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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Educational infrastructure created in conditions of social exclusion: ‘Kyrgyz clubs’ for migrant children in Moscow 2020 Central Asian survey 39 (2): 220-35
  • Ekaterina Demintseva
*H6/KW [CENTRAL-] 0263-4937
Business 2.0: Kyrgyz middlemen in Guangzhou 2020 Central Asian survey 39 (1): 116-34
  • Schröder Philipp
*H6/KW [CENTRAL-] 0263-4937
The queue: bureaucratic time, distributed legality, and the work of waiting in migrant Moscow 2019 Suomen antropologi 44 (2): 20-39
  • Madeleine Reeves
H6 [SUOMEN -] 0355-3930
The demographic and agricultural development of the Kokand oasis during the Russian imperial era: nomad immigration and cotton monoculture 2019 Central Asian survey 38 (4): 510-30
  • Akira Ueda
*H6/KW [CENTRAL-] 0263-4937
Women of protest, men of applause: political activism, gender and tradition in Kyrgyzstan 2019 Central Asian survey 38 (3): 329-45
  • Aijarkyn Kojobekova
  • Judith Beyer
*H6/KW [CENTRAL-] 0263-4937
Can smartphones empower labour migrants? The case of Kyrgyzstani migrants in Russia 2019 Central Asian survey 38 (2): 165-80
  • Burul Usmanalieva
  • Vanessa Ruget
*H6/KW [CENTRAL-] 0263-4937
Stuff of boundaries? Kyrgyz-Russian marriages and the actualization of ethnic difference 2018 History and anthropology 29 (5): 541-262
  • Mathijs
  • Umetbaeva Pelkmans, Damira
H6 [HISTORY-] 1477-2612
A mob for hire? Unpacking older women's political activism in Kyrgyzstan 2018 Central Asian survey 37 (2): 247-64
  • Elmira Satybaldieva
*H6/KW [CENTRAL-] 0263-4937
Making the 'empowered woman': exploring contradictions in gender and development programming in Kyrgyzstan 2018 Central Asian survey 37 (2): 228-46
  • Asel Myrzabekova
  • Elena Kim
  • Elena Molchanova
  • Olha Yarova
*H6/KW [CENTRAL-] 0263-4937
Contemporary livestock husbandry in Kyrgyzstan 2017 Anthropology and archeology of Eurasia 56 (1/2): 52-78
  • Amantour J. Japarov
H6/KVY [ANTHROPOLOGY-] 1061-1959
Oral epics into the twenty-first century: the case of the Kyrgyz epic Manas 2016 Journal of American folklore 129 (513): 327-44
  • Karl Reichl
H6/KF [JOURNAL-] 0021-8751
A comparative study of performers of the Manas epic 2016 Journal of American folklore 129 (513): 288-96
  • Adil Jumatuedu
H6/KF [JOURNAL-] 0021-8751
Diplomat, landlord, con-artists, thief: house brokers and the mediation of risk in migrant Moscow 2016 The Cambridge journal of anthropology 34 (2): 93-109
  • Madeleine Reeves
H6 [CAMBRIDGE-] 0305-7674
Constructing linguistic fieldwork in Kyrgyzstan 2016 Arizona anthropologist 27 (): 83-9
  • Joshua Meyer
Kyrgyz 2015 China's ethnic groups (4): 4-19
  • Shouyin Wang
H6/KWS [CHINA'S-] 1672-3341
Living from the nerves: deportability, indeterminacy, and the 'feel for law' in migrant Moscow 2015 Social analysis 59 (4): 119-36
  • Madeleine Reeves
H6/KF [SOCIAL-] 0155-977X
The diaspora of the Pamir Kyrgyz in Turkey 2015 Etnograficheskoe obozrenie 3 (): 131-46
  • Aĭzhamil Maratovna Marat
  • CHolpon Dzhaparbekovna Turdalieva
Customization of law: courts of elders (Aksakal courts) in rural and urban Kyrgyzstan 2015 Polar: political and legal anthropology review 38 (1): 53-71
  • Judith Beyer
H6/KF [APLA-] 1081-6976
An encounter with a Kyrgyz Dervish in the Talas valley 2015 Shaman 23 (1/2): 211-24
  • Dávid Somfai Kara
*H6/KFO [SHAMAN-] 1216-7827
Single mothers in Osh: well-being and coping strategies of women in the aftermath of the 2010 conflict in Kyrgyzstan 2015 Focaal (71): 114-27
  • Aksana Ismailbekova
H6/KF [FOCAAL-] 0920-1297
Migrant assemblages: building postsocialist households with Kyrgyz remittances 2014 Anthropological quarterly 87 (1): 183-215
  • Igor Rubinov
H6 [PRIMITIVE-] 0003-5491
The way of the shaman and the revival of spiritual healing in post-Soviet Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan 2014 Shaman 22 (1/2): 67-81, [plates 7-8b]
  • Adam Mickiewicz
  • Danuta Penkala-Gawęcka
*H6/KFO [SHAMAN-] 1216-7827
Anxiety, order and the other: well-being among ethnic Kyrgyz and Uzbeks 2013 Central Asian survey 32 (4): 501-13
  • Noor O'Neil Borbieva
*H6/KW [CENTRAL-] 0263-4937
'The state starts from the family': peace and harmony in Tajikistan's eastern Pamirs 2013 Central Asian survey 32 (4): 462-74
  • Till Mostowlansky
*H6/KW [CENTRAL-] 0263-4937
Clesn fake: authenticating documents and persons in migrant Moscow 2013 American ethnologist 40 (3): 508-24
  • Madeleine Reeves
H6 [AMERICAN-] 0094-0496
The varieties of formulaic diction in Turkic oral epics 2013 Balcanica 44 (): 79-91
  • Karl Reichl
H6/KVO [BALCANICA-] 0350-7653
Ethno-cultural features in the fashioning of iron plates for lamellar armour 2013 Kratkie soobshcheniia 231 (): 78-87
  • V.V. Gorbunov
H6/KVY [AKADEMIYA NAUK SSSR. Institut Istorii Material'noy Kultury. Kratkiye Soobs'hcheniya-] 0130-2620
Understanding and explaining the Kyrgyz-Uzbek interethnic conflict in southern Kyrgyzstan 2013 Anthropology of the Middle East 8 (2): 60-81
  • Babak Rezvani
*H6/KW [ANTHRO-] 1746-0719
Nomads negotiating the establishment of Russian Central Asia: focusing on the activities of the Kyrgyz tribal chieftains 2013 Memoirs of the Research Department of the Toyo Bunko (71): 141-60
  • Tetsu Akiyama
H6/KWV [TOKYO-] 0082-562X
The dynamics of relationships within ethnically mixed families after the conflict in the city of Osh, Fergana valley 2012 Etnograficheskoe obozrenie 6 (): 84-98
  • Aksana Ismailbekova
Kidnapping women: discourses of emotion and social change in the Kyrgyz Republic 2012 Anthropological quarterly 85 (1): 141-69
  • Noor O'Neill Borbieva
H6 [PRIMITIVE-] 0003-5491
'Death to sarts' history, injustice and a complex insult in Central Asia 2012 Anthropology today 28 (6): 22-4
  • Christopher McDowell
H6 [ANTHROPOLOGY-] 0268-540X
Foreign faiths and national renewal: Christian conversion among Kyrgyz youth 2012 Culture and religion 13 (1): 41-63
  • Noor O'Neill Borbieva
H6/KFO [SCOTTISH-] 1475-5610
The Y-chromosome C3* star-cluster attributed to Genghis Khan's descendants is present at high frequency in the Kerey clan from Kazakhstan 2012 Human biology 84 (1): 78-89
  • Boris Maliarchuk
  • Marcin Wozniak
  • Miroslava Derenko
  • Serikbaĭ Abilev
  • Tomasz Grzybowski
H6/HB [HUMAN-] 0018-7143
From clan narratives to clan politics 2012 Central Asian survey 31 (3): 277-92
  • Svetlana Jacquesson
*H6/KW [CENTRAL-] 0263-4937
Collective, communicative and cultural memories: examples of local historiography from northern Kyrgyzstan 2012 Central Asian survey 31 (3): 265-76
  • Roland Hardenberg
*H6/KW [CENTRAL-] 0263-4937
Making Kyrgyz spaces: local history as spatial practice in Murghab (Tajikistan) 2012 Central Asian survey 31 (3): 251-64
  • Till Mostowlansky
*H6/KW [CENTRAL-] 0263-4937
Watching Clone: Brazilian soap operas and muslimness in Kyrgyzstan 2012 Material religion 8 (3): 374-97
  • Julie Mcbrien
H6/KFO [MATERIAL-] 1743-2200
Lactase persistence in Central Asia: phenotype, genotype, and evolution 2011 Human biology 83 (3): 379-92
  • Evelyne Heyer
  • Frédéric Austerliz
  • Laure Ségurel
  • Lionel Brazier
  • Tatiana Hegay
H6/HB [HUMAN-] 0018-7143
'Kyz ala kachuu' and Kyrgyzian adat: non-consensual bride kidnapping and tradition in Kyrgyzstan 2011 Etnograficheskoe obozrenie 3 (): 89-104
  • Lilly Salimjanova
  • Russel Kleinbach
A treasury of remarkable images 2011 Asian textiles (49): 23-6
  • Nick Fielding
From the history or researching the Pamir: three expeditions by Count A.A. Bobrinskiĭ 2011 Etnograficheskoe obozrenie 2 (): 27-43
  • Viktor Petrovich Terekhov
The Kyrgyz of Naryn in the early Soviet perid: a study examining settlement, collectivisation and dekulakisation on the basis of oral evidence 2011 Inner Asia 13 (2): 279-96
  • Yuri Boyanin
H6/KW [INNER-] 1464-8172
Film making: the Powell-Cotton Oukwanyama Film Archive and contemporary local responses 2011 Journal of museum ethnography (24): 41-57
  • Catherine Moore
*H6 [JOURNAL-] 0954-7169
A 'making point of view': deep knowledge from local practice, with special reference to felt-makers in Kyrgyzstan 2011 Journal of museum ethnography (24): 23-40
  • Stephanie Bunn
*H6 [JOURNAL-] 0954-7169
Afghan genetic mysteries 2011 Human biology 83 (6): 735-46
  • Bernard Dupaigne
H6/HB [HUMAN-] 0018-7143
Disjuncture 2.0: youth, internet use and cultural identity in Bishek 2010 Central Asian survey 29 (4): 521-35
  • Hans Ibold
*H6/KW [CENTRAL-] 0263-4937
What's in a name? The personal and political meanings of 'LGBT' for non-heterosexual and transgender youth in Kyrgyzstan 2010 Central Asian survey 29 (4): 485-99
  • Anna Kirey
  • Cai Wilkinson
*H6/KW [CENTRAL-] 0263-4937
'Urbanizing' Bishek: interrelations of boundaries, migration, group size and opportunity structure 2010 Central Asian survey 29 (4): 453-67
  • Phillip Schröder
*H6/KW [CENTRAL-] 0263-4937
Embracing globalization: university erxperiences among youth in contemporary Kyrgyzstan 2010 Central Asian survey 29 (4): 421-34
  • Alan J. DeYoung
*H6/KW [CENTRAL-] 0263-4937