Anthropological Index Online

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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Ekila: blood, bodies, and egalitarian societies 2008 Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute (New Series) 14 (2): 297-315
  • Jerome Lewis
H6 [JOURNAL-] 1359-0987
'Crying the death': rituals of death among the Yamba (Cameroon) 2000 Anthropos. Anthropos Institut, Sankt Augustin 95 (2): 349-61
  • Hermann Gufler
Witchcraft beliefs among the Yamba (Cameroon) 1999 Anthropos. Anthropos Institut, Sankt Augustin 94 (1/3): 181-98
  • Hermann Gufler
Cults and seasonal dances of the Yamba (Cameroon) 1997 Anthropos. Anthropos Institut, Sankt Augustin 92 (4/6): 501-22
  • Hermann Gufler
'Cooking the grave'. Aspects of ritual symbolism among the Yamba of Cameroon 1996 Baessler-Archiv (Neue Folge) 44 (2): 425-45
  • Hermann Gufler
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