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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Phonological domains in Blackfoot: structures shared with Algonquian and the misbehavior of preverbs 2023 Papers of the Algonquian conference (52): 337-59
  • Natalie Weber
H6/KUB [ALGONQUIAN-] 0031-5671
Blackfeet stories of "marriage" and "death": untangling settler-colonial conceptions of Blackfeet identity 2023 Journal of northwest anthropology 57 (2): 132-41
  • Dianne F. Baumann
H6/KUB [NORTHWEST-] 1538-2834
Recent zooarchaeological investigations at the Boarding School site (24GL302), Glacier County, Montana 2022 Plains anthropologist 67 (262): 119-48
  • Brandi Bethke
H6/KUB [PLAINS-] 0032-0447
Changing patterns of stylistic diversity in Blackfoot biographic art across the nineteenth century 2021 Plains anthropologist 66 (259): 242-66
  • James D. Keyser
  • Stephen J. Lycett
H6/KUB [PLAINS-] 0032-0447
Oral tradition as emplacement: ancestral Blackfoot memories of the Rocky Mountain front 2021 Journal of social archaeology 21 (3): 306-28
  • Evelyn Pickering
  • François Lanoë
  • Maria-Nieves Zedeño
H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 1469-6053
Awakening buffalo consciousness: lessons, theory, and practice from the Buffalo Treaty 2021 Wicazo Sa review 36 (1): 5-29
  • Daniel Voth
  • Gina Starblanket
  • Leroy Little Bear
  • Ryan Crosschild
  • Tasha Hubbard
*H6/KUB [WICAZO-] 0749-6427
Set in stone: re-examining stone feature distribution and forms on the northern plains 2020 Plains anthropologist 65 (255): 175-202
  • Jeremy J. Leyden
  • Lindsay Amundsen-Meyer
H6/KUB [PLAINS-] 0032-0447
McKean in the northern Rocky Mountain Front: economic landscape and ethnogenesis 2020 Plains anthropologist 65 (255): 227-48
  • Blackfeet THPO
  • Anna M. Jansson
  • Danielle R. Soza
  • François B. Lanoë
  • M. Nieves Zedeño
H6/KUB [PLAINS-] 0032-0447
Blackfoot pitch contour: an instrumental investigation 2020 Papers of the Algonquian conference 49 (): 149-66
  • Mizuki Miyashita
  • Natalie Weber
H6/KUB [ALGONQUIAN-] 0031-5671
Pitch and intensity of lexical accent in Blackfoot 2019 Papers of the Algonquian conference 48 (): 173-89
  • Mizuki Miyashita
H6/KUB [ALGONQUIAN-] 0031-5671
A quilled and beaded picture frame 2019 Whispering wind 47 (1): 21-3
  • Richard Green
*H6/KUB [WHISPERING-] 0300-6565
Pitch and intensity of lexical accent in Blackfoot 2019 Papers of the Algonquian conference 48 (): 173-89
  • Mizuki Miyashima
H6/KUB [ALGONQUIAN-] 0031-5671
Blackfoot artists on the Kevin Rim, Montana 2019 American Indian rock art 45 (): 21-38
  • James D. Keyser
  • Stephen J. Lycett
Eagle Creek canyon horses: a typology of calling card rock art sites 2019 American Indian rock art 45 (): 39-62
  • David L. Minick
  • James D. Keyser
Blackfoot: Siksika photographs from Canada 2018 Whispering wind 46 (3): 32-5
  • Allen Chronister
*H6/KUB [WHISPERING-] 0300-6565
Pseudo-incorporarion in Blackfoot 2018 International journal of American linguistics 84 (4): 441-70
  • Heather Bliss
H6/KK [INTERNATIONAL-] 0020-7071
Root syntax: evidence form Algonquian 2018 Papers of the Algonquian conference 47 (): 57-81
  • Natalie Weber
  • Rose-Marie Déchaine
H6/KUB [ALGONQUIAN-] 0031-5671
Blackfoot and core Algonquian inflectional morphology: archaisms and innovations 2018 Papers of the Algonquian conference 47 (): 83-106
  • Ives Goddard
H6/KUB [ALGONQUIAN-] 0031-5671
The role of final morphemes in Blackfoot: marking aspect of sentences? 2018 Papers of the Algonquian conference 47 (): 147-63
  • Kyumin Kim
H6/KUB [ALGONQUIAN-] 0031-5671
Vowel-consonant coalescence in Blackfoot 2018 Papers of the Algonquian conference 47 (): 217-36
  • Mizuki Miyashita
H6/KUB [ALGONQUIAN-] 0031-5671
Blackfoot sibling terms: representing culturally specific meanings in a Blackfoot-English bilingual dictionary 2018 Papers of the Algonquian conference 47 (): 237-52
  • Inge Genee
  • Madoka Mizumoto
H6/KUB [ALGONQUIAN-] 0031-5671
A horse is a horse - and they really can tell us things 2017 American Indian rock art 43 (): 11-28
  • James D. Keyser
  • Stephanie L. Renfro
The semantics of Blackfoot arguments 2017 Papers of the Algonquian conference 45 (): 213-32
  • Lisa Matthewson
  • Natalie Weber
H6/KUB [ALGONQUIAN-] 0031-5671
Animacy and transitivity alternations in Blackfoot 2017 Papers of the Algonquian conference 46 (): 123-40
  • Kyumin Kim
H6/KUB [ALGONQUIAN-] 0031-5671
Art as the road to perfection: the Blackfoot painted tipi 2017 Cambridge archaeological journal 27 (4): 631-42
  • María Nieves Zedeño
H6/KE [CAMBRIDGE-] 0959-7743
The archaeology of pastoralist landscapes in the northwestern plains 2017 American antiquity 82 (4): 798-815
  • Brandi Bathke
*H6/KE [AMERICAN-] 0002-7316
A multivariate and phylogenetic analysis of Blackfoot biographic art: another look at the Deadmond robe 2017 Plains anthropologist 62 (243): 201-18
  • Stephen J. Lycett
H6/KUB [PLAINS-] 0032-0447
Les écritures des missions de l'Ouest canadien 2017 Anthropos (St Augustin) 112 (2): 401-27
  • Pierre Déléage
H6 [ANTHROPOS-] 0257-9774
A 1909 collection of Blackfoot Indian string figures and tricks from the Haddon string figure manuscripts at Cambridge, File 5141 2017 Bulletin of the International String Figure Association 24 (): 93-115
  • Mark Sherman
H6/KFY [BULLETIN-] 1076-7886
Co-authoring relationships. Blackfoot collections, UK museums, and collaborative practice 2016-17 Collaborative anthropologies 9 (1-2): 117-48
  • Alison K. Brown
H6 [COLLABORATIVE-] 1943-2550
Storied landscapes: enlivening Blackfoot collections in UK museums 2016 Journal of museum ethnography (29): 29-52
  • Alison K. Brown
  • Anita Herle
  • Tony Eccles
*H6 [JOURNAL-] 0954-7169
Blackfoot nominalization patterns 2016 Papers of the Algonquian conference 44 (): 1-21
  • Elizabeth Ritter
  • Heather Bliss
  • Martina Wiltschko
H6/KUB [ALGONQUIAN-] 0031-5671
Accent and prosody in Blackfoot verbs 2016 Papers of the Algonquian conference 44 (): 348-69
  • Natalie Weber
H6/KUB [ALGONQUIAN-] 0031-5671
Bird-Sings-Different: the beadwork of Emma Last Star 2016 Whispering wind 45 (1): 6-8
  • Richard Green
*H6/KUB [WHISPERING-] 0300-6565
An analysis of the history of aboriginal peoples in the Beaver Hills, Alberta, Canada 2016 Canadian journal of native studies 36 (2): 149-66
  • Glynnis A. Hood
  • Samantha D. Matters
*H6/KUB [CANADIAN-] 0715-3244
Creating a spatial dialogue: A'kee Piskun and attachment to place in the northwestern plains 2015 Plains anthropologist 60 (234): 124-49
  • Lindsay M. Amundsen-Meyer
H6/KUB [PLAINS-] 0032-0447
Relationships between indigenous American peoples and wolves 1: wolves as teachers and guides 2015 Journal of ethnobiology 35 (23): 262-85
  • Brandy R. Fogg
  • Nimachia Howe
  • Raymond Pierotti
*H6 [JOURNAL-] 0278-0771
Blackfeet beadwork artist: Jackie Larson Bread 2015 First American art magazine 8 (): 62-7
  • Jean Merz-Edwards
H6/KUB [FIRST-] 2333-5548
A pair of Blackfoot leggings 2015 Whispering wind 44 (1): 14-17
  • Richard Green
*H6/KUB [WHISPERING-] 0300-6565
The right to possess memory: winter counts of the Blackfoot, 1830-1937 2014 Ethnohistory 61 (1): 99-122
  • Blanca Tovías
H6/KUB [ETHNOHISTORY-] 0014-1801
Landscape engineering and organizational complexity among late prehistoric bison hunters of the Northwestern Plains 2014 Current anthropology 55 (1): 23-58
  • Jesse A. M. Ballenger
  • John R. Murray
  • Maria Nieves Zedeño
H6 [CURRENT-] 0011-3204
Worldviews and human-animal relations: critical perspectives on bison-human relations among the Euro-Canadians and Blackfoot 2014 Critique of anthropology 34 (1): 94-112
  • Gerald A. Oetelaar
H6 [CRITIQUE-] 0308-275X
A comment on Zedeño et al. 2014 Current anthropology 55 (6): 813
  • Alice B. Kehoe
H6 [CURRENT-] 0011-3204
Diplomacy and contestation before and after the 1870 massacre of Amskapi Pikuni 2013 Ethnohistory 60 (2): 269-93
  • Blanca Tovías
H6/KUB [ETHNOHISTORY-] 0014-1801
The making of a Blackfoot exhibition at the Zeeuws museum 2013 Journal of museum ethnography (26): 89-106
  • Caroline Van Santen
*H6 [JOURNAL-] 0954-7169
The dragonfly shield at Writing-on-Stone 2013 Whispering wind 41 (6): 10-13
  • James D. Keyser
*H6/KUB [WHISPERING-] 0300-6565
Joking relations. Translated and introduced by Jane I. Guyer 2013 Hau 3 (2): 317-34
  • Marcel Mauss
Otters, water monsters, and yellow stars. A rare example of combined Blackfoot tent designs 2012 Anthropos (St Augustin) 107 (1): 173-9
  • Dagmar Siebelt
H6 [ANTHROPOS-] 0257-9774
"On the ninth day we took their horses:" Blackfeet horse riding scenes at Writing on Stone 2012 American Indian rock art 38 (): 35-52
  • George Poetschat
  • James D. Keyser
Five Blackfoot lullabies 2011 Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 155 (3): 276-93
  • Mizuki Miyashita
H6 [AMERICAN-] 0003-49X