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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Rethinking the Huatabampo archaeological tradition of northwest Mexico 2023 Kiva 89 (4): 548-74
  • Alejandra Abrego-Rivas
  • Daniela Rodríguez-Obregón
  • Guadalupe Sánchez
  • Hugo García Ferrusca
  • John Carpenter
*H6/KE [KIVA-] 2051-6177
Recovering the memory of Yaqui women: a view of solidarity, collectivity and agency 2023 Alteridades (65): 9-19
  • Edna Lucía García Rivera
H6/KF [ALTERIDADES-] 0188-7017
Transnational exchange of Yaqui 2023 Bulletin of the National Museum of Ethnology (Osaka) 47 (4): 515-80
  • Mao Fukuma
H6 [OSAKA-] 0385-180X
La arqueología cahíta: Yoreme y Yoeme 2023 Arqueología mexicana 30 (181): 24-8
  • Guadalupe Sánchez
  • John Carpenter
*H6/KUL [ARQUEOLOGIA-] 0188-8218
Centros ceremoniales monteses en el norte de Sinaloa: arqueología y etnohistoria 2023 Arqueología mexicana 30 (181): 29-33
  • Luis Alfonso Grave Tirado
*H6/KUL [ARQUEOLOGIA-] 0188-8218
"Nuestros pequeños raspadores floridos": los raspadores musicales dentados y la materialización del Seaániau (mundo flor) yoeme 2023 Arqueología mexicana 30 (181): 34-42
  • Michael D. Mathiowetz
*H6/KUL [ARQUEOLOGIA-] 0188-8218
Los yoemem y los yoremem. Historias profundas de territorio e identidad 2023 Arqueología mexicana 30 (181): 43-5
  • Cynthia Radding
*H6/KUL [ARQUEOLOGIA-] 0188-8218
El camino sagrado del sol: el pajko y los ejércitos rituales en el Río Mayo 2023 Arqueología mexicana 30 (181): 54-60
  • Fidel Camacho
*H6/KUL [ARQUEOLOGIA-] 0188-8218
La doble imagen de San Juan Bautista entre los yaquis de Sonora 2023 Arqueología mexicana 30 (181): 65-9
  • Diego Ballesteros Rosales
*H6/KUL [ARQUEOLOGIA-] 0188-8218
Transitivity and split argument coding in Yaqui 2022 International journal of American linguistics 88 (4): 535-71
  • Lilián Guerrero
H6/KK [INTERNATIONAL-] 0020-7071
Assembling ‘enduring peoples,' mediating recognition: anthropology, the Pascua Yaqui Indians, and the co-construction of ideas and politics 2022 History and anthropology 33 (4): 452-71
  • Nicholas Barron
H6 [HISTORY-] 1477-2612
Transmigrate between planes of existence. Disnesting the Mythologiques from Northwest Mexico 2022 Revista de antropología (São Paulo) 65 (1): 1-28
  • Alejandro Fujigaki
H6/KUL [REVISTA-] 0034-7701
Mario Martinez: Pascua Yaqui painter 2021 First American art magazine Spring (30): 60-5
  • RoseMary Diaz
H6/KUB [FIRST-] 2333-5548
Sonora Yaqui 2021 International journal of American linguistics 87 (S1): S131-S148
  • Adelina Valencia
  • Lilián Guerrero
H6/KK [INTERNATIONAL-] 0020-7071
Hiaki 2021 International journal of American linguistics 87 (S1): S125-S130
  • Heidi Harley
  • Maria Leyva
  • Meg Anna Harvey
  • Santos Leyva
H6/KK [INTERNATIONAL-] 0020-7071
From oblivion to conflict: the case of a Yaqui mask in Sweden 2021 Bulletin de la Société suisse des Américanistes (81): 59-71
  • Adriana Muñoz
Yoemem cargo systems 2020 Anales de antropología 54 (2): 45-58
  • Parastoo Anita Mesri Hashemi-Dilmaghani
H6/KUL [ANALES-] 0185-1225
Ghosting indigenous cultures: Yaquis' near absence in literature of the Mexican revolution 2019 Journal of the Southwest 61 (4): 788-820
  • Carmen Serrano
H6/KUB [JOURNAL-] 0894-8410
Making ways: historical insights into accommodation and resiliency 2019 Kiva 85 (2): 115-16
  • Deni J. Seymour
*H6/KE [KIVA-] 0023-1940
Finding resilience in Hiaki ritual knowledge: an interpretation of Waehma 2019 Kiva 85 (2): 117-33
  • Eduardo Obregón Pagán
*H6/KE [KIVA-] 0023-1940
Discourse coherence in narratives and conversations: a case study in Yaqui (Uto-Aztecan) 2019 Anthropological linguistics 61 (2): 250-309
  • Albert Álvarez González
Las máscaras chapayecas 2018 Artes de México (New Series) (128): 19-25
  • María Palomar
  • Marianna Keisalo
The life and times of Philipp Anton Segesser, S.J. 2018 Journal of the Southwest 60 (1): 115-252
  • Heiko Schmuck
*H6/KUB [JOURNAL-] 0894-8410
Setting things right: the massacre in the Sierra Mazatán and indigenous archaeology in Sonora, Mexico 2017 Anales de arqueología y etnología 72 (1-2): 51-66
  • Randall H. McGuire
H6/KUL [MENDOZA. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Instituto de Etnografia Americana. Anales] 0325-0288
"Lo que queremos es que salgan los blancos y las tropas". Yaquis y mexicanos en tiempos de revolución (1910-1920) 2017 Historia mexicana 66 (4): 1863-921
  • Nicolás Cárdenas García
H6/KUL [HISTORIA-] 0185-0172
On purpose and causal adverbial clauses in Yaqui 2017 International journal of American linguistics 83 (4): 679-718
  • Lilián Guerrero
H6/KK [INTERNATIONAL-] 0020-7071
A semiotics of comedy: moving figures and shifting grounds of Chapayeka ritual clown performance 2016 Hau 6 (2): 101-21
  • Marianna Keisalo
El encantamiento del hombre venado 2015 Artes de México (New Series) (117): 22-9
  • Enriqueta Lerma Rodríguez
The divided Yoeme (Yaqui) people 2015 Wicazo Sa review 30 (2): 5-27
  • Christina Leza
*H6/KUB [WICAZO-] 0749-6427
Cuando el venado se levanto con la aurora 2015 Artes de México (New Series) (117): 12-21
  • Fidel Camacho Ibarra
Ethnic militias and insurgency in the Arizpe intendancy 2014 Journal of the Southwest 56 (1): 53-81
  • José Marcos Medina Bustos
*H6/KUB [JOURNAL-] 0894-8410
Hiaki (Yaqui) reduplication redux: morphological and prosodic targets in syllabic reduplication 2014 International journal of American linguistics 80 (4): 507-32
  • Jason D. Haugen
H6/KK [INTERNATIONAL-] 0020-7071
Cosmologies of comedic power: a little invention goes a long way 2014 Suomen antropologi 39 (4): 60-4
  • Marianna Keisalo
H6 [SUOMEN-] 0355-3930
Two forms of the outside: Castaneda, Blanchot, ontology 2013 Hau 3 (3): 309-35
  • Casper Brunn Jensen
On the pedagogical strengths of teaching controversy 2012 Teaching anthropology 2 (1): 6-13
  • Gavin Weston
Cosmic clowns: convention, invention, and inversion in the Yaqui Easter ritual 2011 Suomen antropologi 36 (3): 55-9
  • Marianna Keisalo-Galván
H6 [SUOMEN-] 0355-3930
Image and social imaginaries. The Yaqui Indians in Hoy magazine, 1939 2009 Anales del Instituto de Investigaciones Estéticas (94): 93-126, 191-2
  • Deborah Dorotinsky Alperstein
H6/KFY [MEXICO-] 0185-1276
Form and meaning in Hiaki (Yaqui) verbal reduplication 2009 International journal of American linguistics 75 (2): 233-72
  • Heidi Harley
  • Maria Florez Leyva
H6/KK [INTERNATIONAL-] 0020-7071
Towards a new interpretation of the colonial regime in Sonora, 1681-1821 2008 Journal of the Southwest 50 (4): 377-413
  • Ignacio Almada Bay
  • José Marcos Medina Bustos
  • María del Valle Borrero Silva
*H6/KUB [JOURNAL-] 0894-8410
"Where are you from?": the problem of identity for the 'Native' anthropologist 2007 Arizona anthropologist 18 (): 95-9
  • Christina Leza
Sones del alma. La música de la gente de Sonora, patrimonio cultural vivo 2007 Antropología (Mexico) 80 (): 29-39
  • Alejandro Aguilar Zeleny
Hunting for history in Potam Pueblo: a Yoeme (Yaqui) Indian deer dancing epistemology 2007 Folklore 118 (3): 282-306
  • David Delgado Shorter
H6/KF [FOLKLORE-] 0015-587X
Yoeme Pascola masks from the Tucson communities: a look back 2007 American Indian art magazine 32 (3): 50-61, 106
  • Thomas M. Kolaz
*H6/KUB [AMERICAN-] 0192-9968
Los contextos simbólicos y sociales de la música indígena de noroeste de México 2005 Antropología (Mexico) 77 (): 25-30
  • Víctor Acevedo Martínez
Review article 2005 Alteridades 15 (30): 129-32
  • Andrés Oseguera
H6/KF [ALTERIDADES-] 0188-7017
Economic analysis of energy-efficiency measures: tribal case studies with the Yurok tribe, the Confederated Salish and Kootenai tribes of the Flathead reservation, and the Pascua Yaqui tribe 2005 American Indian culture and research journal 29 (1): 79-96
  • Amanda S. Ormond
  • David R. Laroche
  • Dean H. Smith
  • John D. Eastwood
  • Robert P. Slack
  • Thomas L. Acker
  • William M. Auberle
H6/KUB [AMERICAN-] 0161-6463
From mythical violence to 'flower world': transformations during Holy Week in north Mexico 2004 Journal de la Société des Américanistes 90 (1): 57-91
  • Arturo Gutiérrez
  • Carlo Bonfiglioli
  • Maria Eugenia Olavarría
H6/KUB [SOCIETE-] 0037-9174
The Yaqui rebellion of 1740: prelude to Jesuit expulsion from New Spain 2004 Memoria americana: cuadernos de etnohistoria 12 (): 197-219
  • Evelyn Hu-Dehart
H6/KUL [MEMORIA-] 0327-5752
La tribu urbana: yaquis de Hermosillo 2003 Noroeste de México (14): 135-44
  • Alejandro Aguilar Zeleny
  • Geraldo Conde Guerrero
  • Roberto Ramírez
  • Rodrigo Rentería
Moving stories: displacement and return in the narrative production of Yaqui identity 2003 Anthropology and humanism 28 (2): 139-54
  • Kirstin Erickson
H6 'ANTHROPOLOGY-' 0193-5615