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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
A unique fluted point from the Grande Prairie region 1997 Alberta Archaeological Review 25 (): 12-14
  • Bob Dawe
Historical metal projectile points in Alberta: investigating a penetrating problem 1997 Alberta Archaeological Review 25 (): 25-32
  • Heinz Pyszczyk
Prehistory of the Peace region and beyond field trip guide 1997 Alberta Archaeological Review 25 (): 15-24
  • Barb Kleespies
  • Milt Wright
Sacred stones of the Parklands 1992 Alberta Archaeological Review 24 (): 16-20
  • Gloria Fedirchuk
Traditional native herbal medicines of the Plains Cree 1992 Alberta Archaeological Review 24 (): 9-15
  • Lynn Mohling
The history of the Hobbema Cree: presentations given by Hobbema Cree representatives and chief and council researcher 1992 Alberta Archaeological Review 24 (): 5-8
  • Buff Parry
  • G Lee
The Medicine rock, Indian Battle park, Lethbridge, Alberta 1991 Alberta Archaeological Review 22 (): 6-10
  • J H Carpenter
Prehistoric art and spiritualism: a perspective from Pine Coulee, Alberta 1991 Alberta Archaeological Review 22 (): 11-19
  • E J McCullough
  • G J Fedirchuk
The Ghost river dam site 1991 Alberta Archaeological Review 23 (): 8-11
  • B MacIntosh
Life on the edge: ectones and the edge effect in Plains archaeology 1990 Alberta Archaeological Review 21 (): 3-13
  • Neil A Mirau
Variation in tooth enamel prism patterns as a means of mammalian identification 1990 Alberta Archaeological Review 20 (): 7-15
  • Peter Koegler
An enigmatic artifact: the cow udder from Head-Smashed-In buffalo jump 1989 Alberta Archaeological Review 18 (): 16-18
  • John W Brink
The Scarboro burials, Calgary, Alberta, and the transitional burial horizon 1989 Alberta Archaeological Review 18 (): 3-15
  • Michael Clayton Wilson
Avocational archaeology - a British Columbia perspective 1988 Alberta Archaeological Review 16 (): 7-9
  • Colin W Gurnsey
Archaeology's fourth wave - as seen from Saskatchewan 1988 Alberta Archaeological Review 16 (): 3-6
  • Henry T Epp
  • Tim E Jones
Developing urban archaeology: an example from southwest Colorado 1988 Alberta Archaeological Review 16 (): 12-16
  • Gary Matlock
  • Philip G Duke
Preliminary geoarchaeological studies at the Fletcher paleo-Indian bison kill site (Alberta/Scottsbluff), southern Alberta 1987 Alberta Archaeological Review 14 (): 12-15
  • Arthur C MacWilliams
  • Michael C Wilson
The Strathcona site and public archaeology 1987 Alberta Archaeological Review 14 (): 3-8
  • Brian Kooyman
The Cold lake archaeological program 1987 Alberta Archaeological Review 15 (): 3-17
  • Joan M Dingle
Current research in Alberta - 1985 1986 Alberta Archaeological Review 12 (): 10-11
  • Bruce F Ball
The 1985 season at Head-Smashed-In 1986 Alberta Archaeological Review 12 (): 7-9
  • Jack Brink
Underwater archaeology at Port Royal, Jamaica, 1985 1986 Alberta Archaeological Review 13 (): 17-
  • Claudette Chadsey
The McDougall mission historic site archaeological project 1986 Alberta Archaeological Review 13 (): 15-16
  • Margaret Kennedy
Le bois de vache: this chip's for you [bison dung fires] 1986 Alberta Archaeological Review 12 (): 3-6
  • Milt Wright
Report on the 1984 season at Head-Smashed-In 1985 Alberta Archaeological Review 11 (): 12-15
  • Jack Brink
The use of pollen remains as indicators of past climatic changes 1985 Alberta Archaeological Review 10 (): 3-11
  • Robert Vance
Evidence of the fluted point tradition in Alberta 1985 Alberta Archaeological Review 11 (): 3-11
  • Eugene M Gryba
The pit and the conundrum the Donald site (EePl-218), a middle period bone-filled pit feature in Okotoks, Alberta 1983 Alberta Archaeological Review 7 (): 3-16
  • M C Wilson
On the threshold of archaeological visibility 1983 Alberta Archaeological Review 6 (): 9-20
  • M C Wilson
Archaeological research in Wood Buffalo National Park, Alberta/Northwest territories, 1980-1982 1982 Alberta Archaeological Review 5 (): 3-14
  • D Proch
  • M Stevenson
Lethbridge and Calgary centres visit abandoned mine town 1982 Alberta Archaeological Review 4 (): 9
  • L Darjes
Head-Smashed-In buffalo jump 1982 Alberta Archaeological Review 4 (): 10-14
  • J H Carpenter
Archaeological investigations in the north Wabasca lake area: the Alook site 1981 Alberta Archaeological Review 3 (): 12-16
  • C Sims
Driedmeat hill investigations 1979 Alberta Archaeological Review 2 (): 13-23
  • J M Quigg
A notched burin from northern Alberta 1977 Alberta Archaeological Review 1 (): [12-15]
  • C Sims
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