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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Weapons of the frontier wars: firearms and ammunition of the Native Mounted Police in Queensland 2023 Queensland archaeological research 26 (): 17-38
  • Anthony Pages
  • Bryce Barker
  • Heather Burke
  • Lynley A. Wallis
*H6/KE [QUEENSLAND-] 0814-3021
The distribution, chronology and significance of late Holocene aged stone-based structures on Pitta Pitta Country, western Queensland 2023 Queensland archaeological research 26 (): 1-16
  • Eilis Brien
  • Heather Burke
  • Lorna Bogdanek
  • Lynley A. Wallis
  • Pearl Eatts
  • Robert Jansen
  • Tanya Rice
  • Trevina Rogers
  • Vladimir A. Levchenko
  • Yinika L. Perston
*H6/KE [QUEENSLAND-] 0814-3021
Location of historic mass graves from the 1919 Spanish influenza in the Aboriginal community of Cherbourg using geophysics 2022 Queensland archaeological research 25 (): 67-81
  • Eric Law
  • Kelsey M. Lowe
*H6/KE [QUEENSLAND-] 0814-3021
Evidence of external contact between the Pacific basin and the east coast of Australia during the Holocene: a review 2022 Queensland archaeological research 25 (): 47-66
  • Michael J. Rowland
  • Raymond C. Kerkhove
*H6/KE [QUEENSLAND-] 0814-3021
Beyond bridge and barrier: reconceptualising Torres Strait as a co-constructed border zone in ethnographic object distributions between Queensland and New Guinea 2022 Queensland archaeological research 25 (): 25-46
  • Ian J. McNiven
*H6/KE [QUEENSLAND-] 0814-3021
Histories of Torres Strait Islander interaction and mythological geography 2022 Queensland archaeological research 25 (): 1-24
  • Bronnagh Norris
  • Duncan Wright
  • Rod Mitchell
*H6/KE [QUEENSLAND-] 0814-3021
Huts and stone arrangements at Hilary Creek, western Queensland: recent fieldwork in an Australian Aboriginal site complex 2021 Queensland archaeological research 24 (): 1-47
  • Andrew Schaefer
  • Anthony Pagel
  • Bryce Barker
  • Dennis Melville
  • Geoffrey Jacks
  • Heather Burke
  • Iain Davidson
  • Lynley A. Wallis
  • Mia Dardengo
  • Robert Jansen
*H6/KE [QUEENSLAND-] 0814-3021
The archaeology of the 'secret war': the material evidence of conflict on the Queensland frontier, 1849-1901 2020 Queensland archaeological research 23 (): 25-41
  • Anthony Pagels
  • Bryce Barker
  • Cherrie De Leiuen
  • Elizabeth Hatte
  • Heather Burke
  • Iain Davidson
  • Kelsey Lowe
  • Larry Zimmerman
  • Leanne Bateman
  • Lynley A. Wallis
  • Noelene Cole
  • Ursula Artym
*H6/KE [QUEENSLAND-] 0814-3021
The lost oasis: archaeology of a 'forgotten' mikiri well in the Simpson Desert 2020 Queensland archaeological research 23 (): 1-7
  • Don Rowlands
  • Duncan Wright
  • Ingereth Macfarlane
  • Max Tischler
  • Mike Smith
*H6/KE [QUEENSLAND-] 0814-3021
Preliminary archaeological survey and remote-sensing of shell mounds at Kwokkunum, Albatross Bay, Cape York Peninsula, Australia 2020 Queensland archaeological research 23 (): 9-24
  • Benjamin Davies
  • Eloise Hoffman
  • Joshua Emmitt
  • Kasey Allely
  • Simon J. Holdaway
*H6/KE [QUEENSLAND-] 0814-3021
Changing use of Lizard Island over the past 4000 years and implications for understanding indigenous offshore island use on the Great Barrier Reef 2020 Queensland archaeological research 23 (): 43-109
  • Ariana B. J. Lambrides
  • Cailey Maclaurin
  • Cassandra Rowe
  • Christian Reepmeyer
  • Clair Harris
  • Elaine McGreen
  • Fiona Petchey
  • Ian J. McNiven
  • Johnny Charlie
  • Kelsey A. Lowe
  • Kylie Carroll
  • Malia H. Cedar
  • Matthew Harris
  • Patrick Moss
  • Phillip Baru
  • Samantha J. Aird
  • Sarah A. Slater
  • Sean Ulm
*H6/KE [QUEENSLAND-] 0814-3021
Frontier mystery: an unusual mound of kopi mourning caps on the eastern edge of the Simpson Desert 2019 Queensland archaeological research 22 (): 59-63
  • Don Rowlands
  • Giles Hamm
  • Mike Smith
*H6/KE [QUEENSLAND-] 0814-3021
Results of archaeological surveys of the Pianamu cultural landscape, central Cape York Peninsula, 2014-2016 2019 Queensland archaeological research 22 (): 39-58
  • David Claudie
  • David Tutchener
  • Michael Morrison
*H6/KE [QUEENSLAND-] 0814-3021
Aboriginal marine subsistence foraging flexibility in a dynamic estuarine environment: the late development of Tin Can Inlet (southeast Queensland) middens revisited 2019 Queensland archaeological research 22 (): 1-38
  • Ian J. McNiven
  • Tam Smith
*H6/KE [QUEENSLAND-] 0814-3021
Report on excavation of a shell mound site at Mandjungaar, western Cape York Peninsula 2018 Queensland archaeological research 21 (): 13-26
  • Chantal Wight
  • Emily Evans
  • Michael Morrison
*H6/KE [QUEENSLAND-] 0814-3021
Flaked stone assemblage variability across the Weipa region of western Cape York Peninsula, Queensland 2018 Queensland archaeological research 21 (): 1-11
  • Justin Shiner
  • Patricia Fanning
  • Simon Holdaway
*H6/KE [QUEENSLAND-] 0814-3021
Short-term late Holocene dry season occupation and sandy-mud flat focused foraging at Murdumurdu, Bentick Island, Gulf of Carpentaria 2017 Queensland archaeological research 20 (): 9-46
  • Craig R. Sloss
  • Kelsey M. Lowe
  • Lydia L. Mackenzie
  • Patrick Moss
  • Robin W. Twaddle
  • Sean Ulm
*H6/KE [QUEENSLAND-] 0814-3021
Aboriginal stone huts along the Georgina River, southwest Queensland 2017 Queensland archaeological research 20 (): 1-8
  • Bryce Barker
  • Elizabeth Hatte
  • Heather Burke
  • Iain Davidson
  • Kelsey M. Lowe
  • Lynley A. Wallis
  • Noelene Cole
  • Scott Mitchell
*H6/KE [QUEENSLAND-] 0814-3021
Implications for culture contact history from a glass artefact on a Diingwulung earth mound in Weipa 2016 Queensland archaeological research 19 (): 1-22
  • Billy Ó Foghlú
  • Daryl Wesley
  • Helen Cooke
  • Sally Brockwell
*H6/KE [QUEENSLAND-] 0814-3021
Late holocene Aboriginal shellfish production strategies in northern Australia: insights from Prunnung (Red Beach), Weipa, Cape York Peninsula 2015 Queensland archaeological research 18 (): 1-27
  • Michael Morrison
*H6/KE [QUEENSLAND-] 0814-3021
Approaches to monitoring and managing indigenous Australian coastal culture heritage places 2014 Queensland archaeological research 17 (): 37-48
  • Meredith Roe
  • Michael J. Rowland
  • Sean Ulm
*H6/KE [QUEENSLAND-] 0814-3021
Digging deeper: the archaeology of gold mining in Queensland 2014 Queensland archaeological research 17 (): 21-35
  • Geraldine Mater
*H6/KE [QUEENSLAND-] 0814-3021
The significance of Levallois and discoidal technology in the Arcadia Valley, south central Queensland 2014 Queensland archaeological research 17 (): 1-20
  • Grant G.W. Cochrane
*H6/KE [QUEENSLAND-] 0814-3021
The historical archaeology of the Chinese in far north Queensland 2013 Queensland archaeological research 16 (): 121-39
  • Gordon Grimwade
  • Heather Burke
*H6/KE [QUEENSLAND-] 0814-3021
Tropical archaeological research laboratory comparative fish reference collection: developing a resource for identifying fish remains in archaeological deposits in tropical Australia 2013 Queensland archaeological research 16 (): 1-14
  • Daniel Rosendhal
  • Helene Tomkins
  • Sean Ulms
*H6/KE [QUEENSLAND-] 0814-3021
Re-excavation of Dabangay, a mid-Holocene settlement site on Mabuyag in western Torres Strait 2013 Queensland archaeological research 16 (): 15-32
  • Duncan Wright
  • Ken Aplin
  • Peter HIscock
*H6/KE [QUEENSLAND-] 0814-3021
Impact of Cyclone Yasi on the wreck of the SS Yongala documented by comparative multibeam bathymetry analysis 2013 Queensland archaeological research 16 (): 33-44
  • Paddy Waterson
  • Thomas C. Stiegliz
*H6/KE [QUEENSLAND-] 0814-3021
Just passing through: archaeological investigations of a late Holocene open site in the Mitchell Grass Downs, inland northwest Queensland 2013 Queensland archaeological research 16 (): 45-64
  • Lynley A. Wallis
  • Sophie Collins
*H6/KE [QUEENSLAND-] 0814-3021
Shell mounds as the basis for understanding human-environment interactions in far north Queensland, Australia 2013 Queensland archaeological research 16 (): 65-92
  • C. Beresford
  • F. Petchey
  • J.S. Shiner
  • P.C. Fanning
  • S.J. Holdaway
*H6/KE [QUEENSLAND-] 0814-3021
The Queensland Museum Expedition to Ngiangu (Booby Island): rock art, archaeology and inter-regional interaction in South-Western Torres Strait 2013 Queensland archaeological research 16 (): 93-120
  • Liam M. Brady
  • Richard Robins
  • Warren Delaney
*H6/KE [QUEENSLAND-] 0814-3021
Human history and palaeoenvironmental change at site 17, Freshwater Beach, Lizard Island, northeast Queensland, Australia 2013 Queensland archaeological research 16 (): 141-64
  • Carol J. Lentfer
  • Jim Specht
  • Matthew W. Felgate
  • Robynne A. Mills
*H6/KE [QUEENSLAND-] 0814-3021
From scatter to mound: a new developmental model for shell mound sites at Weipa 2013 Queensland archaeological research 16 (): 165-84
  • Mick Morrison
*H6/KE [QUEENSLAND-] 0814-3021
The Aboriginal material culture of the Wellesley islands and adjacent mainland coast, Gulf of Carpentaria: social and environmental factors affecting variations in style 2012 Queensland archaeological research 15 (): 1-46
  • Anne Best
*H6/KE [QUEENSLAND-] 0814-3021
Indigenous fish traps and weirs of Queensland 2011 Queensland archaeological research 14 (): 1-58
  • Michael J. Rowland
  • Sean Ulm
*H6/KE [QUEENSLAND-] 0814-3021
Background to the University of Queensland Archaeological Services Unite's Lang Park Salvage Excavations: history, significance assessment and methods 2002 Queensland archaeological research 13 (): 21-30
  • Jonathan Prangnell
  • Kevin Rains
Fraser Island Archaeological Project (FIAP): background, aims and preliminary results ef excavations at Waddy Point 1 rockshelter 2002 Queensland archaeological research 13 (): 1-20
  • Ian J. McNiven
  • Ian Thomas
  • Ugo Zoppi
The archaeology of the Peel Island lazaret (1): survey 2002 Queensland archaeological research 13 (): 31-8
  • Jonathan Prangnell
Towards GIS mapping and spatial modelling of archaeological sites in the southeast Queensland bioregion 2002 Queensland archaeological research 13 (): 39-62
  • Malcom Connolly
  • Mike Rowland
Twenty interesting points: an analysis of bone artefacts from Platypus Rockshelter 2002 Queensland archaeological research 13 (): 63-70
  • Victoria Francis
The genetic specification of archaeological fish bone: a feasability study form southeast Queensland 2002 Queensland archaeological research 13 (): 71-8
  • Jay Hall
  • Sean Ulm
  • Tom Loy
  • Vojtech Hlinka
Reassessing marine fishery intensification in southeast Queensland 2002 Queensland archaeological research 13 (): 79-96
  • Sean Ulm
The archaeology of Cania gorge: an overview 1999 Queensland archaeological research 11 (): 15-28
  • Catherine Westcott
Mort Creek site complex, Curtis coast: site report 1999 Queensland archaeological research 11 (): 85-104
  • Melissa Carter
Roof Fall cave, Cania gorge: site report 1999 Queensland archaeological research 11 (): 29-42
  • Tony Eales
[Introduction to special issue [The Gooreng Gooreng cultural heritage project: preliminary results of archaeological research, 1993-1997]] 1999 Queensland archaeological research 11 (): 1-14
  • Ian Lilley
The archaeology of the southern Curtis coast: an overview 1999 Queensland archaeological research 11 (): 59-84
  • Sean Ulm
Eurimbula site 1, Curtis coast: site report 1999 Queensland archaeological research 11 (): 105-22
  • Sean Ulm
Big Foot art site, Cania gorge: site report 1999 Queensland archaeological research 11 (): 43-58
  • Catherine Westcott
The 1984 Chillagoe surveys 1996 Queensland archaeological research 10 (): 36-53
  • Bruno David
More than archaeology: new directions in cultural heritage management 1996 Queensland archaeological research 10 (): 17-24
  • Anne Ross