 (1): 7-37
  • Reinier J. Langelaar
H6/KW [INNER-] 1464-8172
Deportees in society. Ssyl’ka and spetsposelenie in Soviet Buryatiya 2019 Inner Asia 21 (1): 38-60
  • Caroline Humphrey
H6/KW [INNER-] 1464-8172
New Buddhists, 'treasure' discoveries and (re)constructed protective deities of Kalmykia 2019 Inner Asia 21 (1): 61-82
  • Valeriya Gazizova
H6/KW [INNER-] 1464-8172
Revitalisation of cultural heritage in Mongolia. Development, legislation and academic contribution 2019 Inner Asia 21 (1): 83-103
  • Dulam Bumochir
  • Gantulga Munkherdene
H6/KW [INNER-] 1464-8172
The rise of the Jöüngars based on primary Oyirod sources 2019 Inner Asia 21 (2): 140-61
  • Richard Taupier
H6/KW [INNER-] 1464-8172
Nationalist sentiments obscured by 'pejorative labels' 2019 Inner Asia 21 (2): 162-79
  • Dulam BUmochir
H6/KW [INNER-] 1464-8172
The ruler, the wrestler, and the archer 2019 Inner Asia 21 (2): 180-98
  • Grégory Delaplace
H6/KW [INNER-] 1464-8172
Dark tent and light tent 2019 Inner Asia 21 (2): 199-215
  • Charles Stépanoff
H6/KW [INNER-] 1464-8172
Powerful deity or national geopark?: The pilgrimage to A-myes-rma-chen in 2014/2015, trasnformations of modernisation and state secularism, and environmental change 2019 Inner Asia 21 (2): 216-82
  • Anna Sehnalova
H6/KW [INNER-] 1464-8172
The formation and regulations of the military hunt in Qing Mongolia 2018 Inner Asia 20 (1): 5-25
  • Khohchahar E. Chuluu
H6/KW [INNER-] 1464-8172
The Solon sable tribute, hunters of Inner Asia and dynastic elites at the imperial centre 2018 Inner Asia 20 (1): 26-63
  • Chia Ning
H6/KW [INNER-] 1464-8172
The manner in which I went to worship Mañjuśri's realm, the Five-Peaked Mountain (Wutai), by Sumba Kanbo (1704-1788) 2018 Inner Asia 20 (1): 64-106
  • Brenton Sullivan
H6/KW [INNER-] 1464-8172
Women as chieftains in modern Kham history 2018 Inner Asia 20 (1): 107-31
  • Yudru Tsomu
H6/KW [INNER-] 1464-8172
'I have my own spaceship'. Folk healers in Kalmykia, Russia 2018 Inner Asia 20 (1): 132-58
  • Baasanjav Terbish
H6/KW [INNER-] 1464-8172
Precious skin. The rise and fall of the otter fur trade in Tibet 2018 Inner Asia 20 (2): 177-98
  • Lobsang Yongdan
H6/KW [INNER-] 1464-8172
The purist campaign as metadiscursive regime in China's Tibet 2018 Inner Asia 20 (2): 199-218
  • Timothy Thurston
H6/KW [INNER-] 1464-8172
Toxic care (?) Scepticism and treatment failure in post-Soviet Mongolia 2018 Inner Asia 20 (2): 219-41
  • Elizabeth Turk
H6/KW [INNER-] 1464-8172
Early Soviet policy towards Buddhism. From ostentatious tolerance to undisguised hostility 2018 Inner Asia 20 (2): 242-60
  • Darima Amogolonova
H6/KW [INNER-] 1464-8172
The politics of the Inner Asian frontier and the 1771 exodus of the Kalmyks 2018 Inner Asia 20 (2): 261-89
  • Gulnar T. Kendirbai
H6/KW [INNER-] 1464-8172
The purist campaign as metadiscursive regime in China’s Tibet 2018 Inner Asia 20 (2): 199-218
  • Timothy Thurston
H6/KW [INNER-] 1464-8172
Toxic care (?): scepticism and treatment failure in post-Soviet Mongolia 2018 Inner Asia 20 (2): 219-41
  • Elizabeth Turk
H6/KW [INNER-] 1464-8172
Early Soviet policy towards Buddhism: from ostentatious tolerance to undisguised hostility 2018 Inner Asia 20 (2): 242-60
  • Darima Amogoloniva
H6/KW [INNER-] 1464-8172
The politics of the Inner Asian frontier and the 1771 exodus of the Kalmyks 2018 Inner Asia 20 (2): 261-89
  • Gulnar T. Kendirbai
H6/KW [INNER-] 1464-8172
In the Soviet shadow. Soviet colonial politics in Mongolia 2017 Inner Asia 19 (1): 5-28
  • Orhon Myadar
H6/KW [INNER-] 1464-8172
'When the foreign enemy becomes a dear friend'. Reflections on the mission of Boro Balγasu in the works of Kesigbatu (1849-1917) 2017 Inner Asia 19 (1): 29-63
  • Dorothea Heuschert-Laage
H6/KW [INNER-] 1464-8172
The 'third spreading'. Origins and development of Protestant Evangelical Christianity in contemporary Mongolia 2017 Inner Asia 19 (1): 64-90
  • Denise A. Austin
H6/KW [INNER-] 1464-8172