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W. Wyatt Gill

W. Wyatt Gill
Gill, W. Wyatt.jpg
Born 1828
Died 1896
Residence Baratonga [i.e. Rarotonga]
Society Membership
membership Corresponding member
elected_AI 1876.11.14
societies London Missionary Society



Office Notes

House Notes

proposed 1876.10.31
Brabrook's Presidential address 1897: The Rev. W. Wyatt Gill, LL.D., was another of the many remarkable men who have been selected by the London Missionary Society to minister among uncivilized peoples, and have used the opportunities of investigation thus afforded them for the benefit of anthropological science. He contributed a paper to this Institute on February 8, 1876, " On the Origin of the South Sea Islands, and on some Traditions of the Hervey Islands," and on that occasion he remarked, " I have spent about twenty-two years in the Hervey Group in the South Pacific. Shut out to a great extent from the civilised world, I enjoyed great facilities for studying the natives themselves and their traditions." In 1890 he contributed to our Journal some information as to childbirth customs in the Loyalty Islands, obtained by Mrs. Gill from the natives. He was also the author of several works giving in a popular form many particulars of native manners and customs, e.g., " Life in the Southern Seas, or Scenes and Incidents in the South Pacific and New Guinea." On his last return to the Pacific, he went as general superintendent of the Society's Missions in that part, and had his headquarters at Sydney, N.S.W. On one of his visits to this country he came to reside in the neighbourhood where I was then living, and I had the good fortune to make his personal acquaintance; and I can but address to his memory the last words of a note he wrote to me as he left England for Rarotonga " Vale, Amice !"

Notes From Elsewhere

William Wyatt Gill (27 December 1828 – 11 November 1896) was an English missionary, active in Australia and the South Pacific region after 1851.

Rarotonga is the most populous island of the Cook Islands


External Publications

Life in the Southern Isles; or, Scenes and Incidents in the South Pacific and New Guinea (London, 1876) Myths and Songs from the South Pacific (London, 1876) Historical Sketches of Savage Life in Polynesia (Wellington, 1880) Work and Adventure in New Guinea 1877 to 1885 (London, 1885) Jottings from the Pacific (London, 1885) From Darkness to Light in Polynesia (London, 1894)

House Publications

Origin of the South Sea Islanders [referred 1875]
Traditions of the Hervey Islanders [referred 1875, read Jan 1876]

Related Material Details

RAI Material

Other Material

The digitized archives of William Wyatt Gill online at the Open Library