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Francis Heatherley

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{{Infobox rai-fellow
| first_name = Francis
| name = Heatherley
| honorific_prefix =
| honorific_suffix =
| image = File:Heatherley,_Francis.jpg
| birth_date = 1862
| death_date = 1932
| address = 79 Newman Street, W
| occupation = medical
| elected_ESL =
| elected_ASL =
| elected_AI = 1883.01.23
| elected_APS =
| elected_LAS =
| membership = ordinary fellow
| left =
| clubs =
| societies =
== Notes ==
=== Office Notes ===

=== House Notes ===
proposed 1883.01.09<br />
=== Notes From Elsewhere ===
Dr Heatherley was a heart specialist at the Manchester Hospital. He was a keen bird-watcher whose hobby was photography, and combined these two passions<br /><br />Educated at Guy's Hospital, where he was house physician and obstetric resident officer in 1888, and was clinical assistant at the Evelina Hospital for Children. He then went to Birkenhead and acted as medical officer to the soap works at Port Sunlight, afterwards moving to Audenshaw, Manchester. During the war he received a commission as captain, RAMC, dated 10 July 1918, and subsequently became superintendent of the Manchester Heart Clinic, and cardiologist employed by the Ministry of Pensions. He died on 5 April 1932 at Ashville, Audenshaw, Manchester.<br />
== Publications ==
=== External Publications ===
Hints to Patients on the Home Treatment of Functional Disorders of the Heart<br />1926 <br />by Francis Heatherley<br /><br />The Peregrine Falcon at the Eyrie ... With photographs by the author and C. J. King Unknown Binding – 1913 <br />by Francis Heatherley (Author)<br />
=== House Publications ===

== Related Material Details ==
=== RAI Material ===

=== Other Material ===

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