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Thomas Squire Barrett

Thomas Squire Barrett
File:Barrett, Thomas Squire.jpg
Died 1892
Residence Langley House, Grove Lane, Camberwell [1865]
Heswell Park West, Heswell. Chester
New Athenaeum Club, 3 Pall Mall East, S.W.
26 Park-place, Milton Road, Gravesend [1879]
108 Clapham Road, SW [1881]
New Athenaeum Club, 26 Suffolk Street, Pall Mall, SW [1888]
36 Wansey street, Walworth, SE [1894]
Westeria House, High Street, Berkhamstead [1897]
Rose Cottage, Millfield Road, Appleton, Widnes [1901]
58 Millfield Road, Appleton, Widnes [1915]
Society Membership
membership ASL, AI Ordinary fellow - life compounder

1892 deceased

??1925 last listed
elected_AI 1865
elected_ASL 1865.06.06
clubs New Athenaeum Club
societies Zoological Society
Statistical Society
Royal Historical Society
Royal Society of British Sculptors



Office Notes

House Notes

1867.05.14 Mr T. Squire Barrett’s proposition to pay £18.18.0 for Life Composition (he having paid the subscription for the current year) was accepted.

A4.1867.11.19 A special vote of thanks being given to Mr T. Squire Barrett for his large present of books

death noted in Report of Council for 1892 - so who is in the lists after this? is there a son of?

Notes From Elsewhere

?-post 1925


External Publications

Examination of Gillespie: Being an analytical criticism of the argument a priori for the existence of a great first cause, as developed by Mr. W.H. ... existence of God". By Thomas Squire Barrett

An Introduction to the Study of Logic and Metaphysics - Primary Source Edition by Thomas Squire Barrett

The Philosophy of Science; A Contribution Thereto, on Cause and Effect by Thomas Squire Barrett

Satire: its nature and effects by G. F. G., Thomas Squire Barrett and George Francis Green (1865)

A new view of causation

House Publications

Related Material Details

RAI Material

A5 letters

Other Material

Un. of Birmingham: Autograph letter, signed from Thomas Squire Barrett. Letters on the Laws of Man's Nature and Development. Mermerism.