Anthropological Index Online

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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
The bearers of news: print and power in German East Africa 2021 Journal of African history 62 (1): 5-28
  • Fabian Krautwald
*H6/KY [JOURNAL-] 0021-8537
The illusion of reality and the reality of illusion: staged performance, trickery, and prestidigitation in ritual 2021 Journal of religion in Africa 51 (3-4): 452-78
  • Manuela Palmeirim
H6/KFO [JOURNAL-] 0022-4200
Reimagining linguistic heritage: or how mother tongue speakers re-create their language 2021 Journal of linguistic anthropology 31 (3): 396-411
  • Sarah Marleen Hillewaert
H6/KK [JOURNAL-] 1055-1360
Children of the revolution: the citizenship of urbam Muslims in the Burundian decolonization process 2020 Journal of Eastern African studies 14 (2): 185-203
  • Geert Castryck
H6/KY [EASTERN-] 1753-1063
Beyond multiple modernities: East African port cities as the space between 2020 Nka: journal of contemporary African art (46): 116-25
  • Prita Meier
H6/KY [NKA-] 1075-7163
Fetishizing the foot: mobility and meaning in Indian Ocean sandals 2020 African arts 53 (3): 58-71
  • Jenny Peruski
H6/KFY [AFRICAN-] 0001-9933
Applying applied anthropology: a project with applied anthropologists, Congolese refugees, and refugee service providers in West Central Florida 2019 Practicing anthropology 41 (1): 15-19
  • Dillon Mahoney
  • Emily A. Holbrook
  • Florence Ackey
  • Renice Obure
  • Roberta Baer
qH6 [PRACTICING-] 0888-4552
Living Islam in colonial Bujumbura - the historical translocality of Muslim life between East and Central Africa 2019 History in Africa 46 (): 263-98
  • Geert Castryck
H6/KY [HISTORY-] 0361-5413
The museum as a rift zone - the construction and representation of "East" and "Central" Africa in the (Belgian) Congo Museum/Royal Museum for Central Africa 2019 History in Africa 46 (): 327-58
  • Maarten Couttenier
H6/KY [HISTORY-] 0361-5413
The ends of the Indian Ocean: tracing coastlines in the Tanzanian "hinterland" 2019 History in Africa 46 (): 359-83
  • Julia Verne
H6/KY [HISTORY-] 0361-5413
When I was a Swahili woman: the possibilities and perils of 'going native' in a culture of secrecy 2019 Journal of contemporary ethnography 48 (5): 674-99
  • Katrina Dali Thompson
H6/KY [JOURNAL-] 0891-2416
A handful of Swahili Coast letters, 1500-1520 2019 International journal of African historical studies 52 (2): 255-81
  • Muzaffar Alam
  • Sanjay Subrahmanyam
*H6/KY [INTERNATIONAL-] 0361-7882
Beyond commoner and elite in Swahili society: re-examination of archaeological material from Geder, Kenya 2019 African archaeological review 36 (2): 214-48
  • Matthew Pawlowicz
*H6/KE [AFRICAN-] 0263-0338
Structure and settlement organization at Kua ruins, Juani (Mafia archipelago, Tanzania) 2019 African archaeological review 36 (2): 249-69
  • Annalisa C. Christie
*H6/KE [AFRICAN-] 0263-0338
Between eastern Africa and western India: slavery, commerce, and elite formation 2019 Comparative studies in society and history 61 (4): 805-34
  • Sanjay Subrahmanyam
H6/KF [COMPARATIVE-] 0010-4175
When did the Swahili become maritime?: a reply to Fleisher et al. (2015), and to the resurgence of maritime Myopia in the archaeology of the East African coast 2018 American anthropologist 120 (3): 429-43
  • Chapurukha M. Kusimba
  • Jonathan R. Walz
*H6 [AMERICAN-] 0002-7294
Functions of verb reduplication and verb doubling in Swahili 2018 Journal of Asian and African studies (Tokyo) (96): 5-27
  • Hannah Gibson
  • Nobuko Yoneda
The Omani-Zanzibari family: between politics and pedigree in an empire on the rim 2018 Hawwa: journal of women of the Middle East and the Islamic world 16 (1-2-3): 60-89
  • Rogaia Mustafa Abusharaf
H6/KW [HAWWA-] 1569-2078
Developments in rural life on the eastern African coast, A.D. 700-1500 2018 Journal of field archaeology 43 (5-8): 380-98
  • Adria LaViolette
  • Jeffrey B. Fleisher
*H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 0093-4690
Settlement and trade from AD 500 to 1800 at Angoche, Mozambique 2018 African archaeological review 35 (3): 443-71
  • Edward Pollard
  • Ricardo Duarte
  • Yolanda Teixeira Duarte
*H6/KE [AFRICAN-] 0263-0338
Local narratives of sexual and other violence against children and young people in Zanzibar 2018 Culture, health & sexuality 20 (1): 99-112
  • Karen Devries
  • Shelley Lees
H6/KGT [CULTURE-] 1369-1058
Space as material culture: residential stone buildings on the precolonial Swahili coast in a comparative perspective 2018 South African archaeological bulletin 73 (208): 82-92
  • L. Smejda
  • M. Baumanova
H6/KE [SOUTH-] 0038-1969
The Indian experience as a Swahili mirror in colonial Mombasa: the ambiguous position of Sheikh Al-Amin Bin Ali Mazrui 2017 African and Asian studies 16 (1-2): 167-87
  • Alamin Mazrui
H6 [AFRICAN-] 1569-2094
Re-dating the Ingombe Ilede burials 2017 Antiquity 91 (358): 1069-77
  • Brian M. Fagan
  • Susan Keech McIntosh
H6/KE [ANTIQUITY-] 0003-598X
The glass beads from Ingombee Ilede 2017 Antiquity 91 (358): 1078-84
  • Marilee Wood
  • Peter Robertshaw
H6/KE [ANTIQUITY-] 0003-598X
Ingombe Ilede and the demise of Great Zimbabwe 2017 Antiquity 91 (358): 1085-6
  • Innocent Pikirayi
H6/KE [ANTIQUITY-] 0003-598X
Tracing Ingombe Ilede's trade connections 2017 Antiquity 91 (358): 1087-8
  • David Killick
H6/KE [ANTIQUITY-] 0003-598X
Rethinking Ingombe Ilede and its hinterland 2017 Antiquity 91 (358): 1089-91
  • Kathryn M. de Luna
H6/KE [ANTIQUITY-] 0003-598X
Relocating Ingombe Ilede in the history of south-central Africa 2017 Antiquity 91 (358): 1092-4
  • Brian M. Fagan
  • Susan Keech McIntosh
H6/KE [ANTIQUITY-] 0003-598X
Why land here? Ports and harbors in southeast Tanzania in the early second millennium AD 2017 Journal of island and coastal archaeology 12 (1-4): 459-89
  • Edward Pollard
  • Elgidius B. Ichumbaki
H6/KE [ISLAND-] 1556-4894
A decade of design: the global invention of the Kanga, 1876-1886 2017 Textile history 48 (1): 101-32
  • MacKenzie Moon Ryan
H6/KGGT [TEXTILES-] 0040-4969
Structural dynamics of spatial complexity at the 'Palace of Gede', Kenya 2017 Azania: archaeological research In Africa 52 (1): 71-99
  • Ladislav Smejda
  • Monika Baumanova
H6/KY [AZANIA-] 0067-270X
The Comorian presence in precolonial and early colonial Congo (19th century - 1908) 2017 Bulletin des séances. Académie Royale des Sciences d’Outre-Mer (New Series) 63 (2): 187-208
  • Xavier Luffin
H6/KY [INSTITUT-] 0001-4176
A solitary war? Genre, community and philosophy in Swahili culture 2016 Journal of African cultural studies 28 (2): 209-24
  • Alena Rettová
*H6/KY [JOURNAL-] 1369-6815
From across the ocean: considering travelling literary figuration as part of Swahili intellectual history 2016 Journal of African cultural studies 28 (2): 225-40
  • Clarissa Vierke
*H6/KY [JOURNAL-] 1369-6815
Members checking: a feminist participatory analysis of the use of preliminary results pamphlets in cross-cultural, cross-language research 2016 Qualitative research 16 (3): 305-18
  • Martina Angela Caretta
H6 [QUALITATIVE-] 1468-7941
Mombasa's Swahili-based 'coasti slang' in a super-diverse space: languages in contact on the beach 2016 African study monographs 37 (3): 117-43
  • Nico Nassenstein
H6/KY [AFRICAN-] 0285-1601
Postmodernism as seen through the Swahili novel: a reading of Babu alipofufuka and Dunia by Said Ahmed Mohamed 2015 Journal of African cultural studies 27 (1): 20-9
  • Flavia Aiello Traore
*H6/KY [JOURNAL-] 1369-6815
Globalectical Swahili literature 2015 Journal of African cultural studies 27 (1): 30-9
  • Rémi Armand Tchokothe
*H6/KY [JOURNAL-] 1369-6815
Conservation, community archaeology, and archaeological mediation at Songo Mnara, Tanzania 2015 Journal of field archaeology 40 (1): 110-19
  • Jeffrey Fleisher
  • Stephanie Wynne-Jones
*H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 0093-4690
When did the Swahili become maritime? 2015 American anthropologist 117 (1): 100-15
  • Adria LaViolette
  • Edward Pollard
  • Jeffrey Fleisher
  • Mark Horton
  • Paul Lane
*H6 [AMERICAN-] 0002-7294
Competition and ceramics on the East African Coast: long-term perspectives on nineteenth-century history at the Swahili port town of Mikindani, Tanzania 2015 History in Africa 42 (): 335-55
  • Matthew C. Pawlowicz
H6/KY [HISTORY-] 0361-5413
Integration and identity of Swahili speakers in Britain: case studies of Zanzibari women 2015 Journal of Eastern African studies 9 (2): 231-46
  • Ida Hadjivayanis
H6/KY [EASTERN-] 1753-1055
Mzee Waziri Omari Nyange: a story of intervention in Tanzania nation-building with guitar music, sung Swahili poems and healing 2015 Journal of African cultural studies 27 (3): 277-93
  • Maria Suriano
*H6/KY [JOURNAL-] 1369-6815
Female seclusion in the aftermath of slavery on the southern Swahili coast: transformations of slavery in unexpected places 2015 International journal of African historical studies 48 (2): 209-30
  • Felicitas Becker
*H6/KY [INTERNATIONAL-] 0361-7882
One size fits all: the fashionable Kanga of Zanzibari women 2014 Fashion theory 18 (1): 73-95
  • Rose Ong'oa-Morara
H6/KFY [FASHION-] 1362-704X
A deposit of Kilwa-type coins from Songo Mnara, Tanzania 2014 Azania: archaeological research In Africa 49 (1): 102-16
  • Jeffrey Fleisher
  • John Perkins
  • Stephanie Wynne-Jones
H6/KY [AZANIA-] 0067-270X
Tourism and imagining musical traditions on the East African coast: harmony and disharmony 2014 The World of Music 3 (1): 133-54
  • Christiaan De Baukelaar
  • Ivan vander Biesen
H6/KFY [WORLD-] 0043-8774
The complexity of public space at the Swahili town of Songo Mnara 2014 Journal of anthropological archaeology 35 (): 1-22
  • Jeffrey Fleisher
*H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 0278-4165
Research material and necromancy: imagining the political economy of biomedicine in colonial Tanganiyka 2014 International journal of African historical studies 47 (3): 425-43
  • Patrick Mallory
*H6/KY [INTERNATIONAL-] 0361-7882