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File:Zohrab, .jpg
Residence Broosa Broussa
Society Membership
membership ASL, AI local secretary for Broosa Asia Minor [Broussa Turkey 1869]
left 1881.04 last listed
elected_ASL 1867.06.18


Office Notes

House Notes

proposed 1867.06.04 as local secretary

Notes From Elsewhere

Zohrab, the son of an Armenian father and a Scotch mother, had been educated from boyhood in Edinburgh, and there took his degree as a physician. But for his crimson fez, he would have passed for an out-and-out Scotchman, having the accent as well as the physique of a Highlander. Generous, warm-hearted, and simple -natured, he was universally esteemed for his honest worth and good fellowship. For many years he was physician to the late Khedive of Egypt, Ismail Pasha, and won his confidence to such a degree that he was selected as the travelling companion of the young Prince, and on his retirement from service was presented by the Viceroy with this large and valuable property near Broussa. There Zohrab undertook to create a model farm, not only for his own amusement and benefit, but in the hope of being able to induce his Turkish neighbours to improve upon their antiquated and laborious system. At considerable personal expense he introduced all the modern improvements in agriculture, importing from England and the United States every patented labour-saving machine in vogue, including steam-ploughs, sowing, mowing, reaping, and other machines. So far as his neighbours were concerned, the experiment was a failure; for to attempt to change Oriental habitudes or to induce the slow-moving Turk to spend extra money in the first instance, with a view to larger profits later on, is to attempt to change the natural instincts and character of the Mussulman.

Dr. P. Zohrab, ... College of Physicians, who is at present residing on his estate near Broussa


External Publications

House Publications

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